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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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I haven't really checked on this, so Idk if this was answered, but are you planning on editing the weapon info box? Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about (which is perfectly understandable, since I'm running on 3 cans of Red Bull right now at 4 AM), here's what I'm talking about:


In FE7, the words weren't abbreviated but they did push the rest to the right, which fully filled the entire box. In FE6, when looking at the description for any 3-any ranged weapon or staff, the range numbers collide with word the "Range", making it look like a garbled mess.

Of course like usual, this is only a suggestion.

I absolutely agree. I would love to get the formatting consistent with FE7 because it looks much better. The only thing is it doesn't appear to be in the text part of the game so I'd have to edit it the hard way, I think (I've checked for it before). So basically, it's something on the to-do list, but it'll have to wait for the time being.

Baby Bonnie Hood: Yes, I'd also like to remove the unnecessary descriptions.

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Actually, speaking of weapon descriptions, is the rapier description thing fixed? It's supposed to say strong against armored and cavalry or something to that effect but you just get the first half of the sentence, and parts of the status screen start to get graphical errors if you look at it too much.

Edited by Irysa
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I don't think there's enough space in the description box to fit the full text for the Rapier, which is also why it glitches the screen. You'd have to abbreviate it pretty heavily to make it short enough to convey both effectivenesses.

I think you could make the item descriptions more interesting (eg. "Cheap and easy to wield"), but removing descriptions is easy: just use the Item Editor in Nightmare to set the description pointer to 0000.

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for what it's worth FE8 gives the Reginleif the description "Strong against cavalry, knights", which has no problems fitting into the allotted space. not the best solution but i guess it's better than nothing

alternatively, perhaps something like "Pierces armor and cavalry"?

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I kinda just thinking of something that can we might change Gonzales to Gonzalez just like we did with Milady (since Gonzalez is a real name and official name also (that I definitely know that he didn't appeared in a localized game yet, but I kinda wanted let anyone know)). And also, I kinda thinking about we can make a decision about Thite/Tate that we can might change and combine with her younger sister's name with "Shanna" from the S or Sh from the beginning with Thite or Tate like Shanna's Japanese name from Th-any and then we might change from -ite or -ate, I kinda not too sure about how that works out?

And also, I think there was a support conversation of Fir and Karel (C Support Version) that I heard that wasn't been translated and was messed up a while ago.

And I think I heard that there was conversation that Fae was speaking third person in the patch, but she doesn't do it in FE7, I kinda not totally sure about that? I found this from the FE Wiki in Fae's trivia section a while ago and I am not totally sure if this is entirely correct or not, but does really speak in third person in Binding Blade?:

Oddly, Fae speaks in third person during the events of Fire Emblem: Binding Blade but does not in Fire Emblem. The latter taking place 20 years before Binding Blade.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Gonzalez is the official Japanese spelling and is a real name, but it's a minor variation so I don't really mind either way. It's Gonzales now, and it'd be kind of a pain to change it.

Shanna and Tate's names have nothing in common in the original Japanese. I honestly think "Thany" may have been an error too, since it's actually an "sh" sound. Also, I'm not calling Tate "Shite." I'm fine with Shanna and Tate for now.

There were some broken supports that I basically reconstructed. I haven't tested them but they SHOULD work, at the very least.

I mentioned earlier that Fae no longer speaks in the third person. It's a Japanese way of showing childishness but it's not done in English and wasn't done in FE7.

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there's really no good way to figure out what tate's english name is supposed to be because her japanese name is closest to either "tit" or "teat."

then our course is clear: Tate should just be renamed "breasts". enough with the fucking around with spellings and definitions intsys has made its intent perfectly plain and we should take the bold, courageous step of just saying it out loud which they never could

(in case it wasn't obvious i'm being sarcastic)

(really though Tate is fine why are we even talking about this)

Edited by bookofholsety
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there's really no good way to figure out what tate's english name is supposed to be because her japanese name is closest to either "tit" or "teat."

Tate shall now be forever known as Tits McGee.

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Honestly if not for the fact that tit more commonly means boob in English it would be a fine name; a tit is also a bird so it fits well with a pegasus knight. If I were in charge of a real localization I would consider giving her another bird name but since this is a fan translation I'll just call her the closest approximation to a real name that we have. That is, her name stays Tate.

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alas the third member of this almighty trinity somehow ended up in a completely different game eight years later


anyway a few weeks ago i tested a few more supports but didn't intend to report on them until i'd done more. i'm pretty busy with uni work at the moment so that may not be feasible for a few weeks, so in the interim i may as well just confirm that the following supports have no technical problems:

  • Klain/Clarine
  • Klain/Tate
  • Klain/Elphin
  • Fae/Elphin
  • Fae/Sophia
  • Fae/Igrene
  • Fae/Sue
  • Fae/Niime

by the look of it i was about to do Elphin's supports with Cecilia and Douglas before i slacked off whoops

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Thank you for playing it!

As for progress, well... It's an excuse, but I've been very busy lately. I've been applying to and interviewing for a new job for next year. Combined with my already hectic schedule of generally 13-14 hour work days, well, I don't have a whole lot of time. Playing through FE6 to test and locate text is usually not high on my priority list when I come home at night.

I'm definitely NOT giving up though. I haven't come this far to quit before I finish. Just give me a little more time. It's still very feasible I could have the story finished before the new year. :>

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I prefer consistency with FE7 and FE8, and besides, they contribute nothing. "An ordinary sword." Gee... thanks? To be fair the Japanese version says a bit more ("A lightweight, easy to use sword") but getting all the descriptions to fit in the box would be a pain and a half, and they don't tell you anything you can't glean from looking at the stats anyway.

Of course descriptions will still be on weapons that have a use for them.

EDIT: By the way, right after I made that last post I made a serious dent in the Sacae route text. Guess it was a personal motivator somehow. >_>

Edited by gringe
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I prefer consistency with FE7 and FE8, and besides, they contribute nothing. "An ordinary sword." Gee... thanks? To be fair the Japanese version says a bit more ("A lightweight, easy to use sword") but getting all the descriptions to fit in the box would be a pain and a half, and they don't tell you anything you can't glean from looking at the stats anyway.

Of course descriptions will still be on weapons that have a use for them.

EDIT: By the way, right after I made that last post I made a serious dent in the Sacae route text. Guess it was a personal motivator somehow. >_>

Oh, I see. Sorry for snapping at you, Gringe. :C

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That's okay. I like some discussion here and there!


I haven't actually played your translation patch yet since it's unfinished and I haven't finished FE6 yet, but what are some miscellaneous things you have included/will include?

Edited by GarlandDaHero
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I'm not sure I'd say the goal is to "include" anything; it's just an updated translation patch. The main goals are making the script easier to read and more entertaining, smoothing out glitches in the original patch, and maintaining consistency with localized Fire Emblem games where feasible, especially FE7.

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I'm not sure I'd say the goal is to "include" anything; it's just an updated translation patch. The main goals are making the script easier to read and more entertaining, smoothing out glitches in the original patch, and maintaining consistency with localized Fire Emblem games where feasible, especially FE7.

I see. But you do agree that axes with FE7 hitrates would be vital, yes?

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That's not a change I'll be making with this translation patch update but I am working on a minimalist (well, minimalist compared to some of the remakes and overhauls out there) flexibility/balance hack as well that will include FE7 weapon stats.

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