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Is it for love, or perhaps something more?

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It has come to my attention that people seem to just drool over the bodies of certain hotties(Tiki, Cordelia, etc.). It gives me the idea that people loved those characters just for their bodies and base that as their reason for marrying them.

Any thoughts about this? I think it's pretty shallow to base love over something superficial as looks.

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I like where this topic is going, I hope to be entertained.

They probably do, like them for their bodies I mean. Me, personally, I like Miriel. For her intellegence and what not, I chuckle at her supports. OKAY I LIED I like her for her glasses abloo abloo *sob*

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You are a human being. That it's not uncommon to be smitten by how beautiful someone looks.

But if that's ALL you're going for, then they are a shallow being, like you said.

AND considering what this game is, they tried to appeal to every single "type" they have anime and that sort of media.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I want my waifu to be pretty!

But seriously, i marry characters for stats not becuase they're pretty or have nice personalities, i mean it's a video game. I married nowi in my min-max file and i'm not a pedo. If excellus was recrutable and gave the absolute best stats i'd marry it.

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I also kind of expected Soiree/Sully to be more popular in the west ever since last year.

She's pretty much at the near the bottom of the poll in Japan. Because ideals discrepancies.

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Oh, no way! I mean, sure, I think Frederick is bordeline Ike level of hotness (and we all know I think Ike is the sexiest thing to exist in the FE series), but I love him more for his hilarious character and his charm. <3 I love how he's really a big softie on the inside and gives hugs! To me he's one big, cute, cuddly Freddy Bear! And then there's his support with the female Avatar too. Gods, his drama in some of the scenes. XD And then his confession too, which charmed the hell out of me. And then his dialogue on event tiles when he talks to his wifey! He bought her a pendant, which is actually pretty much my kind of romantic gift. :3

I'm not marrying Kelli to anyone else. There's nothing I don't love about Frederick. He's just amazing in so many ways. <3 I'm a knight in shining armor kind of girl too. ^^

Besides, who can't love our Freddy Bear? He's just...omg lol at times!

Edited by Anacybele
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"holy shit there's a Pegasus Knight named TIAMO? Sold"

was all the thought I put into it

then the name change happened and I did it anyways and she turned out to be a character I actually like \o/

bonus points for glorious red hair Morgan

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I marry completely on whim. The avatar is last person I set up an S support with.

It just doesn't feel right to be such a plot important character, only to drag another minor character into my mess with no complaints.

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I suppose it would be a rather long winded explanation to go into detail for ALL my pairings, but I suppose when it comes to my two Avatars, I write my own characterization for each of them.

In fact, I think I'll start a topic about just that. . .

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I make my avatar marry people that i like so he could be part of their family and be the parent of an awesome kid. Cordelia and Robin is my favorite pair for a blue haired severa.

I love everything about Cynthia. I don't know why she attracts me so much, she just...does.

Same with Cherche and Olivia.

They are usually happy and their pesonalities differ from those bland ones (Miriel)

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I marry FeMU, that's why I spend so much time creating her...

I suppose it would be a rather long winded explanation to go into detail for ALL my pairings, but I suppose when it comes to my two Avatars, I write my own characterization for each of them.

In fact, I think I'll start a topic about just that. . .

I do the same thing.

I will marry anyone, even Cordelia and Tharja because I want to fill all the supports...

@Anacybele : I'm sorry, but nobvody is hotter than Virion. ;):Besides Archer is the sexiest class

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"holy shit there's a Pegasus Knight named TIAMO? Sold"

was all the thought I put into it

then the name change happened and I did it anyways and she turned out to be a character I actually like \o/

bonus points for glorious red hair Morgan

This pretty much sums things up, whether intentionally or not. For many people, perhaps not on GameFAQs and the like but at least here, odds are high that they've been following the game since information first starting coming out. At that time, the only things you could initially base a character off of was their sprite or official art (how they look). After that, we'd get their names, and maybe their official quick bio. If their bio didn't come out with their names, we'd then get that. Due to anticipation and hype, people become attached to certain characters, but there isn't much to go off of, so it's relegated to how they look and how we perceive their character will be based on looks (cliches) and their bio. Months later, the game comes out, and months after THAT we get support conversations translated. About two years after the initial teasing for the game, the US version finally comes out, at which point many of the first generation females already have their fans locked in due to this.

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This pretty much sums things up, whether intentionally or not. For many people, perhaps not on GameFAQs and the like but at least here, odds are high that they've been following the game since information first starting coming out.

Gamefaqs pre-release in a nutshell:


I don't remember much because I am recovering from my surgery >_>

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This pretty much sums things up, whether intentionally or not. For many people, perhaps not on GameFAQs and the like but at least here, odds are high that they've been following the game since information first starting coming out. At that time, the only things you could initially base a character off of was their sprite or official art (how they look). After that, we'd get their names, and maybe their official quick bio. If their bio didn't come out with their names, we'd then get that. Due to anticipation and hype, people become attached to certain characters, but there isn't much to go off of, so it's relegated to how they look and how we perceive their character will be based on looks (cliches) and their bio. Months later, the game comes out, and months after THAT we get support conversations translated. About two years after the initial teasing for the game, the US version finally comes out, at which point many of the first generation females already have their fans locked in due to this.

I didn't have any spoilers until I got the game.

This was pretty much my reaction:


And then pretty much the same conclusion with my friend Annie:

We don't like moe, but for some reason with her we're like "You're so cute, can we take you home now?" after reading her support conversations.

English Olivia didn't live up to that.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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