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Favorite English Confessions

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Lissa, Maribelle, Emmeryn, Sumia, Cordelia, Cynthia, Miriel, Olivia, Anna, Noire, Lucina, Kjelle, Severa, Cherche, Say'ri, Tiki, Nah, Stahl, and Ricken.

How'd I forget Emmeryn?!! OTL

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Technically I've only gotten Chrom and Tiki's (which I liked) but I've also seen and liked Lon'qu's and Stahl's as well (which I found funny)!

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No love for Frederick's? His charmed me so hard I nearly fainted. <3 It's one of the many reasons I love him!

Stahl's is awesome too. That "unless...I'm about to run into a wall" at the end. XD I listened to some in Youtube videos since I don't plan on getting any confession except Frederick's in-game anytime soon.

Lon'qu's is funny. lol

I found Chrom's to be too cheesy and boring for my tastes (he just stands there and stares. Everyone else looks much more like they have personality. The quote is the cheesy part).

Edited by Anacybele
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Libra's is my favorite out of the lot. *swoon*

Henry's is my second fave. I adore it and it makes me laugh! "oooh! I wonder when that will be?"

Virion's because...Virion.

For girls, Tharja's is also amusing to me. Aversa's is hella funny to me. Nowi's is really cute but...actually quite sad. I like that for some reason.

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Chrom and Gaius are the only 2 English confessions I prefer over the Japanese ones. The rest are meh. Don't get me started on how horrible Inigo's ENG confession is.

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I've actually never heard any Japanese confessions. But now that I think about it, Shadowofchaos did add a Japanese voices video of FrederickxFemale Avatar in the Support thread, so I should go check it out!

EDIT: Aaaaah! That was just as charming as English Freddy Bear! I think the English one fits just a little more with his character though. But both are amazing, don't get me wrong! <3<3<3

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Chrom, Owain, Brady, Lucina and Sumia have been my absolute favourite confessions, though I haven't unlocked most of the 1st gen male confessions yet. I can't get over how cute Sumia is in her confession, though.

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I'm still getting busy with the ladies on my latest file but I got all the first gen confessions so here's my faves:

Cherche - I love anything Cherche

Cordelia - wifey

Maribelle - love, and imo the best-acted of the girls'

Sully - so cute even if she called me a bastard

Olivia - adorable even if the confession image was a little random and PG-13

The only ones I really didn't like were Lissa and Sumia, Lissa because I was reminded of why I used to think her voice was annoying and Sumia because she looked scary :c

As for the guys I've only gotten Chrom's, which swept me off my feet pretty successfully. Oh Chrom, y u so attractive?

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*looks down at sig* everyone on my Awakening bias list. For those that can't see it, that's Chrom, Frederick, Stahl, Libra, and Henry. The best one out of those is probably...Frederick's. I admit I'm sentimental regarding knights in shining armor.

Edited by mewyeon
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what's english? (for confession scenes)

I guess Chrom. He's the only one I really got or bothered to look for. Oh, and Gaius!

For females, I'm not sure because I didn't really listen to the English confessions. I know the OP didn't ask for the Japanese, but I have to say Olivia and Sumia were my favorites there. More on Olivia though.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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