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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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By the way, this should be the order in which you fight the characters in All Star mode:

- Mr. Game & Watch (G&W series, 1980)

- Pac-Man (Pac-Man, 1980)

- Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong, 1981)

- Mario (Donkey Kong, 1981)

- Luigi (Mario Bros., 1983)

- Duck Hunt (Duck Hunt, 1984)

- Little Mac (Punch Out, 1984)

- R.O.B. (ROB accessory, 1985)

- Bowser (Super Mario Bros., 1985)

- Peach (Super Mario Bros., 1985)

- Link (The Legend of Zelda, 1986)

- Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda, 1986)

- Zelda (The Legend of Zelda, 1986)

- Samus (Metroid, 1986)

- Pit (Kid Icarus, 1986)

- Palutena (Kid Icarus, 1986)

- Mega Man (Mega Man, 1987)

- Marth (Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light, 1990)

- Dr. Mario (Dr. Mario 1990)

- Yoshi (Super Mario World, 1990)

- Captain Falcon (F-Zero, 1990)

- Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog, 1991)

- Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland, 1992)

- King Dedede (Kirby's Dreamland, 1992)

- Wario (Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins, 1992)

- Fox (Star Fox, 1993)

- Falco (Star Fox, 1993)

- Meta Knight (Kirby's Adventure, 1993)

- Ness (Earthbound, 1994)

- Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong Country, 1994)

- Pikachu (Pokemon Blue, 1996)

- Charizard (Pokemon Blue, 1996)

- Jigglypuff (Pokemon Blue, 1996)

- Sheik (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, 1998)

- Villager (Animal Crossing, 2001)

- Pikmin & Olimar (Pikmin, 2001)

- Bowser Jr. (Super Mario Sunshine, 2002)

- Toon Link (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, 2002)

- Zero Suit Samus (Metroid: Zero Mission, 2003)

- Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, 2005)

- Lucario (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, 2007)

- Rosalina & Luma (Super Mario Galaxy, 2007)

- Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit, 2007)

- Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles, 2010)

- Dark Pit (Kid Icarus Uprising, 2012)

- Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening, 2012)

- Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening, 2012)

- Greninja (Pokemon X/Y, 2013)

Whew! That took a while. Feel free to make any corrections.

Edited by Jave
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I believe Ganondorf technically debuted in 1998 in Ocarina of Time, as before that he only appeared as Ganon the beast. Of course, they're the same character so I could see them just putting him with Link and Zelda.

Speaking of Ganondorf, anyone feeling a veteran this week? Lol, I usually keep my cool concerning pics of the day and don't expect anything in particular, but with the Japanese release so close I really want at least one more character reveal.

I will challenge you with my Jon Snow and Stannis mii. ph34r. I really am excited for Mii Fighter.

I also made Jon Snow. XD Dany, Cersei, and Arya are my other ones. OH MAN, I gotta make Oberyn too.

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Is Lucas guaranteed gone? I mean maybe he got pushed to unlockable like Ness did between Melee and Brawl

It's just speculation at this point. We can't really say until the full game is released in 11 days.

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So you don't like Dark Pit?

I mean, that's fine, but the amount of scapegoating he gets is unreal, and it isn't really fair.

If you dislike him, that's fine. But if you blame him for getting in over Alph/Daisy/Black Shadow/Impa/whoever, it isn't really fair.

I'm just tired of all the Dark Pit bashing I see on GameFAQs. Hopefully, you see how strongly I feel about this.

(I actually am sad that Dr. Mario got in instead of Alph, but since he at least gets to be an alt, I suppose I'll make do)

I would argue that it is completely fair. Pikmin deserves two reps, even with one as a clone, before Kid Icarus deserves three. Same goes for F-Zero. I'd sooner blame Dr. Mario for Daisy not making it, but same logic there.

I'd never blame Dark Pit for someone like Mewtwo or Ice Climbers not returning, but that doesn't mean his development time couldn't have been spent on a different clone newcomer. The case is much worse for Dark Pit considering he's part of an already well-repped series while multiple other series seem to be getting the shaft.

I haven't been paying attention to anything involving DK or Diddy Kong so I don't know if this is a thing already, but perhaps we could get Dixie Kong as an alt for Diddy?

Anyone who has played a single DKC game with Dixie knows that her being a Diddy clone/alt would make almost no sense.

It's just speculation at this point. We can't really say until the full game is released in 11 days.

