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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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The ballot specifically says "video-game characters." And even if people vote for non-game characters (they will), I'm sure there will be more than enough votes for legitimate candidates.

Really I must of just not noticed when I voted.

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Uh, wouldn't adding Lyn require removing her assist trophy and replacing her with another one? That might cost more money than just adding someone who isn't already an assist or Smash run enemy or boss or something. It's another reason I voted Vaati instead of, say, Ghirahim, even though I'd love to play as him too.

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I am happy Lucas is back and the fan ballot is a good idea but people are going to use it for stupid suggestions case in point people trying to get Goku in

Chrono with Goku-inspired moveset.

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Uh, wouldn't adding Lyn require removing her assist trophy and replacing her with another one? That might cost more money than just adding someone who isn't already an assist or Smash run enemy or boss or something. It's another reason I voted Vaati instead of, say, Ghirahim, even though I'd love to play as him too.

The ballot says only to vote for a video-game character, not one who isn't already an assist trophy or something else in-game.
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I went and voted for Roy. He was my main in Melee, so I'd love nothing more than to see him finally return.

But I'd be happy with anything else, really. Veterans like Wolf, Snake (maybe Naked Snake or MGS1 Snake?), a single Ice Climber (with the second Ice Climber becoming part of the Final Smash)...

Newcomers I'd be happy to see would be the likes of Lyn, Hector, and Ephraim. Using a lance or axe in Smash would change things up, despite the fact there would then be 5 playable FE characters.

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I added in the poll on for adding all the returning cut characters from Melee & Brawl and added Impa as a newcomer for my DLC request.

And I also added a reason for putting the Pokemon Trainer (as a Seperate Fighter) to return that I did looked on all the characters in the game and I did some of the others like Zelda, King Dedede, Shulk, Robin, Pac-Man, Mega Man, and Duck Hunt can summon characters in their special moves and I just thought of that for the Pokemon Trainer as a Seperate Fighter that he can might be good with summoning any Pokemon other than Squirtle and Ivysaur to his normal moves and special moves and use it to battle to similar like Zelda with the Phantom, King Dedede with the Gordo, Duck Hunt with the Wild Gunman, Robin with Chrom in his final smash, Pac-Man with other Namco stuff, and Mega Man with Rush and Beat in his special moves and have all the other four Mega Mans in his Final Smash, and Shulk with Riki and Dunban in his final smash that might be a good idea to chance it for his return.

Edited by King Marth 64
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The ballot says only to vote for a video-game character, not one who isn't already an assist trophy or something else in-game.

Well duh, but wouldn't it obviously be quicker, easier, and less costly to make a character who isn't already in the game in some other form besides a regular trophy than it would be to promote an AT or something to playable and then remove the AT and replace it with another?

But if an AT DOES get promoted to playable, I hope it's Ghirahim, of course. <3

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Roy from Fire Emblem, or Roy Koopa?

I pretty sure he's talking about Roy from Fire Emblem?

But, I do like Roy to be returned as a DLC also.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Well duh, but wouldn't it obviously be quicker, easier, and less costly to make a character who isn't already in the game in some other form besides a regular trophy than it would be to promote an AT or something to playable and then remove the AT and replace it with another?

But if an AT DOES get promoted to playable, I hope it's Ghirahim, of course. <3

Do you really think the voters give a damn about this stuff?
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No, but I think Sakurai and his team do.

If they don't want to vote for assist trophies, that's on them.

If someone else wants to vote for Lyn, they're not going to care that she's already an assist trophy. Nothing says not to vote for a character like her, so people will.

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If a current AT gets promoted to playable it's gonna be Takamaru. Sakurai just said in an interview recently (before the Direct) he would have made it if he was more well known. And honestly, the guy is so cool that I'd be psyched even though I haven't played his game.

However, there's also a cut AT that should make the leap and his name is Isaac!

Edited by Owain Dark
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I'm agonizing over who to vote for. Obviously I could vote multiple times, but I refuse to be part of the problem. My vote is going to go to one of: Dixie Kong, Simon Belmont, or an Inkling.

Belmont is imo the most deserving due to his huge part in Nintendo's most formative years, but I doubt Nintendo will be able to get 3rd party characters just for DLC, so I probably won't vote him. Dixie Kong seems the next most deserving, since she's a longstanding character and DK deserves another rep. I also think she has the best shot of actually getting in, at least of the people I would want. Then the Inklings... I may go with them just because I think they would be the most fun and unique. The possibilities with all their different weapons and abilities is practically endless. Squid transformation dodge rolls ftw.

It's too hard to choose!

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If they don't want to vote for assist trophies, that's on them.

If someone else wants to vote for Lyn, they're not going to care that she's already an assist trophy. Nothing says not to vote for a character like her, so people will.

You forget that it's possible Sakurai and company didn't expect a lot of people to vote for ATs.

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You forget that it's possible Sakurai and company didn't expect a lot of people to vote for ATs.

I call bully on that considering AT's were most likely the secondary contenders.

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