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Enter: The Arena - Fire Emblem Character discussion Thread.


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anyway, NPD data shows FE7 did 331k, so either the rest of North America contributed 160k (LOLOLOL) or vgchartz is bullshitting again (the obvious answer)

wait no, that's 331k for all of North America, Vincent says he has 256k for US only aka NPD data (dunno where he got that though)

fair enough.

Sales alone does not grant a guarantee character spot.

Also, Smash Bros. is not a popularity contest.

I wasn't trying to say it was, personally. I just find it disingenuous to say that Ike is the most popular lord in the west, and it annoys me. Are we just meant to drop all notion of game sales, then? I'm not trying to say Chrom is definitely going to get in over Ike. After all, this is Sakurai.

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I am aware that characters have gotten in the game because of requests. However, not every character in Smash Bros. is a character people wanted. Sakurai has said that requesting only for popular characters doesn't get him excited.

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I wasn't trying to say it was, personally. I just find it disingenuous to say that Ike is the most popular lord in the west, and it annoys me. Are we just meant to drop all notion of game sales, then? I'm not trying to say Chrom is definitely going to get in over Ike. After all, this is Sakurai.

well clearly Star Fox should have more reps than Fire Emblem because......um......I'm sure there's something out there....not sales.....

yeah of course not, when has anyone let facts get in the way of their argument

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well clearly Star Fox should have more reps than Fire Emblem because......um......I'm sure there's something out there....not sales.....

yeah of course not, when has anyone let facts get in the way of their argument

I dunno go ask Sakurai or something

Anna for SSB4

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I am aware that characters have gotten in the game because of requests. However, not every character in Smash Bros. is a character people wanted. Sakurai has said that requesting only for popular characters doesn't get him excited.

Hence why I said popularity is not the only factor that is considered.

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Oh hey Habanero! I wasn't expecting to see you around here. [i'm Jedisupersonic on SmashBoards obviously].

I'd like to say Roy has a good shot of returning personally because not only is he popular in Japan but he is pretty popular everywhere as well. Plus the Japanese really love FE6. Unlike alot of people on this board. Also judging from Bowser and Pit's changes he'd get revamped a fair bit. If I had my way he'd have a flame projectial, some wide sweeping blows. Along with some Iaido. [i mean look at his Sword of Seals Crit animation].

Shulk for SSB4

Shulk has a good shot in my honest opinion.

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Marth and two of Ike/Roy/Chrom is what I think we'll get.

All three have their own merits, but there's not enough time to develop all three of them while still keeping a universally balanced roster.

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Marth and two of Ike/Roy/Chrom is what I think we'll get.

All three have their own merits, but there's not enough time to develop all three of them while still keeping a universally balanced roster.

Sounds like a logical possiblity.

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Marth and two of Ike/Roy/Chrom is what I think we'll get.

All three have their own merits, but there's not enough time to develop all three of them while still keeping a universally balanced roster.

probably Marth/Chrom/(Ike)

although Lucina being in the game (especially at Marth's expense, by some miracle) would make election night tears look like NOTHING

also go Shulk, Monado Buster scrubs like Mario to death

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Oh hey Habanero! I wasn't expecting to see you around here. [i'm Jedisupersonic on SmashBoards obviously].

Technically I'd be called Gelato around these parts (yes it's contrasting), but yes hello it's nice to see you.
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Technically I'd be called Gelato around these parts (yes it's contrasting), but yes hello it's nice to see you.

Haha, ok then hello Gelato.

Also I just have something to add for people unsure of which FE's are most notable in Japan. [Which adds into the whole speculation on who may have chances]

mk2 (the largest Japanese game fan review website):

FE10: Radiant Dawn (overall points of 75, Grade of A)


FE5: Thracia 776 (overall points of 82, no letter grade due to receiving very few reviews):


FE4: Seisen no Keifu (overall points of 75, letter grade of C, curving for letter grades is harsher for VC titles):


FE3: Monsho no Nazo (overall points of 71, letter grade of C, curving for letter grades is harsher for VC titles):


FE9: Path of Radiance (overall points of 73, letter grade of A):


FE6: Fuuin no Tsurigi (overall points of 78, letter grade of A):


FE7: Rekka no Ken (overall points of 78, letter grade of A):


FE8: Sacred Stones (overall points of 65, letter grade of C):


FE12: Shin Monsho no Nazo (overall points of 75, letter grade of A):


FE11: Shadow Dragon (overall points of 60, letter grade of C):


FE13: Awakening: (overall points of 69, letter grade of B):


Famitsu score for the entire series in general

Awakening - 36

* New Mystery of the Emblem - 34

* Shadow Dragon - 34

* Radiant Dawn - 33

* Path of Radiance - 34

* The Sacred Stones - 35

* Blazing Sword - 34

* Sword of Seals - 36

* Thracia 776 - 35

* Genealogy of the Holy War - 31

* Mystery of the Emblem - 36

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...Ike's games rated higher than Marth's AND Chrom's, yet the Japanese dislike Ike, but like Marth and Chrom. These guys are weird. xP

Talking about the first set, of course. The second set still has Ike's games higher than Mystery of the Emblem and much of the rest of the series though. o.O

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Metacritic also gives Awakening the highest score of the whole series (granted this only covers FE7-11 and 13)

we can play the data game all day long, it's not gonna favor Ike

at least the first guys give FE10 a better score than FE9

here's metacritic:






FE10-78 (ok this one is BS, I agree)

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...Ike's games rated higher than Marth's AND Chrom's, yet the Japanese dislike Ike, but like Marth and Chrom. These guys are weird. xP

Actually, the Japanese do like Ike decently, though that character is generally more of a case of Germans Love David Hasselhoff. Generally the concise among Lords in the franchise is that the Japanese tend to favor the weaker Lords in the series like Marth, Roy, and Leif, while fans in the west prefer the stronger Lords like Ike and Sigurd.

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Actually, the Japanese do like Ike decently, though that character is generally more of a case of Germans Love David Hasselhoff. Generally the concise among Lords in the franchise is that the Japanese tend to favor the weaker Lords in the series like Marth, Roy, and Leif, while fans in the west prefer the stronger Lords like Ike and Sigurd.

*and Americans Hate Tingle, for the other side

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what? you've never heard of that?

start a Tingle poll, I bet someone who shall not be named will vote in favor of him

Judging by the statement you've mentioned above, it seems like you don't have any idea what you're even saying.

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Judging by the statement you've mentioned above, it seems like you don't have any idea what you're even saying.

what are you saying now

you mentioned how Japan prefers "weaker" lords, the term I mentioned is basically the reverse where Japan doesn't like the more "badass" lords while the west does (i.e. Hector, Ike)

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what are you saying now

you mentioned how Japan prefers "weaker" lords, the term I mentioned is basically the reverse where Japan doesn't like the more "badass" lords while the west does (i.e. Hector, Ike)

Except that's not even a case of Americans Hate Tingle if your referring to the character from the prospective of their home country. Both Americans Hate Tingle and Germans Hate David Hasselhoff refer to the reception characters received outside of the country they were originally made in. Saying that Ike is less popular in Japan being a case of Americans Hate Tingle is incorrect.

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