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Which FF game should I play?


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Yeah, I don't understand what a classic FF is supposed to be either and Ive played almost all of em. FF's charm ( to me) is that it is always changing and every entry has a different setting. I've enjoyed pretty much all of them in their own ways (well except FF8 these days but that's because I find the story a bit nonsensical, the gameplay is broken and it's annoying in NOTFirst playthroughs to me)

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Yeah, I don't understand what a classic FF is supposed to be either and Ive played almost all of em. FF's charm ( to me) is that it is always changing and every entry has a different setting. I've enjoyed pretty much all of them in their own ways (well except FF8 these days but that's because I find the story a bit nonsensical, the gameplay is broken and it's annoying in NOTFirst playthroughs to me)

Personally I couldn't finish the game because I didn't stand all playable characters besides one.

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Well, I just picked up a copy of FF XIII-2 and judging by the instruction manual, it looks sick. Like FF XIII but a lot more open world (didn't even mind the straightness of FF XIII because a lot of regular battles were decently challenging).

I'm now going to stick my fingers in my ears.

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You might want to check out YouTube videos to compare the scripts. Personally, what I've seen of the WotL script makes me want to facepalm. It is worth noting that WotL has some bonus sidequests and classes that the original doesn't.

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I'd go for the PSP WotL, since names were updated for continuity, and there's a bit more bonus stuff (which helps if you want to go full LTC/efficiency).

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Should I get the PSP version of Tactics (the updated one) or the PSN version (the one released for PS1)?

PSP version has playable Balthier.

It's not even a choice.

Also cool cutscenes.

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WoTL has unoptimized code and lags a lot on the PSP, so be warned if you're getting that over the original FFT. However, it does have a superior script, better cutscenes, you get to play as Balthier, and you can get it used for cheaper than getting a new copy of FFT.

My personal opinion about the Final Fantasy series is to play all the main installments, except FFXI and FFXIV, unless you really want to. If you have a PSP, you can get all of the first 9 FF's and play the rest on your PSP for less than $30 since you already have 7-10 (if you're really cheap, there are -ahem- cheaper ways to get those games). If you're going to play FFXII, you can get the original game, or you can wait and see if Square Enix will release an HD remaster, which will most likely be based on the International Zodiac Job System, which is far, far, FAR superior to the original release.

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