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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Okay to be fair, I don't really actually know that much about the leak in question, it's just my policy to disbelieve all leaks for this game.

I thought the conversation was on the leaked text roster by the supposed ESRB former employee or whatever (which was complete nonsense), but I didn't realize there was a video or whatever associated with it.

Just for the sake of avoiding spoilers if it does happen to be accurate, though, I'm gonna decline to view it and discuss it any further; I remain skeptical, though. Take that as you will.

Edited by BANRYU
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I remember people(myself included) said "there's no way you could guess Wii Fit Trainer" with the Gematsu leak. Then Chrom was deconfirmed.

To be fair, Chrom could've easily just been a misconception by Gematsu's source. Chrom shows up in screenshots during Robin's Final Smash and all, so it could've easily been taken that he was playable while Robin was the one being part of a Final Smash.

But the leak also listing the Chorus Men as well as X/Y Pokemon rather than Greninja and not saying anything at all about Rosalina does make me think that Gematsu just got really lucky.

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So... This is the leak in question, right? The blog I saw it on pointed out a lot of things to doubt about it right off the bat.

Most fakes are either one or two screenshots and maybe some really bad photoshopped video editing. These ones are too good to be fakes.

I disagree. Being a good fake doesn't make it not fake (assuming, of course, that I have the right leak).

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Ugh, fuck. I was sure it was fake, but that video really does it for me. I've actually warmed up to the idea of Duck Hunt, but Bowser Jr.? That's the most questionable choice in the roster by far.

Also, the DLC list the one leaker posted is fake. He admitted it himself.

Man, there's so much weird stuff going around. So many inconsistencies, but that video looks way too real to have been faked.

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I disagree. Being a good fake doesn't make it not fake (assuming, of course, that I have the right leak).



ze videos on this channel

you don't have to watch if you'd rather avoid, of course

and you can remain skeptical if you want, as well

but it would take a lot of effort to fake these videos (the one linked and the others on the channel).

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Also, the DLC list the one leaker posted is fake. He admitted it himself.

No... that means... NO LUCAS.


At least it's just a leak though. An incredibly detailed, realistic leak. Ugh... if only Lucas was actually included in Melee like he was originally planned to! That definitely would've helped his chances (I think).

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If it's just been around for a few pics, then it still IS kinda new. And I still think Sakurai is putting too much KI stuff in this game and not enough of certain other franchises.

FE needs items and trophies.

DK needs a newcomer. If KI, a series with only three games, can have two reps, DK can have like four. It's a much bigger, more notable series.

Star Fox needs Falco/Wolf and probably some other stuff.

Earthbound/Mother needs just about everything.

And I'm talking about games I don't even play here, aside from FE (I have played one DK game, but it was really hard for me, and I heard that the more recent ones are really hard too).


I can no longer participate in this thread due to the leaks, at least until the game comes out, don't want to spoil the entire thing for myself. Goodbye!

Sept 13th is the day that I'm gone. Be back upon NA game release. ;)

It still astounds me how much people will buy into these leaks. I have no doubt that it'll be proven fake, just like the Gematsu leak, all in due time.

Late, but

It's not new. We've known about everything shown today since E3.


On the one hand, it DOES bother me that mechanics and ideas from other Nintendo games aren't being as strongly represented, (I'm still hoping for more puzzle-like boss battles a la Zelda and Metroid than the boring smack-it-till-it-dies Kirby bosses), but on the other hand, I guess you can only expect someone to go so far out of his area of expertise. Sakurai DOES have that habit of leaking shit from his recent games into the latest Smash Bros, but like Ulir says, as long as they're good ideas, what's the harm?

NOT ME LOL I'm with Knight on this one. Come September 13th I'll be going dark on most of the internet.


These leaks ARE legit. You can't just fake video evidence like that. If you still think all this is fake then you're obviously in denial.

Like they stole Pac Man's leak as his design looked exactly the same when Nintendo presented it, which erked me. If this leak really is true, the leakers would be guilty of theft and would likely get into alot of trouble with Nintendo. Getting fined big time.

Still should get fined from Nintendo for leaking out Pac Man before Nintendo presented him.

To be fair, Chrom could've easily just been a misconception by Gematsu's source. Chrom shows up in screenshots during Robin's Final Smash and all, so it could've easily been taken that he was playable while Robin was the one being part of a Final Smash.

But the leak also listing the Chorus Men as well as X/Y Pokemon rather than Greninja and not saying anything at all about Rosalina does make me think that Gematsu just got really lucky.

Let this be a reality. :D

Can't wait to play as Duck Hunt Dog.

Still not buying it.

Only will believe it when it is official from Nintendo on the Smash site. Plus the character select screen is supposed to have a white bg, not black and orange.

Edited by Bimbo
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If Ice Climbers are cut for real, the uproar might even be more than when Mewtwo was cut. Sakurai is gonna have a field day, and I'll be there to help give him what's coming.

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Aw, I didn't get to see the videos before they got taken down by NoA. Anyway, I guess I can't doubt the leaks now. I still haven't warmed up to the Duck Hunt Dog, but Bowser Jr. seems interesting.

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Aw, I didn't get to see the videos before they got taken down by NoA. Anyway, I guess I can't doubt the leaks now. I still haven't warmed up to the Duck Hunt Dog, but Bowser Jr. seems interesting.

I already downloaded all five videos but I'm not sure if I should upload it on a file upload site.

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I still think Wario has to get in. Bowser Jr. seems less important in comparison. Literally some veterans that are actually good may be taken out(not Ice Climbers). Also what happened to Ness? I hope chorus men don't get in so another veteran will

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I still think Wario has to get in. Bowser Jr. seems less important in comparison. Literally some veterans that are actually good may be taken out(not Ice Climbers). Also what happened to Ness? I hope chorus men don't get in so another veteran will

Both Wario and Ness were in the leaked roster. They're fine

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Well, the fact that those leaked videos were taken down by Nintendo dispels a lot of the doubts of those leaks being fake. What do you have to say about that Banryu? I mean, I honestly doubt Nintendo would take down fake leak videos.

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Aw, I didn't get to see the videos before they got taken down by NoA. Anyway, I guess I can't doubt the leaks now. I still haven't warmed up to the Duck Hunt Dog, but Bowser Jr. seems interesting.

Here are some gifs that were made from the vid:


Edited by L95
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Both Wario and Ness were in the leaked roster. They're fine

I would usually expect so, but some leaks are nothing but well fabricated lies. Maybe I just don't believe in non-official sources. Edited by WaluigiWeegee
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I already downloaded all five videos but I'm not sure if I should upload it on a file upload site.


Yup, Leak videos are no longer available due to copyright claims by NoA Inc.

They took down Wario in the 3DS shop too. I know now that Wario's existence is real. :3

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Well the real question would be Ness considering the release of Earthbound on the Wii U VC. But yeah I almost forgot about that 3DS shop leak what was I thinking. Still no Ice Climbers though. Also no Captain Falcon clone

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Hmm were there any videos with duck hunt dog? I didn't see him in any of the videos and obviously can't check again now. I still feel like that roster pic was false because G&W's hand is in wario's area, but hard to dispute bowser jr and shulk. Bowser jr. looks pretty hilarious though.

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Hmm were there any videos with duck hunt dog? I didn't see him in any of the videos and obviously can't check again now. I still feel like that roster pic was false because G&W's hand is in wario's area, but hard to dispute bowser jr and shulk. Bowser jr. looks pretty hilarious though.

As far as I'm aware, there was no footage showing DHD. And no, that's not MGAW's hand clipping into Wario's box. If you zoom in you can see it's Wario's jacket

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