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[FE10] Pick By Part Draft

Ema Skye

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2-P: 8/8


2-1: free/8


2-2: 4/12

Jav!Neph is an amazing free unit. Short Axe!Brom is bro too.

2-3: 5/17

marseea <3

2-E: 3/20

hammah Promo promo'd after killing Ludveck

Total Turns thus far: 69 (teehee)


Marcia Lv.16 40 HP / 18 Str / 9 Mag / 21 Skl / 26 Spe / 18 Lck / 19 Def / 18 Res

Brom Lv.20/1 49 HP / 26 Str / 8 Mag / 27 Skl / 23 Spe / 28 Lck / 32 Def / 16 Res

Lethe is base

Geoffery is Lv.19

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So thats why you took Nasir and Gareth.

I think I got a pretty good team. Its my 1st FE10 draft though so Im sure I will learn alot.

edit - Nailah and Geoffry are free so you gonna have to bench someone regardless.

Edited by Hawk King
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3-P: free/0

3-1: 4/4

boyd and rofl suck

3-2: 3/7

BROYD promos after bosskill

3-3: 8/15

dis boyd and dis brom

3-4: 8/23


3-5: 1/24

rofl pwns boss

3-6: 4/28


3-7: 12/40


3-8: 4/44

Jill hits 3rd tier and goes down.

3-9: 3/47

Marcia promos and goes up

3-10: 5/53

JILL! <3

3-11: 5/58

BEXP + Crown'd Tanith. Tanith got the 3-1 Robe.

3-12: 3/61

Tauro totes is amazing here when he promos

3-13: 3/64

could've 2 turned witb boots but they're better spent elsewhere

3-F: 6/70

so many fliers :D

Total Turns thus far: 139


Micaiah Lv.20/17 39 HP / 11 Str / 30 Mag / 23 Skl / 19 Spe / 40 Lck / 15 Def / 30 Res

Sothe Lv.17 40 HP / 22 Str / 4 Mag / 26 Skl / 25 Spe / 24 Lck / 18 Def / 12 Res

Jill Lv.20/20/17 55 HP / 35 Str / 10 Mag / 32 Skl / 35 Spe / 31 Lck / 32 Def / 22 Res

Tauroneo Lv.20/7 49 HP / 29 Str / 16 Mag / 30 Skl / 27 Spe / 21 Lck / 30 Def / 24 Res

Tormod who knows

Nailah base

Marcia Lv.20/20 50 HP / 25 Str / 18 Mag / 36 Skl / 36 Spe / 35 Lck / 28 Def / 33 Res

Brom Lv.20/9 57 HP / 31 Str / 8 Mag / 32 Skl / 24 Spe / 30 Lck / 36 Def / 17 Res

Lethe Lv.30 60 HP / 10 Str / 6 Mag / 15 Skl / 18 Spe / 25 Lck / 10 Def / 11 Res

Ike Lv.20/1 54 HP / 29 Str / 6 Mag / 32 Skl / 30 Spe / 16 Lck / 26 Def / 13 Res

Boyd Lv.20/12 64 HP / 37 Str / 7 Mag / 29 Skl / 33 Spe / 18 Lck / 24 Def / 12 Res

Rolf Lv.20/9 55 HP / 36 Str / 10 Mag / 32 Skl / 31 Spe / 24 Lck / 20 Def / 20 Res

Tanith Lv.20/11 50 HP / 32 Str / 15 Mag / 35 Skl / 33 Spe / 27 Lck / 23 Def / 26 Res

stats suck but codebox is a hater to my tab button

Edited by Dinfinitysignfina
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4-P: 3/3

Sanaki is BEXPed to Lv.12. Miccy and Sothe are BEXPed to Lv.20. Miccy takes the 3-9 wing. Tanith takes boots. Tanith and Sanaki go right. Miccy and Sothe go up.

4-1: 4/7


4-2: 5/12


4-3: 5/17

Resolve!Miccy and Resole!Sanaki help MASTERRACE TANITH beat this map.

4-4: 6/23

tormod decides to show up, he's bexp'd to lv20 and crowed. he gets the 3-9 spirit dust and is BEXPed to Lv.4. Ike and Brom go right. Boyd goes up to the lowest treasure room. Nailah, Jill and Tormod head up. Tormod gained like 12 levels thanks to paragon.

4-5: 1/24

Pelleas is bexp'd to 20 and crown'd. He's then given an arms scroll to put his staff rank at A and he's BEXP'd to Lv.5. Pelleas is shoved by Tauroneo and smited by Lethe. Rolf shoves Reyson. Pelleas kills a cat, is danced and moves again and rescues Pass!Marcia who kills Izuka,

Tower Team:

Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Sanaki, Kurthnaga, Ena, Rafiel, Jill, Tanith, Marcia, Brom, Tauroneo, Boyd, Rolf, Tormod, Pelleas

4-E-1: 2/26


4-E-2: 1/27


4-E-3: 2/29

Rofl 2RKOs thanks to Boyd support

4-E-4: 1/30

Tanith goes DOWN

4-E-5: 2/32

GG ashera

Total TC: 171 turns

no stats and stuff because almost 5am and sleepy =/

Jill, Marcia, Tanith, Ike and Sothe were my top 5 killers.

