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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I imagine that's because they use the same axe animation for every axe he uses and just swap out the models. It's clear that the intended use of the weapon is to be as it's presented in the fmv. Sure Ike uses the two handed Ragnell with one handed but it's a different situation with Urvan. All the weight is at the very head of the axe where's Ragnell probably has equal weight all the way along. Using Urvan with one hand would definitely upset the balance. Of course that's all unimportant since I'm thinking more in terms of what would make an effective attack to compliment Ike's Smash Bros. moveset. He already has very good reach with Ragnell. A stronger but riskier attack would work better than an even longer attack that doesn't do much damage as a result.

Late/irrelevant to most things: in our world, the weight of swords is roughly at the hilt IIRC, though the weight of axes is indeed at the head. What exact bearing does this have on "jumps ten feet in the air like it ain't no thing" Ike or "fat at the end (?!?) and apparently magic" Ragnell, you may ask? I dunno lemme alone

RE Gameboy stage: cor

I quite enjoyed playing on the DS stage, personally (probably thanks to it having a basically standard layout to start with, admittedly). moreso than flatzone, in which I spent every moment terrified that I'd die at low percent, fun though that is in its own special way. Wonder what this stage has up its sleeve?

Edited by Rehab
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Late/irrelevant to most things: in our world, the weight of swords is roughly at the hilt IIRC, though the weight of axes is indeed at the head. What exact bearing does this have on "jumps ten feet in the air like it ain't no thing" Ike or "fat at the end (?!?) and apparently magic" Ragnell, you may ask? I dunno lemme alone

Equal weight all along was a bad way of putting it. Indeed the most weight would most likely be at the hilt in a sword like Ragnell and indeed Ike does hold it that way, letting the lighter end drop slightly. But the point I was trying to make is that the different in weight between the two ends of Urvan is much bigger than that of Ragnell. Ragnell has a large, thick looking blade all along the sword while Urvan is basically a huge brick on a pole. The weight of the blade to hilt is comparable in Ragnell but the weight of head to handle on Urvan is vastly unbalance meaning the best way to hold it would be as Greil did, with one hand close to the head and the other further down on the handle. Of course as you point out when one jumps ten feet in the air they can be depicted holding a weapon however what ever way they want.

Edited by Jotari
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I find it rather interesting that this topic got a title change based on one page and a couple hours of discussion, yet the 20 pages of Ike talk we've had never did anything.

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I find it rather interesting that this topic got a title change based on one page and a couple hours of discussion, yet the 20 pages of Ike talk we've had never did anything.

That's because the counter to all the talking about ike, isn't "more ike". Not even in the title. =p

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That's because the counter to all the talking about ike, isn't "more ike". Not even in the title. =p

What are you saying?

No, really, I have no clue what the above is supposed to mean.

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What are you saying?

No, really, I have no clue what the above is supposed to mean.

You were wondering why twenty pages of talking about Ike didn't result in the title changing to something Ike related.

My remark to that was a modification of "fighting fire with fire".

You don't end a discussion about Ike that has been twenty pages long by changing the title of the topic to something related to the discussion.

Does that clear it up?

Edited by Vicious Sal
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You were wondering why twenty pages of talking about Ike didn't result in the title changing to something Ike related.

My remark to that was a modification of "fighting fire with fire".

You don't end a discussion about Ike that has been twenty pages long by changing the title of the topic to something related to the discussion.

Does that clear it up?

Yes. At least, I see what you mean. Your logic, though, is bad, because we can clearly see from this title that a similar title relating to Ike would be something snarky and only vaguely related. After all, what does "Tingle Tea-party" have to do with Ghirahim or Sheik other than being from Zelda?
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I'm gonna laugh if Ike ends up being Palutena's worst matchup. He's the goddess slayer! XD

Technically, Ike'll need the power of the goddess's counterpart (like Yune) through a vessel (like Micaiah) in order to do so.

On another note: so many favoritism, Pit and Palutena. LE SIGHS :facepalm:

Edited by Quintessence
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Technically, Ike'll need the power of the goddess's counterpart (like Yune) through a vessel (like Micaiah) in order to do so.

On another note: so many favoritism, Pit and Palutena. LE SIGHS :facepalm:

And after the new dragoon-like item PotD this week from Kid Icarus.
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Yeah, I don't get the Tingle-related title either. Especially since a lot of people outside Japan hate him.

I just think he's creepy. Still kind of like him myself, though. /minority

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I find it rather interesting that this topic got a title change based on one page and a couple hours of discussion, yet the 20 pages of Ike talk we've had never did anything.

If you people were more interesting, I'd change it more! Also, I'm incredibly lazy.

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I request that the title be changed to "The Tingle Tea Time Thread" for added alliterative appeal. Maybe add a hyphen between Tea and Time if one would go there.

To be on topic: I don't mind the Pit and Palutena favoritism, to be honest. So it's a good week for them, whatever.

Edited by Konnor97
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That's a nice compilation. It'll be nice to see a bit more (at least one or two things) of DK, Samus, Yoshi, Fox, Falcon, Ness, among others.

I count like 20 new additions from Kid Icarus, people have been referencing this since before, but there's pretty much huge evidence about Sakurai's open bias. While it's natural (and understandable) to manifest such favoritism, Sakurai's not doing it in the most prudent way.

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I never felt like there was too much Kirby bias. Sure, there's been a good amount of Kirby content, but I feel like it's a big enough series to deserve what it's gotten for the most part.

Kid Icarus isn't.

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