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-Awesome Snip-

Where to start? Perhaps I should break it into pieces, maybe that will make it better to respond. . .

I apologize for the delay, but my original version of this dream had so many holes in it when I went to hurriedly jot everything down that I had to re-dream it, then fill in the holes left by the re-dream.

So I had to dream this particular section a good three times over, and it wasn't exactly... consistent either.

I'm sorry I sound so whiny about this, I just... I'm very interested in this. This isn't the first time my head has come up with a storyline for my dreams (Mafia!Hetalia has to be my favorite so far, even if it WAS a fanservicey self-insert) but this is definitely one of the BETTER ones.

You can dream whenever you want. I think I'm becoming green with envy.

Don't apologize, it's a wonderful thing to dream. I've not had a dream - not counting nightmares - for about. . . six years-ish? Either way, I'm impressed it took only three attempts. The few dreams I have had are rather fuzzy and difficult to read - oh, and anyone wondering, YES, my dreams are in color. I don't know why everyone has to ask me that question the moment I mention my dreams.

So to start out this update officially, there's a couple things I want to get out of the way before I mention the totality of the next chapter, "Heaven and Earth", which ends up being a hell of a lot more sinister than I thought it would be.

First, some random game features I saw:

You can actually replay each chapter in three different ways. The first way is called "Novelization", and this replays the chapter WITH all of the cutscenes/story included. The second way is called "Memorization". This mode allows you to replay the battle for a particular chapter (and some chapters, like "Heaven and Earth" actually have more than one battle per chapter) but with a few key differences.

The biggest change are the enemies: instead of being, you know, solid human beings, you now have what appears to be either holograms or ghosts - judging from their blue, translucent appearances. They're described as being a "recollection of the opponents fought" which is leaning towards them being ghosts. The second change is that they don't move towards the player anymore - they stand in the same spot and only attack you if you attack them. It sounds rather simple... almost too easy...

The third change is that the enemies ALL now have the Vantage ability.

The third option is "Finalization", which takes "Memorization" mode up to eleven. They gain some skills, and the entire map seems to be insta-aggroed to attack you. They WILL come for you.

I can already see this being a serious pain.

Something tells me that if you can somehow complete finalization, you will either get an awesome reward, power-up let-down, or bragging rights reward.

Or any combination of the above, that works too.

Regardless, I suppose that's fairly different from - and more interesting than - simply replaying the same map with monsters. But now my curiosity is piqued.

Exactly how are these modes accessed? Is it some ability of the tactician? Just a menu, like from the map or the options menu? Who was doing the description of the "ghosts"? I have a hunch that it was the character description that pops up when you tap the name at the bottom.

Third, they're a minor character that I haven't introduced that you need to know for this segment: the queen's head adviser Ariel, who was originally a Betelgeusian nobleman's son who fell head-over-heels in love with the queen when they were children. He seems to have for the most part, gotten over this since he has a wife and children, but the fact that he moved his entire family just for this position makes me wonder. Hmm.

Well, don't get too attached to him.

Because he apparently has left to go visit some of his more distant relatives in Betelgeuse, and instead of seeing him return like we had originally thought, we instead get a messenger from the outpost on the border, informing her highness that just moments before he crossed the border into Betelgeuse, Ariel was suddenly and abruptly killed...

... By an arrow, straight into his eye.

Doesn't take a genius to figure out who is responsible for THIS.

In order to hopefully calm things down before a war starts, Terra offers to go over and act as an ambassador of sorts, and hopefully reach some sort of agreement before anyone else gets Skyrimmed in the eye.

And we're off to Betelgeuse, the beautiful wooded land of opportunity and grudges.

The chapter starts with Terra and co. entering a quaint little forest-side town that apparently being visited by a theater troupe.

But before Windsor can fully get into the magic show currently on stage, someone shoves him out of the way and onto the ground. The person is shrouded in a black hooded cloak and just seems to be mindlessly knocking people around. Windsor brushes himself off and doesn't say anything about it, but Narcisse has noticed. So he decides to storm over to the person and tell them what for, that he can't just run people over without apologizing.

The person's response? Punching Narcisse in the throat.

So after, you know, socking Narcisse in the throat, this person turns away, and quietly gets up onto the stage.

Of course, you're really not supposed to do this, so the magician gets a bit ticked that someone's just randomly interrupting his show.

The cloaked figure doesn't do anything, just disappears behind the stage and strolls right into the caravan.

Regardless of the oddity, the magician continues with the show, ends it on a wonderful finale and then disappears in a poof of smoke. Terra is absolutely wowed, of course, and the group leaves the plaza to head towards the inn for the night.