Not even really then, to be honest, as the possibility of post-launch downloads is very real, whether free or paid. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Is Lucas guaranteed gone? I mean maybe he got pushed to unlockable like Ness did between Melee and Brawl

It seems most likely he was cut. We have no definitive evidence that the leaked roster is or isn't final, but even if it isn't, Ness is grouped with the single-character-series. That's not to say Lucas couldn't return as an alt costume and his specials at least could live on through custom moves for Ness. There's also the possiblity of DLC, either free or paid, though again we have no evidence either way of it happening.

Basically, it's not guaranteed 100%, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. Sorry.

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Given that Dark Pit appears to be using a staff instead of a bow, like Pit does, I can pretty much say it's very likely that Dark Pit will have weaker melee combat attacks, but his "Palutena Arrow" will be stronger (as well as any other ranged attacks). Given that he can also fly forever, unlike Pit, he might also be given a faster air speed and a slower fall speed than Pit. Beyond that though, I can't see any other differences though unless Sakurai gets creative.

I'm just hoping Dr. Mario has the Melee Tornado and he isn't shooting Pepto out of FLUDD. >_>

Regarding Lucas, if you subscribe to the chronological roster order theory, then Lucas is the only character that is guaranteed gone, with Wolf, ICs and Snake still having a chance.

If you aren't aware of that theory, then this is the theory in picture form.


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I guess I'm really late for the Shulk party, but I guess he seems cool, unique, and fun enough. Sorry I don't feel as psyched for Shulk as the Xenoblade fans do, but I'm not very knowledgeable of Xenoblade, and IMO Shulk doesn't have the "I have no idea who you are but you look insanely cool and you're 1st/2nd party so I support you for Smash Bros." vibe that I got from Takamaru or Dillon.

And as for the All Star mode update, that definitely is quite the change from Melee and Brawl. I hope All Star Mode's difficulty won't be too bad, especially considering they've removed the ability to continue in it this time around. I also have a strong feeling you unlock a character from completing All Star mode without a full roster...

Whew! That took a while. Feel free to make any corrections.

Well, I do have one. In Brawl, Sakurai counted Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 as Wario's debut and not Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins. I have a feeling he might do the same for SSB4.

Then again, it was by series in Brawl, and Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 was the Wario series' debut. They might count Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins as his character debut for All Star Mode purposes.

Regarding Lucas, if you subscribe to the chronological roster order theory, then Lucas is the only character that is guaranteed gone, with Wolf, ICs and Snake still having a chance.

If you aren't aware of that theory, then this is the theory in picture form.


Interesting theory, and one that I think has a good chance of holding true. It's really neat how they sorted out the roster's series' chronologically.

Though I'm quite sure that Snake is practically guaranteed to be gone. I mean, he would've been shown a long time ago if he was in to promote the game to MGS fans, and I don't see why Snake would be unlockable when the other guests are starters.

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Wow. I don't like you anymore. If there was a contest on bitchiness, you'd be first place.

I didn't express any signs of whining or complaining in my post. I simply said that I hold hope for Lucas. I even included the leak in my post saying Lucas coming back is extremely unlikely (implied, I said "leak being true is extremely likely"). Why can't I hold on to my hope without being criticized for it? What world do we live in?

The condiments are strong with this one. I think that's enough about Lucas, it's clear you're upset that he seems to be cut, but the drama we can do without!

I think Robin might end up with a few alternate designs, although I'd imagine they'd all use the same player model, I can't imagine them rigging Shota!Robin.

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Is Lucas guaranteed gone? I mean maybe he got pushed to unlockable like Ness did between Melee and Brawl

Nothing's guaranteed anything.

I used to really love the idea of Ridley, but now I'm actually kinda okay with him not being there. I can't think of anything he can bring to the table that Charizard and Bowser don't, it's almost very similar to what happened with Chrom in a sense.

The visual aid greatly helped me understand the sliding mechanic, thanks for that.

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Well, today's pic of the day confirms one of the things from that one leak, where it said each character gets eight different palettes. But does this also deconfirm Bowser Jr. having the Koopalings as alternates since Sakurai said "colors" rather than "costumes"? Or maybe he's purposely being vague to surprise us. I hope it's the latter, because I obviously still want Vanguard Ike and Mr. L Luigi, and the former COULD possibly require a slightly different model for Ike.

