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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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yeah but it ain't official

the RIP quality is good enough and the official club nintendo soundtrack selections kind of sucks.

Not a single Mother Song made it into the CDs not to mention Brawl songs were added in rather than keeping it consistent with new Smash 4 remixes and themes.

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To check the status of your CD, go to your Club Nintendo account and check "Account & Coins" and then "Order Inquires". Sometimes e-mails are sent late (or not at all).

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Weird. My Smash 4 CD shipped on Monday, March 2, and arrived Friday, March 6. It was shipped from Washington.

My Rosalina amiibo still hasn't arrived yet. And that was shipped Wednesday, February 28. That was from California. Uhh... WHERE ARE YOU ROSALINA?

But really, the CD isn't that amazing. It's got great quality, I do have to admit that. I just feel an extra thump compared to the YouTube uploaded ones. Official always feels great. But not having every song kind of sucks. I wish they'd put more.

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Carter... I hate to say this, but... If your Smash CD came from Washington and got to you in New Jersey that fast, I'm thinking your Rosalina has been lost in the mail. I've heard of this happening with other people's Amiibos too, and it's really a damn shame. People suspect that the mail employees are stealing them for themselves. It really sucks, because people are paying money only to have their stuff taken from them and that money spent for nothing.

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Carter... I hate to say this, but... If your Smash CD came from Washington and got to you in New Jersey that fast, I'm thinking your Rosalina has been lost in the mail. I've heard of this happening with other people's Amiibos too, and it's really a damn shame. People suspect that the mail employees are stealing them for themselves. It really sucks, because people are paying money only to have their stuff taken from them and that money spent for nothing.

if you're seeing this on reddit: it's probably bullshit

actually it's probably bullshit anyways

packages are not exactly labeled with "contains rosalina amiibo" even if there were mail employees who

a) cared about amiibos

b) were willing to steal them

c) were prepared to possibly lose their job (among other things) if they got caught

reddit especially has a really easy time latching onto shitty theories and running with them

Edited by Euklyd
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Well then, how do you explain more than one person getting reports from, say, Target that their Ike Amiibo shipments have been lost? And I think packages get scanned and checked somehow for bombs and shit. Otherwise, the postal system would be pretty unsafe.

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Well then, how do you explain more than one person getting reports from, say, Target that their Ike Amiibo shipments have been lost? And I think packages get scanned and checked somehow for bombs and shit. Otherwise, the postal system would be pretty unsafe.

I find multiple cases of human incompetence and/or bad records a far more plausible explanation than multiple people being

a) interested in amiibos, ike or otherwise, in the first place

b) unscrupulous enough to steal them

c) stupid enough to steal them and think they wouldn't get caught

d) somehow they didn't get caught anyways

e) and they're stupid enough to steal amiibos and not significantly more valuable items

far easier to think they're stupid enough (or simply careless/whatever) to lose items in the mail than all of the above stupidity

of course the malicious conspiracy explanation is far easier to feel angry about, and it is far more satisfying to blame "!!!evil thieves!!! >:(" than it is to blame people for not keeping track of shipped items and/or poor recordkeeping

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To add to what Euklyd said, it needs to be noted that stuff gets "lost in the mail" ALL THE TIME. It's just that with amiibo being a hot item right now, there are a lot of them going around in the mail so obviously the amount of lost amiibo will be relatively high.

This isn't that different of what usually happens in the mailing system, it's just that right now it's happening in a community we're part of with an item we actually care about, so people feel the need to put the blame on someone (even though I have yet to see any evidence of anyone flat out stealing an amiibo).

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I think it easier to feel angry at injustice than stupidity. After all, we've all done stupid things but most of us haven't done anything seriously malicious (I hope).

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True, and it's unfortunate that those people who lost their Amiibos can't even get replacements as justice because they're constantly sold out already.

Nintendo, seriously, WHY CAN'T WE JUST BUY STRAIGHT FROM YOU? Or at least an online Nintendo World? It'd be so easy to just take somebody's order, make the figure, then ship it out! You'd make more money this way, not have to worry about a surplus, and everybody would get all the Amiibos they want. And if something happens to a figure being sent in the mail, you can go make a replacement!

Edited by Anacybele
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Anyone know if there's a region lock on the Gamecube adaptors?

Not sure, but I don't think that would be a thing honestly. From what I've heard they seem to work no matter where you are at.

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Anyone know if there's a region lock on the Gamecube adaptors?

It shouldn't be. You can use Japanese Wii U Pro controllers on an American/European Wii U.

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I have some bad news. This may be an old article from Nov, but it is to be taken seriously. Nintendo has no further DLC plans beyond Mewtwo.

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wow have you been living under a rock or what? they already leaked rayman

that's really old news

[spoiler=realtalk]it's old news and it's been pointed out like a million a lot of times that just because they don't have specific plans doesn't mean they're not going to do it

"there will never be <xyz> in my smash bros" —sakurai of smashbros past

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Come on, man. When that article was announced the game had just come out, so of course at that point Sakurai would say nothing. It's PR talk. Sakurai also stated they haven't stopped working on Smash4, which could mean anything, sure, but the "No plans" quote is incredibly vague as it means just that: No plans at the moment. It doesn't mean it can't change later on.

Remember, this is the guy who said that he won't direct another Smash game after both Melee and Brawl, and this is the company that said they'll never make an F2P.

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True, and Sakurai is also the guy that said Villager wasn't fit for Smash at all, but Mewtwo's DLC was announced months ago. And Sakurai doesn't change his mind about EVERYTHING. I think it's safe to say that we won't be getting anymore character DLC besides Mewtwo.

Besides, Smash is a tough game for Sakurai to make. It really stresses him out and his job has even left him with tendonitis. I wouldn't be surprised if he was ready to move onto another, easier project.

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