Nothing new here, all in fact seems well.

Until Windsor wants to go examine the stores in town for supplies before he goes to sleep and takes Iris and Calanthe with him.

The second he steps outside, he sees that in the ten minutes they abandoned the plaza, hell has walked the earth and left it burning.

I hate the way this was presented. Windsor's head is turned back towards the two behind him, laughing at something one of them said (a lot of the sound is muted at this point - all you can really make out is the sound of a breeze whistling by) when he steps on something liquid. All you hear is that splash - it's freaking deafening compared to anything else. Slowly, the camera pans down towards what he stepped on and he lifts his foot, and all you see is a pool of blood, and just blood dripping down his boots into the puddle again with these sickeningly loud drips. And then it pans away from him - and I actually am NOT looking in his point of view anymore, holy cow - and traces around this fucking stream of red, over the ocean of blood in the plaza and all the dead bodies strewn around, floating in it, and the burning trees and houses and - fuck that's a lot of blood.

I should mention I'm trying to get over a fear of blood... this isn't helping.

And to put the blood-red cherry on the red velvet cake here, just before Windsor's vision refocuses on the plaza, all you see is a giant, shining dark green dragon flying past.

That, ladies and gentlemen is Grima.

Grima has a similar build to Nowi/Nah/Tiki's manakete forms, except for being a much darker, off-shade of green. Like a dark, grayish-green. And his left wing is shredded. How he's still flying, I don't understand. Anyway, Grima drops down and transforms again into his humanoid form, and I'm reminded of something to the effect of Dark Link, save with a darker, more tanned skintone. Think... Yarne's.

I'm wondering about the scars on his abdomen though... hmm...

Either way, he moves forward to talk to Windsor about something, and is instantly almost gutted by Iris. He sidesteps it so fast that he HAS to have Lancebreaker and severs her lance straight in half. He goes to attack her, and Calanthe decides to be a sweetheart and jump out in front of her. Grima grabs him by the throat and tosses him onto the ground, which prompts Iris to headbutt Grima and stagger him enough to Calanthe to recover and swing him towards the ground, but Grima regains his balance before that can happen and flips him onto his back, knocking the wind out of him.

So Windsor decides he's had enough and decides to knock the wind out of Grima... by walking up to him and hitting him in the face with the tome itself.

Windsor, I love you.

Wow, that's a whole new level of heavy. I'd help you with your little blood problem. . . but being raised with the idea that I might well have to fight for someone else's life, I got over blood a long time ago.

Also, diplomacy. I almost feel like this is a bad take on The Three Kingdoms or something. . . and Skyrim. But yeah, it seems that PR is not something anyone of that world is good at.

Hm, I just wouldn't think of Grima in a Divine(ish) Dragon form. At normal size, he seems more like he'd be a cross between a pot-bellied Earth Dragon and my idea of a Sky Dragon, lightly colored dragons with four massive wings which allow them to soar above the clouds and generate massive winds.

But that's just me. Besides, not a lot is set in stone about that guy. TMK has a really good fan fic idea involving Grima and Tiki, but don't tell him I said anything.

Then the actual battle commences - except it's just Windsor, Iris and Calanthe against Grima, who is the boss of this map.

This sounds really easy - except for a few problems.

There isn't a preparations menu, so whatever items were on those three characters - if at all - are the ones you have to use. If Iris had a lance equipped, it's GONE, mimicking the one that was broken during the battle. And guess who had just equipped a recently gotten Steel Lance onto Iris?

And last but not least, dismounting is back - because Iris and Calanthe are both missing their mounts, even though it's an outdoor map. Technically, it makes sense: their pegasi are back at the inn, but still. Fortunately I have a spare lance in Calanthe's inventory for Iris, so she gets equipped.

Of course, THIS is when I wake up again.

Four days of piecing together about 30 minutes of one repeat dream.

Also, I love the . . . well, game-play and story intergration? But so frustrating at the same time, if this was your first "playthrough." Sounds almost like those ever so common "You can't win this fight LOL. Oh, and if you do, the cutscene still says YOU LOSE." In other words. . .

One of my oldest pet peeves. How. . . quaint is the nicest thing I can possibly say about those kinds of situations.

But I will mention this one thing I noticed from the cutscene before the battle...

... I think Tiki's back.

Oh, hello Tikiwiki. Please don't die. Yuri and Kira will not be happy campers.*

*I have two avatars. It's part of a fan fic.