But then again, I would've said the same about Skyward Sword Link, so... :P

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Has anyone else considered my idea that the leaked roster is what we'll see in the base game, but that more characters will be added later? It would fit with Ragnell's above explanation (since they would want the CSS in the base game to look nice) and explain any other issues people have with the design and missing characters.

By the way, Ragnell, I could swear I saw that exact post at Smashboards, and your other text drop a few pages back also felt like a copy/paste from somewhere else. Not saying that's a problem, but are you writing things up and posting them on multiple forums?

It would make downright sense to do so since without a manual server, you cannot Brawl online in SSBB anymore. -.-

I agree as well. It seems like it would be a good time to put DLC in Smash, but I would have no issue with added characters through updates or SpotPass.

Sakurai clearly said long ago that he wouldn't be putting in any DLC.
Of course this has to be a fluke to throw off peerers.

So you don't like Dark Pit?

I mean, that's fine, but the amount of scapegoating he gets is unreal, and it isn't really fair.

If you dislike him, that's fine. But if you blame him for getting in over Alph/Daisy/Black Shadow/Impa/whoever, it isn't really fair.

I'm just tired of all the Dark Pit bashing I see on GameFAQs. Hopefully, you see how strongly I feel about this.

(I actually am sad that Dr. Mario got in instead of Alph, but since he at least gets to be an alt, I suppose I'll make do)

Why should we be tired of it?
Kid Icarus is getting over represented than even Mother/Earthbound. Which that series is alot more canon and better.

That too. I'm getting tired of it.

I WILL admit, however, that I'll find it stupid if Donkey Kong doesn't get at least three reps this time, because imo, Kid Icarus having three while DK has only two makes zero sense.

When it has alot more games and has been in business much more. -.-

I guarantee Diddy had been in less than 20 photos, counting the ones on his page, since his reveal.

However, I'm kind of glad DK is underrepped. Let the niche franchises have their day, and for Brawl, it was Mother/Star Fox's.

i cry myself to sleep over the lack of mother, pikmin, and kirby stuff

At one point they did talk about Brittney that wasn't going to be playable from Pikman. Only an asset.
Pikman doesn't get enough love for two reps...I suppose. -.-

Are people really that in denial about their main's cut? I mean, I played Lucas and Squirtle religiously, but I know how to move on with Shulk, Lucina, and Villager, among others.

Wow. I don't like you anymore. If there was a contest on bitchiness, you'd be first place.

I didn't express any signs of whining or complaining in my post. I simply said that I hold hope for Lucas. I even included the leak in my post saying Lucas coming back is extremely unlikely (implied, I said "leak being true is extremely likely"). Why can't I hold on to my hope without being criticized for it? What world do we live in?

Move on? Not today! You're heartless!

Do not tell me that you were not criticizing me.

"I still have hope for Lucas."

"You're in denial."

And don't bother replying to this, you're in my ignore list.

@Monado Boy
Lucas will make it. He has too. -.-
This is a little too extreme.

If you don't have anything positive to say, don't say it at all.

So many Alternative Costumes for the Villager and some palette swaps for Samus. POTD




That gives us more options to choose from character alts as well...
I also have some bad news.
The Smash for Wii-U is going to get further delayed until Feb next year. I guess this is to put the Ice Climbers in lol.
This also explains the reason on why that we are getting two versions of the game. Because of limitations with the system hardware.
It would make sense to make the DLC. This is the only way that we can put in characters later that couldn't made it in before. ...And Genesect being an asset is duh, because Pokemon already has 6 reps and that Jigglypuff has got the last spot. :D
...And bad Shin. Why are you siding with someone that is trying to punch us emotionally?!
Edited by PuffPuff
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Do people really feel I'm talking to them specifically?

Almost all of what I said applies to like, 70% of Smash fans.

Besides, no one's consolidating Ivysaur or Squirtle fans. No one even cares that "Charizard's coattail riders" are gone, and it isn't really fair.

Just like blaming Dark Pit for all of your problems. Using Dark Pit as a scapegoat will get you nowhere, and you might as well get over his addition, because I think I'm maining the Pits if they play as well as they look.

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...And bad Shin. Why are you siding with someone that is trying to punch us emotionally?!

I'd recommend using a little reading comprehension before posting, in this instance and in general. Carter's response was unpleasant and uncalled for, I dealt with it as such. This thread's about SSB4, not playground antics, I think people like yourself would do best to remember that!

