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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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"Ridely is a trophy". Sakurai: You mad gamers?

Well only the west would be really mad if he did that. Ridley isn't too big in Japan, Metroid itself isn't too big in Japan actually. But he does know how popular Ridley is here so I think this is the possible hint to a reveal.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Well only the west would be really mad if he did that. Ridley isn't too big in Japan, Metroid itself isn't too big in Japan actually. But he does know how popular Ridley is here so I think this is the possible hint to a reveal.

The Japanese have no taste in games.

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I kinda agree on that. In terms of characters, anyway. They don't like Ike because he's muscley and stuff? That's just dumb, because one, he's not even all that muscley in PoR, and two, there's more to Ike than just his strength. xP

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Any game that doesn't have a little kawaii mascot and a band of cute and/or attractive characters is doomed to fail in Japan. Metroid, a game where everything in it is as ugly as sin, has no chance of being recognized there.

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Any game that doesn't have a little kawaii mascot and a band of cute and/or attractive characters is doomed to fail in Japan. Metroid, a game where everything in it is as ugly as sin, has no chance of being recognized there.

Shin Megami Tensei heavily disagrees with this statement. As does almost every single mecha game in existence there, quite a few others I could name as well. You are generalizing and that is one of my absolute pet peeves. You can't possibly know what every single person in Japan likes, nor have you even been there.

Btw Samus is pretty attractive so your own logic falls over ontop of you.

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Sorry, I am aware that there are many exceptions, but things with cute characters still do tend to do very well over there, just like how things with guns tend to do very well over here. I was a little extreme in my statement, but I still stand by it partially. As for your Samus argument, that would make more sense if you actually got to see her attractive form for more than a minute each game. (Except for Other M, but for other obvious reasons, it didn't do well.)

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Skyward Sword Zelda was cute and kawaii but it bombed in Japan too. :P

Ironically, Other M was made to be biased towards the Japanese interests, yet it still flopped. :P

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*Ridley is a boss for the 2nd time*

*Ridley is a secret playable boss like Master Hand in Melee*

"Ridely is a trophy". Sakurai: You mad gamers?

Oh, please!

*Ridley doesn't appear at all in the game, and a month after release, hackers discover scrapped data of a playable Ridley in the game*

Now THAT would make the fanbase go berserk!

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By Zelda standards, it definitely wasn't.

How so? I have yet to meet a single person that really disliked the game. Every Zelda player I've found has said they liked it.

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How so? I have yet to meet a single person that really disliked the game. Every Zelda player I've found has said they liked it.

You know one now. Skyward Sword was one of the most disappointing games I've ever played.

And I think you need to start going to talkbacks from several sites, because reviews on SS are quite polarized. A lot of people didn't like the artwork. Others disliked the motion controls. Others disliked the lack of Ganon. Fi is one of the most hated characters in the whole series. SS definitely has plenty of things that bring it down. It's not a BAD game, but it's not everyone's cup of tea and I think it's understandable why.

And as Acacia Sgt said, sales were really underwhelming, a lot lower of what Nintendo expected. It was a Holiday release, it had a controller bundle, and it was out with virtually very little competition, but even then it didn't manage to do any impressive numbers, ranking among the lowest-selling console Zeldas, with even some of the handheld Zeldas selling better.

Of course, I'm not saying you can't like the game or appreciate it for what it is, but that doesn't make the game a "huge success" by any stretch of the imagination.

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How so? I have yet to meet a single person that really disliked the game. Every Zelda player I've found has said they liked it.

for one, the sales sucked

Any game that doesn't have a little kawaii mascot and a band of cute and/or attractive characters is doomed to fail in Japan. Metroid, a game where everything in it is as ugly as sin, has no chance of being recognized there.

dat salt

Metroid sucks here now anyway, thanks Other M!

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I've seen mixed opinions everywhere on SS, some absolutely love it, many absolutely hate it. I personally love the game, although I can understand why others may hate it. I can see how anyone who's favourite Zelda has an Ocarina in it may hate it.

I don't see how Other M was to appeal to Japanese at all, I don't think anyone likes long boring monologues that make no sense, and the Ridley baby was certainly not kawaii at all.

Edited by Knight
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Luigi: Right back atcha, punk!

I love Luigi. x3

No, that's the Kirby anime, silly.

Well only the west would be really mad if he did that. Ridley isn't too big in Japan, Metroid itself isn't too big in Japan actually. But he does know how popular Ridley is here so I think this is the possible hint to a reveal.

Japan* so chump. That's right, I said it.

Shin Megami Tensei heavily disagrees with this statement.

Jack Frost says hi.

Skyward Sword Zelda was cute and kawaii but it bombed in Japan too. :P

Ironically, Other M was made to be biased towards the Japanese interests, yet it still flopped. :P

That's because Japan* hates console games on account of being so chump.

*I may not actually hate Japan

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I don't know how reliable VGChartz is, but according to them, Skyward Sword is in second-to-last place in terms of console-game sales, only above Majora's Mask. Or third-to-last if you count Four Swords Adventure.

It's also in front of the Minish Cap and Spirit Tracks.

Skyward Sword is a great game. But it sales weren't where it could have been considering the wiis install base.

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VGChartz is actually so unreliable that it's not too far off to say that you'd get more reliable results by pulling numbers out of your ass.

So probably not the best source to use all in all.

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The Skyward Sword numbers are accurate, though. Pretty sure those were revealed by Nintendo themselves in one of their investor meetings.

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A lot of people didn't like the artwork. Others disliked the motion controls. Others disliked the lack of Ganon. Fi is one of the most hated characters in the whole series. SS definitely has plenty of things that bring it down. It's not a BAD game, but it's not everyone's cup of tea and I think it's understandable why.

Funny, I love ALL the things you mentioned there. I thought the artwork was amazing, the motion controls were amazing, Fi was really cool (despite stating the obvious a lot) and I'm glad as hell it doesn't have Ganondorf or Ganon. The only thing I can see anyone disliking about it is the linearity and I honestly prefer more linearity than openness because a more open game has a risk of being way too difficult to figure out. You're thrown into a world and told "have at it" with little to no clue where you should go. It always takes me FOREVER to figure out what to do unless I use a guide (I was forced to use one for most of Link's Awakening because it gives me little advice or few clues and this is the reason I still rank Minish Cap as my favorite handheld Zelda). But I didn't have that problem with Skyward Sword due to the linearity. It was still a tough game, but moreso because of some of the puzzles and enemies.

Edited by Anacybele
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