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Where to start? Perhaps I should break it into pieces, maybe that will make it better to respond. . .

You can dream whenever you want. I think I'm becoming green with envy.

Don't apologize, it's a wonderful thing to dream. I've not had a dream - not counting nightmares - for about. . . six years-ish? Either way, I'm impressed it took only three attempts. The few dreams I have had are rather fuzzy and difficult to read - oh, and anyone wondering, YES, my dreams are in color. I don't know why everyone has to ask me that question the moment I mention my dreams.

Something tells me that if you can somehow complete finalization, you will either get an awesome reward, power-up let-down, or bragging rights reward.

Or any combination of the above, that works too.

Regardless, I suppose that's fairly different from - and more interesting than - simply replaying the same map with monsters. But now my curiosity is piqued.

Exactly how are these modes accessed? Is it some ability of the tactician? Just a menu, like from the map or the options menu? Who was doing the description of the "ghosts"? I have a hunch that it was the character description that pops up when you tap the name at the bottom.

Wow, that's a whole new level of heavy. I'd help you with your little blood problem. . . but being raised with the idea that I might well have to fight for someone else's life, I got over blood a long time ago.

Also, diplomacy. I almost feel like this is a bad take on The Three Kingdoms or something. . . and Skyrim. But yeah, it seems that PR is not something anyone of that world is good at.

Hm, I just wouldn't think of Grima in a Divine(ish) Dragon form. At normal size, he seems more like he'd be a cross between a pot-bellied Earth Dragon and my idea of a Sky Dragon, lightly colored dragons with four massive wings which allow them to soar above the clouds and generate massive winds.

But that's just me. Besides, not a lot is set in stone about that guy. TMK has a really good fan fic idea involving Grima and Tiki, but don't tell him I said anything.

Also, I love the . . . well, game-play and story intergration? But so frustrating at the same time, if this was your first "playthrough." Sounds almost like those ever so common "You can't win this fight LOL. Oh, and if you do, the cutscene still says YOU LOSE." In other words. . .

One of my oldest pet peeves. How. . . quaint is the nicest thing I can possibly say about those kinds of situations.

Oh, hello Tikiwiki. Please don't die. Yuri and Kira will not be happy campers.*

*I have two avatars. It's part of a fan fic.

It's actually a bit finicky if I'm not steadfastly obsessed about what I want to dream about, my mind can trail off and focus on something else. It's a pain, but I've managed it a few times.

Oh, really? Actually some of my favorite dreams were in black-and-white so sometimes when I talk about my dreams I have to remind me friends whether it was in black and white or color.

The menu resembles a book for the main storyline and whatnot - each chapter gets it own page. The pages are originally in black-and-white, with the replays options grayed out with the words "begin" being the only things in color. Once you complete a chapter, it takes you back to the menu screen and colors that page and all of the options. The word "begin" changes to "end". It's actually rather cool... Knowing me, it'll probably be something fairly useless. I'm a bit of a troll, you know. Oh! The descriptions were from the game itself when I zoomed in on the enemy. Odd isn't it?

Sigh... I know. We've barely dealt with any actual resisting the royal family yet, but I'm assuming that Betelgeuse ties into all of this in some way.

Mainly because we learn that someone besides Olivier comes from Betelgeuse...

You know neither would I... and then I learned something.

It's a cheap way to trip someone up, that battle. Of course, I've learned something about me in the year I spent in a game-design class... I'm unnecessarily sadistic. Sigh.

Alright, I do apologize for being a little antsy, but... update time. It's not nearly as long as the last one thank God.

So this battle is winnable if you notice one thing - he won't attack Windsor. This is downright evil considering that Calanthe and Iris aren't enabled with plot armor and CAN die compared to Windsor giving you a game over. The easiest way to do it is to keep Iris and Calanthe out of Grima's range and attack with Windsor. He WILL counterattack though, but the main thing is just wearing his health down.

I went this route because I was seriously unprepared.

But you only have 5 turns to wear him down before it switches to another cutscene, in which Terra arrives with some very interesting news.

The news of the mass murder is already starting to spread via a messenger headed towards the capital. If they want any chance of not being charged for a good... 100+ counts for murder, then they'd better intercept him fast.

The only problem with this is, some of the remaining townsfolk have ganged up to try and seek their own form of justice.

They start by attacking a winded Grima - remember, he did have two trained knights and a wind mage/thunder mage wailing on him. Windsor has to jump in front of the guy a few times since he was too slow to block the attacks himself. He yells over to Terra that they have to do something about this, that they have to calm them down and explain first.