I wouldn't trust the rumours of delays, whilst they're possible, the source isn't very credible... not everything on the internet is true!

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I'd recommend using a little reading comprehension before posting, in this instance and in general. Carter's response was unpleasant and uncalled for, I dealt with it as such. This thread's about SSB4, not playground antics, I think people like yourself would do best to remember that!

I wouldn't trust the rumours of delays, whilst they're possible, the source isn't very credible... not everything on the internet is true!

Ha ha ha....

Revenge...my friend. It still was uncalled for what he tried to do emotionally. He still shouldn't have said it at all. Should be thinking before doing/saying things, so that ye won't have a sorry future when nothing can be done to be repaired afterwards. *Giggling* Now to move on and prevent more conspiracy of this thread.

Why that he claims that...I don't know?! Sakurai's story is the only one that I/many will buy.

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Anyone who has played a single DKC game with Dixie knows that her being a Diddy clone/alt would make almost no sense.

Looking back, I was being kinda dumb suggesting those especially since I'm not too knowledgeable about DKC.

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OH MAN, I gotta make Oberyn too.

Remember to make one of Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane. The Oberyn vs. Mountain fight must be redone in Smash Bros (hopefully with a different outcome)!

Edit: While we're on the topic of Cleganes, I tried to make one of the Hound myself, but it's basically impossible to make the burn marks on his face out of Mii Parts.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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I like that Dark Samus is at least a costume, she wasn't a favourite of mine but I wouldn't mind if she was a character. If I had to choose between any "dark clones" I'd choose Dark Samus over Pit, since she isn't a literal clone and could have some sort of phazon effect to her moves. I'm not super upset about Dark Pit though either.

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By the way, this should be the order in which you fight the characters in All Star mode:

- Mr. Game & Watch (G&W series, 1980)

- Pac-Man (Pac-Man, 1980)

- Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong, 1981)

- Mario (Donkey Kong, 1981)

- Luigi (Mario Bros., 1983)

- Duck Hunt (Duck Hunt, 1984)

- Little Mac (Punch Out, 1984)

- R.O.B. (ROB accessory, 1985)

- Bowser (Super Mario Bros., 1985)

- Peach (Super Mario Bros., 1985)

- Link (The Legend of Zelda, 1986)

- Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda, 1986)

- Zelda (The Legend of Zelda, 1986)

- Samus (Metroid, 1987)

- Pit (Kid Icarus, 1987)

- Palutena (Kid Icarus, 1987)

- Mega Man (Mega Man, 1987)

- Marth (Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light, 1990)

- Dr. Mario (Dr. Mario 1990)

- Yoshi (Super Mario World, 1990)

- Captain Falcon (F-Zero, 1990)

- Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog, 1991)

- Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland, 1992)

- King Dedede (Kirby's Dreamland, 1992)

- Wario (Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins, 1992)

- Fox (Star Fox, 1993)

- Falco (Star Fox, 1993)

- Meta Knight (Kirby's Adventure, 1993)

- Ness (Earthbound, 1994)

- Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong Country, 1994)

- Pikachu (Pokemon Blue, 1996)

- Charizard (Pokemon Blue, 1996)

- Jigglypuff (Pokemon Blue, 1996)

- Sheik (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, 1998)

- Villager (Animal Crossing, 2001)

- Pikmin & Olimar (Pikmin, 2001)

- Bowser Jr. (Super Mario Sunshine, 2002)

- Toon Link (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, 2002)

- Zero Suit Samus (Metroid: Zero Mission, 2003)

- Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, 2005)

- Lucario (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, 2007)

- Rosalina & Luma (Super Mario Galaxy, 2007)

- Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit, 2007)

- Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles, 2010)

- Dark Pit (Kid Icarus Uprising, 2012)

- Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening, 2012)

- Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening, 2012)

- Greninja (Pokemon X/Y, 2013)

Whew! That took a while. Feel free to make any corrections.


Zero Suit Samus is actually pretty new (imo)! Well at least compared to a cast of 50+ characters. Though, don't know what others to be considered "new" but... yeah. Rosalina is too, but I should've known being that Galaxy was released a WHILE ago.

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Zero Suit Samus is actually pretty new (imo)! Well at least compared to a cast of 50+ characters. Though, don't know what others to be considered "new" but... yeah. Rosalina is too, but I should've known being that Galaxy was released a WHILE ago.


10/11 years ago.......I feel so old now.

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