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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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I asked that because (a) swearing is the hallmark of unproffesionalism and (b) as a christian i find swearing offensive so maybe you can criticize my question in a pm instead of taking up space in a forum that is for patch related comments and questions not personal criticizms

First off, if you're gonna criticize folks for 'unproffesionalism' then it's probably best to spell unprofessionalism right, secondly if you're that offended by swearing you should probably not be on the internet for your own mental health. It's swearing, lord almighty. Get a grip.

Edited by The Iron Rose
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I put version 0.94 up in the first post.

Half-assed changelog:

-Crap-ton of menu and interface stuff (thanks bartre!!!)

-Crap-ton of graphics (thanks bookofholsety!!!)

-Tons of text revisions and help menus--the sound room and augury should be done now

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wrt swearing i really don't see any reason to take it out other than "it doesn't fit"; if people are offended this is (almost) a completely open-source patch and people can fix it for themselves

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Hello! Just wanted to post to say how fantastic this patch is, thank you for all of the time and effort you have put into this game. It's really breathed new life into the story. I feel as though, even though Zefiel has descended into madness, one can't help but see why and pity him. Not to mention, many of the characters seem distinct now in their personalities. They were all kinda.. bland before.

Only bug I've noticed so far is the spacing on the weapons breaking, but that's about it :) I'll post if I find anything else.

(now if only FE4 had a translation as great as this ;) when higan comes out with the new release with the loki debugger, I plan on trying to hack bookofholsety's script into a ROM)

Edited by MP2E
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The only difference is that I've played FE4 through a million times and love it to death while I've only played a few chapters into FE5. :P

Would be happy to contribute to that as well though. Maybe I should start a translation blog like bookofholsety's.

Anyone know if the Japanese script is anywhere online?

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i'll probably tackle FE5 after i'm done with FE4, assuming i ever actually finish it and/or my work on it turns out to not be too horrible to inflict on more than one game. i definitely agree that FE5 is in far more urgent need of attention than FE4 (or FE6 before this project began), but i guess it's a little too late to back out of FE4 now

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:> Good to hear there's interest. FE5 would be pretty amazing too :P Loki looks fully featured, with that and a decent 65816 dissassembler I am confident that I can figure how to get some text in FE4 and FE5 (without breaking them)

I did find a small typo in Chapter 23's dialogue between Brunya and a Soldier. She refers to them as "Soliders" once time :P

The fact that this is all I could find after hours of playing shows how far this has come though! Can't wait to play through it again on hard mode(considering using the FE7 rebalancing patch.. not sure yet :P)

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Thanks for the typo report! It'll be fixed in the next version.

The numbers patch is meant to be pretty minimalist so hopefully it'll just make things a little smoother. I have one concern with it though, and that's recruiting Jerrot on hard mode... I understand it's already hard enough, but I decreased his bases a little bit. Hopefully I didn't make it impossible. >_>

Well, if Treck can be rescued, it's probably feasible to rescue Jerrot, too.

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I wanted to make him distinct from Marcus rather than just Marcus 2.0 but the change was mostly made in theory. I'll probably release a new version of the numbers patch with the next translation patch update.

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Milady was nerfed because she was pretty much inarguably the best character in the game. She often rammed her strength, skill, and speed caps, which, along with her solid defense and HP (and not to mention hard mode bonuses), made her pretty much untouchable.

Hmm, well if you're going to make a balance patch, how about taking me up on that suggestion of having the game tell you when reinforcements are coming? Like FE13, except maybe a bit more specific with the directions?

Anyways, would now be a good time for the peer review?

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Fateborn, aquamarin: Thanks for the reports! They're definitely mistakes. I'll fix them with the next patch.

FionordeQuester: Well, "made" is more accurate than "making". Any changes from this point are just to fix any oversights or lapses in logic. MOST characters weren't changed too much so hopefully there will be nothing left after the next update. Honestly, the game is already pretty straightforward with the player about reinforcements, with only hard mode throwing out some surprises, but I'll consider that intentional. The only exception is chapter 20 (I think... the one with Murdock and Gale) but again, I think the player is SUPPOSED to be a little surprised. If you want to make such an add-on though, feel free.

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