Terra's response? A distant, empty-sounding "We don't have time".

She reaches for her lance, readies it, and knocks aside one of the attacking villagers.

Olivier is frozen in shock. Calanthe immediately ducks behind Iris, confused. Iris looks livid. Amaranth nods, grim, and readies her tome. Laurel's bow clatters to the ground. Chantal lowers her head and re-notches her arrow. Narcisse and Nonery share a bewildered look, fingers stark white from holding onto their weapons. Grima smirks, flipping the dragonstone clumsily between his fingers... because they're shaking.

She turns around again and tells them that those are her orders, and if they don't want to comply they can leave.

Iris stifles a sob, but she readies her weapon. They all do.

Now to the actual map:

First off, there's twenty something villagers here. 23 to be exact about it. Normally, this would seem insanely difficult... or at least a challenge, but no. Every single villager is either level 1 or 2.

The lowest person on the team right now is Olivier's level 7.

... And the objective is Rout.

Do I have to explain how this goes?

And because I truly am a sadistic bitch, my mind decides to remember and play Distant Traces of Beauty during this map.

No, fuck you brain. This chapter's already been a pain, why did you have to go do THAT?

But a few other nitpicks: first off, Iris had the Rage/Wrath status on her for this one. This isn't odd, because every SINGLE person on the map had something. Gloom was on literally everyone, except for Olivier, Windsor, Narcisse and Grima, who were all inflicted instead by Fear. YES. GRIMA.

Something is so not right here I don't even.

Second, Calanthe and Iris got their mounts back? Okay...? It IS an outdoor map, but still.

Third, Fear and Gloom seem to be very similar. Except Gloom does something a little... off.

While Fear drops the avoid rate, Gloom drops the hit rate. Both also will randomly stop someone from counteracting. They'll heave out this sigh if under Gloom and slouch a bit, but under Fear they'll start shivering uncontrollably.

Grima was the first person to do this.

Coincidence I think not.

After the battle, Grima turns to Terra, fully impressed by her tactics without any sign of this so-called "fear" he had earlier. And while he's talking to her... his praise almost sounds a bit flirtatious of him... odd. That would be a very, very odd pairing indeed, but they CAN get married so huh.

Of course, while this conversation is going on, guess to decides to have a stab at someone, just because?


Iris goes after Terra, not Grima. Charges straight at her like she's going to plunge it into her spinal cord. Windsor grabs her lance and pulls her straight into him to keep her from y'know, turning the princess into a shish kebob and THIS conversation starts:

  • Windsor: What are you doing?
  • Iris: I don't know about you, but I don't like seeing any innocent person slaughtered for no reason.
  • Windsor: There IS a reason, I'm sure Terra has a reason. [/turns towards Terra] You have a reason, don't you? Even HE doesn't get it.
  • Iris: She has an excuse ready for every impulsive decision she makes... don't you, Terra?
  • Terra: I'd like to hear yours then, for trying to stab me.
  • Iris: I don't have excuses, I have reasons.
  • Terra: Well, enlighten me on your reasons, please, before I decide to arrest you to trying to stab royalty.
  • Iris: Oh! So now you get to pick and choose when you want to be considered royalty?
  • Windsor: Stop! Just... tell me why.
  • Iris: I don't really enjoy killing the people I grew up with. I'm nut exactly sure what you lot do for fun... but this - this is where she starts to sob again - isn't exactly it.
  • Windsor: You're Betelgeusian...
  • Iris: And you should be well aware of this.

Iris, you're hiding something. Spit it out now.

Anyway, Iris snatches her lance back and without any further interruption, the group high-tails it as fast as possible towards the Betelgeusian capital in order to smooth things over with the council, preferably before the messenger gets there, especially since they have the murderer with them.

This is practically it, except for a few minor nitpicks.

One, is that Grima knows Windsor's cursed. He's strolling past Iris and Windsor to walk up front with Terra and he pauses, doubling back to talk to Windsor. Conversation goes something like this:

  • Grima: Someone has a bit of darkness on their heart...
  • Windsor: I should hope not.
  • Grima: Oh, it's artificial. A bit of a relief, but such a shame. What kind of line is this? Something is not RIGHT with this guy, I SWEAR. Who says something that double-ended?
  • Windsor: Artificial...?
  • Grima: Someone not like you? Someone wanted to make you suffer?
  • Windsor: ...
  • Grima: You're absolutely dripping with it...
  • Grima: ... I'd give you about two months. If you're lucky.

... Damn it.

Second, guess who stopped to go comfort Iris?

