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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I'm also available on Wii U for the next few weeks, although I'd prefer earlier rather than later due to timezones.

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So it'll be Jedi, Anacybele, kingddd, and I doing online Smash around July 31 to August 2? Alright, then. Currently I'm available for any 3 of those days, and hopefully it'll stay that way. I've already sent a friend request on the Wii U to you Jedi.

So between the 3DS and Wii U version, which one will we be sticking with for that tentative session? I'm good with either version.

On a side note, since I know that both Anacybele and kingddd use custom characters, you only use them for custom specials and not equipment/stat boosts, right? When I see people turn on custom characters for online, I don't know if they're using equipment/stat boosts and if I should use them too to keep the playing field even. I actually hardly use custom specials and only use them for messing around and such.

Wii U I'm fairly sure will be the main focus, also I'm fine with or without customs, I use em without equipment personally myself and I even have all the EVO sets as my custom sets haha.

If you're playing in the evenings, I'll be available during that weekend as well. I know you have four people, I just wanted to throw that out there..

If you have a Skype PM it to me, I can tell you when someone drops for the night and you can join in.

I'm also available on Wii U for the next few weeks, although I'd prefer earlier rather than later due to timezones.

I'd love to be able to face off against your Shulk and your new Link tricks for sure! Helps me with the MUs maybe we can get Ice and Horace for teams too or something.

Also we should Charizard ditto considering I picked him up for fun after the most recent patch.

Edited by Jedi
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I could play as well. Maybe someone could set up another group. I dunno about my schedule though, I'm free for next weekend as far as I know, but stuff seems to always come up in my life when I least expect it.

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I could play as well. Maybe someone could set up another group. I dunno about my schedule though, I'm free for next weekend as far as I know, but stuff seems to always come up in my life when I least expect it.

I know that feeling, well you can add me too! Or have you already?

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I know that feeling, well you can add me too! Or have you already?

I think the only member on SF I have added on my Wii U is Rando. My NNID is Flamra, if anyone wants to send me a friend request, that's fine with me.

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It's in my sig. I rarely, if ever, play Smash on my 3DS anymore though.

Oh, a note to anyone who looks at my Miiverse profile, some stuff that I've posted is sometimes my friends being silly.

Edited by Knight
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Friday and the weekend beyond? I could join in. Looks like there'll be at least 2 rooms up with some team games if filled, maybe.

Haven't played for over a month though so I'm probably going to be supershitty.

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Er, only the 3DS has FCs. And you just go to your friends list on the 3DS and it's right there. :/

And go to your friends list on your Wii U (press the home button and the friends list button should appear on the Gamepad) to find your NNID (Nintendo Network ID). I apologize for not understanding why this has been so hard for you...?

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Friday and the weekend beyond? I could join in. Looks like there'll be at least 2 rooms up with some team games if filled, maybe.

Haven't played for over a month though so I'm probably going to be supershitty.

Have I added you yet?

I know no one who owns a Wii U, in fact I've even been made fun of for having one, so I've never really explored the friends options...sorry for being a dummy.

Aww :<

It's fine it's fine. Also when you get everything settled feel free to add my Wii U, Jedisupersonic.

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I can't check right now who is and who is not in my friends list, so just add me if you don't have me and I'll accept when I'm on next: VanguardRaven

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New update coming on 7/31! Will not only include Tourney Mode (Wii U) and uploading replays to YouTube, but also features two stages (Peaches Castle 64 and Hyrule Castle 64), along with three new Mii costumes (a Smash hoodie, Chrom and King K. Rool)

Roughly translated from the Japanese Smash Bros twitter feed


So I guess this means Chrom finally did get his chance ;)

And does this de-confirm King K. Rool as a separate character now?

Edited by Bullwine85
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New update coming on 7/31! Will not only include Tourney Mode (Wii U) and uploading replays to YouTube, but also features two stages (Peaches Castle 64 and Hyrule Castle 64), along with three new Mii costumes (a Smash hoodie, Chrom and King K. Rool)

Roughly translated from the Japanese Smash Bros twitter feed


So I guess this means Chrom finally did get his chance ;)

And does this de-confirm King K. Rool as a separate character now?

I dno if it de-confirms K.Rool, but this is gonna piss off Chrom and K.Rool fans more then please them I feel.

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I did not expect that they would release new DLC without a new character as an eye catcher. Still, this time I want just about everything that is announced so far. Although I would prefer stages that actually make use of the capabilities of the systems over the old 64 stages, but there is just an frustrating lack of stages that are actually fun to play because so many of them are walk-offs or have some annoying gimmick. These days I mostly play on Dreamland 64 because I am so sick of Battlefield's assets.

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Welp, Chrom and K. Rool most likely not coming. Chrom was obvious, but K. Rool is a surprise. I want Dixie, though, so that's a good sign for me.

And people will definitely question it, but I do believe this deconfirms them. If these outfits were from the game's launch, I'd say it doesn't mean anything, but why now? Why would a K. Rool costume be added now when they very likely have the first set of ballot fighters chosen if he were to be among said choices? There's a Link costume but, well, that's Link, and every other character costume is of someone not playable.

Also, I missed Peach's Castle 64! Excited for that one.

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Also, I missed Peach's Castle 64! Excited for that one.

I'm quite excited for the old Zelda stage myself, I used to play on that one all the time in 64.

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I want Sector Z doh.

Oh please no. This stage is not a source of good memories. That one always gave me a headache because the Z always stays the same size no matter how far the camera zooms out.

And while fighting on the Great Fox is cool, we already have Melee's Corneria for that.

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