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Which Marth design do you want in SSB4?


86 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Marth design do you want in SSB4?

    • Shadow Dragon/ New Mystery of the Emblem
    • Awakening
    • SSBM/SSBB Marth

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The Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem design is the one I prefer: the design and outfit actually belongs to him (and it's not just sticking Lucina's clothes on him), he looks more masculine in those designs than his Awakening design, his FE11/12 character designs are actually canon, his FE11/12 designs are more colourful, need I say more?

Besides, having Marth in his Awakening design is almost as ridiculous as having Eirika and Micaiah trophies in SSB4 in their Bride and Dark Mage outfits, respectively. It's not representative of the actual characters or the games they starred in.

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But I also think this design just looks better overall.

Oh, well that's not a bad picture of him at all! A lot of the in-game artwork for him is unflattering at best, which is why I said I preferred his Awakening one.

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Awakening style because marth is clearly supposed to look like a woman.

Like he was wearing nylons in FE1's boxart.

How could you fail to mention the most obvious thing, da tiara?!

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The "awakening redesigns" aren't really unique to the character. They're just using models from the already established default classes. In marth's case, its really just "Marth in Lucina's clothes". I say stick to the look that's unique to himself.

No truer words have been said. Personally, I like both outfits but Awakening's seems more fitting for Lucina cause the shirt almost looks like a mini dress. Then again, having both outfits is another possibility like what they did with Wario in Brawl

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Well, I put my hopes on the Shadow Dragon one.

The Awakening design was taking into account that he was Lucina's model. The look doesn't suit him.

On the other hand, I can't see them use the old design, since we also have a new Falchion now.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm quite sure that Marth isn't depicted with the Akanean Falchion in his FE11 and 12 artwork. I mean, it doesn't have the iconic red jewel or the curved fang-like extrusions on the handle. The FE11/12 Falchion Icon even keeps the curved fang-like handle extrusions.

FE11/12 Falchion Icon: falchion.PNG

I'm thinking for the FE11 and 12 artwork, they wanted to have Marth with a regular sword, seeing how Marth only has the Falchion near the end of both games and it wouldn't be representative of the whole game if they had Marth with the Falchion, when he only has it for 1-4 chapters.

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If I remember correctly, wasn't Marth's design always based off of Mystery of the Emblem? I suppose it'd be more appropriate if it was New Mystery Emblem instead of Shadow Dragon but ehh, I guess it doesn't really matter

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I just hope they make an outfit with Lucina's mask added in it just as a reference to Awakening. Also, non-Awakening fans would just think it's a cool-looking option.

If there was actually a playable Lucina outfit... I could imagine all of the non-Awakening fans not appreciating it.

Still, I don't think either of those things will be in the game.

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Why isn't there an option for the Melee and Brawl signature design for Marth? I personally think that's the best one.

Melee's design was inspired from his design in Mystery of The Emblem and with no recent western appearance at the time, they used an updated version of it. Now that the remakes are out, wouldn't it make sense to remake Marth? What you just said is almost like choosing to have Ocarina of Time Link for Wii U instead of Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword

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No, this is different because Marth has a design unique to the Smash series. That's...stupid logic. Pick the design that's newer? Why not pick the design that's best? Mario's detailed denim is unique to Smash. Link's SSB4 design isn't a carbon copy of the last Zelda game.

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Now that I think about it, there are some differences in marth's design from his games and smash bros. For instance, instead of royal blue, his hair is midnight blue. Then again your logic does make sense seeing as how Marth did debut in smash bros, but I never said anything about it being a copy. It's just what it was based off of.

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Pantless Marth is best Marth

But really I enjoy FE11 and 12's Marth design more.

As long as they don't use his face from Shadow Dragon.

Edited by Jprebs
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