Calanthe of course. I actually unlocked their C support a while ago and might have their B by now, actually. But I'm shipping it, no doubts.


They're being followed.

And remember how I said I think Tiki's back. Because I keep seeing her green hair practically everywhere on this chapter, i freaking swear. And she's not along either... I saw a stray white feather and strands of pink as well...


... Wait a minute. Is that my third pegasus knight? TRIANGLE ATTACK!

Okay, I'm going back to sleep! I must have my third pesagus knight. XD

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idk about what rey dreams about now although annie sounds like a good bet

The HELL are you smoking, Cam?

Anyways, at least your dreams are contributing to something creative.

Mine are... just... bad fluffy, romantic fanfiction.

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Wait wait wait wait wait. . .

When you had to fight the villagers, was Grima an NPC/Playable unit? Did you say he has SUPPORTS with people?

. . . I might need a swig of frozen water to calm my spinning head-doesn't help that I'm sick.

"Immune System, I give you a 0/10. GG"

- Verdant Shade, to his immune system

Oh, hey, Grima even had the affliction Fear. Why did I not notice that the first time?

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Wait wait wait wait wait. . .

When you had to fight the villagers, was Grima an NPC/Playable unit? Did you say he has SUPPORTS with people?

. . . I might need a swig of frozen water to calm my spinning head-doesn't help that I'm sick.

"Immune System, I give you a 0/10. GG"

- Verdant Shade, to his immune system

Oh, hey, Grima even had the affliction Fear. Why did I not notice that the first time?

He's a playable character. With supports.

I haven't seen it with my very own eyes but it seems like he can marry every female character and supports with Windsor.

My mind is completely blown. Windsor and Grima's support together better explain this... I hope I get their C soon.

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Oh, you two. XD

I've gotten two support conversations so far - Terra and Chantal's C and Calanthe and Iris' C.

That's only two though, so hopefully I can take a nap or something and get a few more.

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Wow, your Jeigan and Lord are kinda... bitches.

Don't get me wrong, Im still a fan of asshole characters like Shinon or Karel, but they don't go massacring civilians for being in their way or killing messengers for no fucking reason! It feels like Im watching RD depiction of Begnion, not actual human beings.

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Wow, your Jeigan and Lord are kinda... bitches.

Don't get me wrong, Im still a fan of asshole characters like Shinon or Karel, but they don't go massacring civilians for being in their way or killing messengers for no fucking reason! It feels like Im watching RD depiction of Begnion, not actual human beings.

Yes, yes they are. Terra is driving me mad.

I know, I love those type of characters usually, but Terra's starting to toe the line for me. I'm actually hoping she gets her wish and doesn't end up on the throne, because I don't think she'll be any better than her mother. Maybe even worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Possibly. If so, that would actually be a refreshing change from Terra and her... interesting tactics.

So, when I ask for my mind to not give me support conversations so I can get to the capital already and get my third Pegasus Knight I get support conversations.

Fine, fine, I'll play along. :\

So this first conversation I get is Terra and Chantal's C. Chantal is practically ripping the place apart looking for her bow, only to find it in Terra's hands after a few moments. Terra at first just casually says she wants to play with it, until Chantal remembers that Terra already knows the basics to using a bow, if just that she never liked to. Why on Earth would she suddenly just pick up a bow and play around with it when Terra's never liked playing around with anything if she doesn't like it? Finally, she gives in and reveals the true reason: she wants to be a protector, just like Chantal and feels she isn't doing enough for her country. The world around is going to hell (BRAIN, SHOW ME THIS) and she's not contributing. So Chantal, in all of her bluntness, calmly states that if she wants to do something, she needs to take control of the throne herself.

'Course, Terra objects.

Chantal continues her blank-faced explanation, that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself. If you want peace, you have to make it. If you want your crazy tyrant mother off the throne, you have to shove the sword in her gut yourself.

... No, she actually says that.

Chan-chan, I love you.

Terra's so against the idea of having to do any work though, she tells her that's what Windsor's for. Windsor wants peace and actually has to drive to achieve it... but Chantal counters that at well, reminding her that she's just using him for reasons even she doesn't know and if she actually cared about him, she wouldn't drag a dying man into her personal war. This, of course, turns Terra into a stuttering, angry mess before she throws Chantal's bow down and storms out. Chantal then delivers THIS particularly chilling line:

  • "If I had any say at all, I'd ensure you never gained the throne."

... That sounds like a threat. Damn, Chantal.

Second is Calanthe and Iris, which just oozes of adorable, by the way.

