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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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What do Samus/Captain Falcon share aside from a similar build, Axe kick and i guess DashA and first Jab?

Yep. Originally they were semi clones back when they first appeared in SSB64. They used to share some aerials and a down smash but they were changed. Might still share a ledge and recovery attack, can't quite recall what either of them look like now but those are pretty generic attacks in general. Forward tilt are also both a turning kick with their back leg.

Edited by Jotari
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What do Samus/Captain Falcon share aside from a similar build, Axe kick and i guess DashA and first Jab?

even in ssb4, utilt, nair, I think bair, I think uair, probably fsmash, and probably ftilt, all have very strong resemblences

re: melee differences -


a large piece that fox combos horizontally and kills vertically, while falco combos vertically and kills horizontally

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if you really look hard enough at their moves and call them the same, it would be like calling something like Mario's and Samus's forward smashes and downsmashes the same. Or like, anyone in the cast really. IKE AND DEDEDE CLONES BECAUSE THEIR FSMASH, USMASH, FAIR, BAIR AND DAIR ARE THE SAME

The reality is there's only so many ways you can move somebody without a weapon (or with a weapon) without most attacks looking similar. The attacks may have different effects, but they all look every similar.

Edited by General Horace
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to cover the differences i didn't see in the link euk gave:

falco has a jumpsquat lasting 5 frames which makes his shield pressure worse than fox, who has a frame 3 jumpsquat. the reason it's worse is that they have to JUMP out of their reflectors to continue the pressure, and the 2 frame difference makes it so you can roll out of falco's pressure, unlike fox if he's frame perfect. falco also weighs slightly less than fox, which made chaingrabs on him start at different times which usually work in his favor. falco's side b also has one more frame at which he's moving than fox, which gives him one more shorten length (iirc he has 5 lengths in total, and fox has 4). falco's tech rolls went farther than fox's. his fall speed was also slightly lower, but the rate at which he falls at first makes him fall faster than fox after the apex of his jump. there was also a glitch in the version released in the NTSC version that doesn't let fox tech falco's down throw. this may be a bit obvious but falco also has a shorter wavedash than fox. they might also have different moonwalks/stickywalks but i don't know. the other stuff is obvious.

for brawl, aside from obvious stuff, falco's DACUS and BDACUS were actually useful. fox's DACUS went slightly farther than his running up smash, but the distance was negligible. i think falco's DACUS was also easier to pull off (not from an "i just found it easier" perspective), but i'm not completely sure.

Edited by ID Thanatos
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if you really look hard enough at their moves and call them the same, it would be like calling something like Mario's and Samus's forward smashes and downsmashes the same. Or like, anyone in the cast really. IKE AND DEDEDE CLONES BECAUSE THEIR FSMASH, USMASH, FAIR, BAIR AND DAIR ARE THE SAME

The reality is there's only so many ways you can move somebody without a weapon (or with a weapon) without most attacks looking similar. The attacks may have different effects, but they all look every similar.

There is a lot of truth to this. Pretty much all sword users except Robin have the same down smash, a strike forward and a strike back on each side, usually knocking the opponent upwards.

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falco also weighs slightly less than fox, which made chaingrabs on him start at different times which usually work in his favor.

I thought falco weighed slightly more but had a lower fall speed?
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The butthurt people are having over all customs because of one character's customs is ridiculous.

And this is what I feared, it could can the entire customs project if it gets vocal enough.

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I love how the argument is that Villager's customs cause degeneracy therefore all customs are unenjoyable.

I mean, Villager's customs are super stupid. But to ban the other 380-something customs because one character's are unenjoyable is about as good as Villager's customs.

Edited by Starlight Kick
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i just think that villager's customs should be banned and the others that are ridiculous like how villager and pikachu were in doubles.

Edited by ID Thanatos
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i just think that villager's customs should be banned.

Its going to be difficult to convince the community that just Villagers should be banned and not the entire lot.

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Let's just ban Villager period. He's annoying as hell. Problem solved.

would consider unironically supporting this tbh

at the very least I'd ironically consider it

realtalk character bans seem kind of iffy

hopefully mewtwo is top tier and hardcounters villager somehow, then the problem would just go away right

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Maybe everybody could just shut up about competitive viability and play the game like it was meant to be played; for enjoyment. Play whoever you want to, not just Diddy Kong, Sheik, or Little Mac. Use every stage, because there is more than just Battlefield and Final Destination. Come on, guys. They put years of effort into making the series what it is today, and all you can do is complain about Villager's custom moves. (Which did not need to be implemented, mind you.) Tiers do not matter, counters do not matter, "legal" stages do not matter. It is a game. What a bloody joke.

(Rant over.)

Edited by Ninian
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maybe some people enjoy playing the game competitively and winning but also want to have equally viable characters without annoying strategies

Edited by Comet
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Maybe everybody could just shut up about competitive viability and play the game like it was meant to be played; for enjoyment. Play whoever you want to, not just Diddy Kong, Sheik, or Little Mac. Use every stage, because there is more than just Battlefield and Final Destination. Come on, guys. They put years of effort into making the series what it is today, and all you can do is complain about Villager's custom moves. (Which did not need to be implemented, mind you.) Tiers do not matter, counters do not matter, "legal" stages do not matter. It is a game. What a bloody joke.

(Rant over.)

I enjoy not playing against custom campy villager, so....

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Maybe everybody could just shut up about competitive viability and play the game like it was meant to be played; for enjoyment.

>Insinuating that competitive players aren't playing for enjoyment.

How about you let others play the way it was meant to be played: however the hell we want to.

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Maybe everybody could just shut up about competitive viability and play the game like it was meant to be played; for enjoyment. Play whoever you want to, not just Diddy Kong, Sheik, or Little Mac. Use every stage, because there is more than just Battlefield and Final Destination. Come on, guys. They put years of effort into making the series what it is today, and all you can do is complain about Villager's custom moves. (Which did not need to be implemented, mind you.) Tiers do not matter, counters do not matter, "legal" stages do not matter. It is a game. What a bloody joke.

(Rant over.)

Play my custom Villager

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