Calanthe is training with his lance when Iris sneaks up behind him and covers his eyes. He screams and starts flailing around, apparently slamming the blunt end of the lance into her. She falls, and Calanthe immediately freaks, thinking he killed her.

He starts sniffling, recalling about all the times they spent together, that she was the only one who paid attention to him when he was studying to be a pegasus knight, the only person who didn't laugh. She was a stranger to him then, but she cared enough to befriend him. And then I get THIS:

  • Calanthe: S-She was the only person t-that I... t-the only one I'll ever... I-IRIS!

... What does that sound like to you?


Iris regains consciousness right before he says this, so she hears it all and asks him what he meant. Calanthe completely ignores the question and helps her up, but not without practically tackling her into a hug, sobbing into her shoulder because he was so worried. Iris asks him again what he meant, trying to get an answer out of him, but either he's intentionally ignoring her or just doesn't hear her because he doesn't answer. This seems to irritate her a bit, but then she says this:

  • Iris: It doesn't matter... remember what happens when you get your hopes up, Iris...

Are you kidding me? This is just their C support! B through S must be amazing.

Next is Narcisse and Nonery's C... with a little bit of Windsor.

So someone seems to be in some sort of predicament, ripping apart the castle's closets looking for something as Nonery notes, and just as he's about to deduce it's not his problem, he runs straight into Narcisse... who seems to be frantically looking for something.

Case closed! Okay, not really.

Narcisse it turns out is looking for a sleep staff - he knows there's one but he can't remember where. Nonery faintly remembers seeing a purple-ish staff in the library and Narcisse about runs him over trying to get it. Nonery decides with then to follow him, since clearly someone's not right. Once he catches up with Narcisse again, Narcisse tells him that the sleep staff is for Windsor. Nonery chimes in at that, saying something about Windsor being a fellow insomniac (which explains why Nonery's a night person), but Narcisse corrects him, it's not being he can't sleep, the reason he needs it is because apparently, Windsor collapsed and is in so much pain he's jolted back awake every time he starts to lose consciousness.


So Narcisse wanted the staff to keep him asleep.

Nonery is utterly bewildered by this, and comes to the conclusion that not only is Terra trying to put a commoner on the throne in her place, but a deathly ill one at that.

He's even MORE ticked at her, which is saying something considering how much he already seems to dislike her, but Narcisse actually stand for Terra, saying that all of her life she was reminded of the massive responsibilities of being royalty and she saw the outcomes of several important decisions.

On top of this – thank you Narcisse for saying this, I fucking love him now – one of these “important decisions” got her father killed.

It turns out he was assassinated… eleven years ago. If that sounds familiar at all, it should, because Lorelei was arrested for stealing documents pertaining to an even that occurred - you guessed it - eleven years ago. And Jordanes' disappearance also occurred on that day... eleven years ago.


Now plot, actually be in the story for when we get to the capital. Thank you!

Nonery is a bit shaken by this news, and most of his original anger dissipates into a sort-of... pity. He actually apologizes for that happening to her and starts to walk away. What's wrong, I wonder? Narcisse tries to stop him, but then he remembers Windsor and decides he'll just catch him later.

This is kind of adorable, actually. Windsor, Nonery and Narcisse can all support with each. I have a feeling I'm going to be completely sniped by this amazing three-way bromance here.

Last support, but arguable just as amazing as the ones before it. Terra and Windsor's C.

It starts with Windsor abruptly asking Terra why she picked him, of all people. She's taken aback by this, of course, shocked that he'd even ask. But she finally gives him and mentioned that of all the people she found who looked similar to her brother, he was the first one to she reacted to. The others felt merely like people with a resemblance. Windsor actually felt like he meant something to her (note how ambiguous that line is) and she was so relieved to feel something, she snatched him as fast she could. She then asks why it matters, and Windsor mentions that she never truly gave him a reason - just a job description and what she wanted. He felt like half the time he was just being used.

Terra's shocked that he thinks that, and actually a bit hurt. She explains she wanted to help him, give him a family and friends and people that actually loved him in return for him helping her with the kingdom. His reply is... callous, to say the least.

  • Windsor: ...You know when most people want to help someone, they don't ask for anything in return. You may be helping me, yes, but it's a selfish sort of help. Do you actually like me as a person, or because I'm a tool?

Ouch, Windsor. Taking lessons from Iris much?

Terra is so utterly flabbergasted by his response she just, walks away from him apparently unable to handle what he just said. And Windsor goes back to reading his tomes, not having remarking about how useless it is to get her to see reason.

Sadly, I'm starting to agree. After that incident with the villagers in "Heaven and Earth" Terra is REALLY bugging me. Hopefully, we can get to the capital of Betelguese, smooth out their rocky relations and maybe restore her honor a bit. ... Hopefully.

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U said that if Terra became queen, shed be just as bad as her mom. Hardin, anyone?

Hardin's from... which game? I'm sorry, I'm only faintly familiar with Radiant Dawn, but I remember seeing him as a Spotpass character in Awakening.

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Hardin's from... which game? I'm sorry, I'm only faintly familiar with Radiant Dawn, but I remember seeing him as a Spotpass character in Awakening.

The original Archenea duology. Hardin was a playable cavalier in the first game and the secondary antagonist of the second (which was FE3). He was originally an honest soldier and king, but became corrupted by the Dark Orb given to him by Gharneff when he became depressed that his wife wouldn't stop swooning over Camus. So FE3 is the first game I know to teaches an important lesson. Love is a bitch (and started the events of FE3).

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Hardin's from... which game? I'm sorry, I'm only faintly familiar with Radiant Dawn, but I remember seeing him as a Spotpass character in Awakening.

Hardin comes from the Arachanea series - in the first game (FE1/11) he is one of Marth's staunchest allies, and probably your best Paladin alongside Cain and Abel. Afterwards? Well, Gharnef and the Darksphere turn that right around. He started the Hardin Archetype, characters who either have a bright future ahead of them, or are intent on doing good, etc. . . but then fail. The archetype's generally said to include

Hardin (FE1(11), 3(12), and BS:FE) (bet'cha didn't expect him to be part of his own archetype)

Arvis (FE4/5 : Genealogy of the Holy Wars / Thracia 776)

Zephiel (FE6 : The Sword of Seals)

Lyon (FE8 : The Sacred Stones)

Dheginsea (FE10 : Radiant Dawn)

I don't quite understand where Blah's comment is coming from, but that's to be expected since I never played the games myself. I know that once the ruling King of Aurelis, Hardin's Brother IIRC, fell ill, Hardin took things into his own hands and reformed everything - power-grubby nobles and enslavers were banished, the plains slaves freed, their leaders made Aurelian lords, and the rebellion by the disgruntled ex-nobles put down with ease. But I still don't see anything about Hardin's parents.

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Well, your dreams are certainly interesting so far, though I also would have prefered more plot over more supports. Keep up the dozing off and telling us about, I'm quite interested to hear it.

You know, that also reminds me of a thread I started about FE14 ideas that you should all check out! (I know, I have no shame)

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Personally I think you need to get together a team of people and make this into an actual tangible playable thing, because this story is seriously more interesting and engaging than a good few of the canon Fire Emblem plots.

Edited by Starlight36
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Sounds legit to me. I like how it breaks all the most arbitrary rules. Like the first non-swordsman Lord role, not necessarily class. (first non-male Lord class? Was Lyn a Lord? Can't remember.) since Micaiah or like having a male pegknight. I been waiting on that one for a while, just for the sake of sheer originality from a series standpoint. And bringing back the Magic Double Triangle of Dark > (Wind > Thunder > Fire > Wind) > Light > Dark is a pretty swag move. As for Windsor's sword....not just decoration anymore - Class Change! (but wouldn't it be hard as hell to get him to level 20 that fast to minimize xp waste?)

The only potential complication is in the existence of the Fell Dragon, Grima. Cause yanno, he's kindof a dick, and needs to get sealed away for milennia at a time, or even ....spoilers mayhaps?

outright killed.

Will height advantage/disadvantage be coming back? The existence of ledges could lead to several different strategies as to how a map should be handled, all viable.

Mechanically, radiant dawn was a masterpeice. seeing some of its goodies come back pleases me. and your version of the Doubles system is MUCH less broken.

All of the Anima magicks should have uses again. not much incentive for anything but thoron spam in awakening, and RD really underutilized fire. so many beast maps that didnt include tormod....

Fire could be the all-purpose furry woodland creature nuke, effective against taguel/beast laguz/what-have-you and also ponies (dealing with underutilization once and for all. here are ALWAYS paladins), sortof on par with beastkillers/horseslayers wind is pretty swag as-is, taking down fliers of all varieties, transformation or no (but more fliers would be needed. a birdstone-user race? introducing new species into an established setting is a bold move that generally is well-received so far) while lightning handles manaketes and dracoknights. Though that leaves light and dark still. Perhaps light in general could trump armors, a la micaiah's, thani? i dont think dark has ever ben supereffective against anything. it just hits hard as crap. iunno.

At any rate, looks swag, love to see more, sorry for typing your eyes off.

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While largely superfluous seeing as everything exists at the whim of the OP's subconscious, I propose a compromise - since I do see what you mean about the different fliers having different weaknesses.

How about Dracoknights being weak to thunder magicks, pegasus knights being weak to wind magicks, and both types of flier being vulnerable to arrows? After all, an arrow to the wing is still an arrow to the wing regardless of whether that wing has feathers or a fleshy membrane, and has a high probability of restricting flight capabilities thereafter. For gameplay purposes, a grounded draco/pegknight is a dead one. They don't have the same infantry lance training that Soldiers do, and would be picked off easily ANYWAY, so best to save the player mild inconvenience and have it be dead.

thinking about it, it might be devilishly tricky to program, but i think it has its own sort of beauty. although that might just be human ego talking. nobody wants to admit their idea sucks.

although it usually works out that the mages go after the dracos and largely ignore pegknights while archers pick off pegknights and avoid dracos. at least when i play. the dracos high str and def makes arrows annoying to use, (although virion's beautiful spd growth in awakening at least makes it somewhat more tolerable to get arrow ORKOs. if im not scoring a kill right away or setting one up for a frailer unit, i generally wait and do the weakening on enemy phase), while pegknights with theire high spd, skl, and res makes all but the most potent of magicks - even wind-class - ineffective. blasted tomes have low mt compared to phys weapons. I presume it's to balance that you're attacking at range.

what'd ya think of the "fire > ponies" thing though?

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I come back and I see beautiful ideas floating around. Fun.

While yes, I am kind of going by what my dreams stir up for me, if I ever do find a way to make this into something, I may have to alter a couple of things. Like giving Windsor that Levin Sword, for example: he could always use a Wind Edge, which wouldn't require him learning thunder magic. I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier, but okay brain.

As for the actual discussion, I can give a super-mini update and actually add to it!

It's kind of odd that fire magic doesn't have something going for it - there's practically no point in using it. Sure, it has more Might that Wind or Thunder, but Wind can take on Pegasus Knights and is more accurate and Thunder can (in most games save Awakening as far as I know) take on Wyverns and has a better chance of criticalling. Meaning more damage. Fire tomes had no real purpose other than to deal with Wind mages.

I was wondering how thunder magic does additional damage to dragons, because that logic might be feasible enough to apply using fire tomes for either horses or armored units. Although I always thought thunder would work best for those because metal plus electricity equals a major shock. Hmm.

Horses ARE easily spooked by fire, but that's not really damaging it, unless it inflicts the "Fear" status effect onto mounted units. [/shrugs] That's not really effective though.

You're right about using archers to go for pegasus knights and mages going for wyverns - I do that myself. That always seems to be far more effective than the other way around. And actually that leads right into this:

So, um, I'll admit I woke up with my brain kind of scrambled. And I ended up forgetting a good half of the dream before I even got a chance to scrawl something into my notebook.

[/sigh] But, I do remember this. So it seems that for each base class, there's two second tier promotions you can choose from, and depending on which second-tier promotion chosen, than then unlocks a third-tier one corresponding to that.

So I was fooling around and looking at Laurel's options because she's an archer and I had a Master Scroll.

Laurel can promote to two things: A Sniper, which gives her access to Longbows and whatnot, and a Draco Archer.

... That's an archer... ON A WYVERN. WTF.

Conversely, Iris has Sylph Knight (which now wield tomes and Iris seems to be locked into Wind tomes) has an option as well. So what I'm thinking is that Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Riders have methods to take each other out.

This is also interesting... because Wymslayers are now lances, just like Beast Killers, meaning that if they gain lances in their third promotion then they're basically each other's anti-unit.

I have no idea what to do about the Dark/Light mages though. I might have to start thinking of some stuff for this while I'm awake. :D - that and my only Light Mage vanished. Darn it, Lorelei.

As for Grima... I don't think it's ACTUALLY the fell dragon Grima, because something just... reeks of not right here. Hopefully, I get a support conversation with Grima and someone to explain him a bit, because I swear, he's not right. For a dragon focused solely on destruction, he's just... off.

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thunder is only effective against dragons in FE10, and in that game bows aren't effective against them either.

also draco archers!!! yes!

Huh. Then I wonder why they did that, because if anything, I always thought that fire would be more effective since it seems like their wings are really thin and burning them would limit, possibly even prevent their ability to fly.

I know right?! Laurel is SO promoting to that. XD

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