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yeah and now i'm regretting staying up so late to finish @_@

Anyways, unit summaries:

Micaiah: You know you're in for a treat when defense is the first stat you cap :D

Sothe: Not as good as Micaiah/10

Jill: Is broken

Tormod: Was really useful in swamp and 4-4

Tauroneo: Killed Ike and got like half the kills in 3-12

Marcia: Not as good as Tanith or Jill but brought two speedwings to the team!

Lethe: Reyson smiter

Boyd: Really good until Jill came, then he was just another unit.

Brom: Killed Ludveck and then really only helped with routs

Rolf: Craptastic stat but a bromotion saved turns cause 3 range

Tanith: Second best unit on the team so good

Sanaki: Resolve mode is boss

Pelleas: Helped save a turn 10/10

Nailah: So good!

Kurth: Night Tide/10

Ena: Blood Tide/10

BK: 1-9/10

Herons: Vigor/10

Oliver: Died to Nailah

Edited by Dinfinitysignfina
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  • 2 weeks later...

Quintessence: Ilyana, Leonardo, Fiona / Oscar, Heather, Janaff, Kyza / Calill, Kieran / Naesala, Nasir, Gareth

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden

1-P: 4

So Eddie needs to kill 2 bandits, lv up str and wrath hitkill Pugo. Mhm.

1-1: 3/7


1-2: 4/11

Nolan needs 15 str and 13 AS to Orko the boss by ep4.

1-3: 3/14

Gogo Sothe!

1-4: 4/18

Sothe beastkills the left! Ily crtkills the right one with her 21crt (mx mt/crt frg).

1-5: 3/21

Ily east, Sothe to the platform, Miccy x Leo up, Volug northeast! Ily takes the boss kill and gets up to lv 17


Stg 1: 4/25


Stg 2: 3/28


1-7: 5/33


1-8: 4/37

This can be 3 turnable, probably with Vika

1-9: 4/41


1-E: 5/46

I laugh at dis. Ily<3

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Forgot to mention that nails got the speedwing but then Miccy seized 8(

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings

2-P: 8/54

Sal forces me to give him credits for the S Luchi strat.

2-1: free

Heather got a str lck level, whoo! Also, Ashera Icon got :3

2-2: 3/57

Luchi ferries Heather and drops her in front of the bowgun warrior (Luchi stood in 2 range against it) for torching/fog purposes. He gets hit on purpose to enter wrath modo and own the gen and Maraj.

2-3: 5/62

Got speedwing with Kieran. Geoff owns the map but so many enemies were killed which means less Bexp award for Calilly 8{

2-E: 2/64

All the Bexp for Calill made her get up to lv 19, she got a wing, an icon and the talisman, all these to make her cap str, and indeed, she capped str mag skl sp and res. Now equipping Meteor just lowers her AS to 22, enough to double Luvdisc and burn him to cinders with vigor shenanigans. Gogogo Calill!

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Part 3: Intersecting Vows

3-P: free

Oscar gets as much exp as he can.

3-1: 3/67

Shinon is the best free unit ever because Killer Bow and Crossbow. Also, t3 Oscar is amazing.

3-2: 2/69

CeleriFox drops wrath Ilyana.

3-3: 7/76

CeleriHeather the best! She passes on through Veyona and burns the 2 northwestern supplies. Foxcar burns the northeastern supply, Ike the one in the middle and Gatrie the southern ones. Gatrie gets Blossom, Ily Master Crown.

3-4: 6/82

Blossom!Kyza is awesome! Foxcar drops CeleriIke while Heather Adept follows.

3-5: 1/83

Crts! Not Sol!

3-6: 5/88

Bronardo! Beastfoe!

3-7: 12/100

Train! Kyza gets awesome lv ups!

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I forgot I had any work done on this.

Prologue 5:5

Chapter 1. 4:10

Chapter 2. 7:17

Chapter 3. 6:23

Chapter 4. 5:28

Chapter 5. 6:34

Chapter 6. 6:40

Chapter 6-2 4:44

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3-8: 4/104

Oscar celerirushes down! Kyza gets to S rank.

3-9: 3/107

OP Calill orkos the boss with meteor and no AS reduction.

3-10: 4/111

Everybody rushes. Ily down, the rest up then east.

3-11: 4/115

All-capped Janaff ferries Ike. Keeping him with 1pt bird gauge, and making him dodge bows untransformed is a pain. I prefer how fliers handle this. Laguz simply suck.

3-12: 2/117

T3 Fiona rushes down. She needed str and skl because she's awful :facepalm:. This chapter was cleared due to em and only 30 enemies to rout but not because Fiona's awesomeness.

3-13: 2/119

Ike is already DEAD

3-E: 5/124

Kyza up, Janaff right! The rest up! And Oscar isn't afraid of nails.

Part 4: Gods and Men

Silver: Calill, Naesala

Greil: Oscar, Heather, Ilyana, Kyza

Hawk: Janaff, Kieran, Leonardo, Fiona

I'll probably have to substitute Kyza for Nails, so much effort on him and he's awesome 8'(

edit: I mean the Tower

Edited by Quintessence
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raegfinishes this because tiared

4-P: 3/127

Sothe is vigored, pushes calill... whatev. Nestling flies and Calill is op. And Miccy wrecks shit down right.

4-1: 3/130


4-2: 4/134

JanaffxKieran op celerikierush!

4-3: 5/139

NestlingxLeanne & Calill... & Miccy... & Sothe. Got Laguz gem

4-4: 5/144

Awesome siege from Ilyana

4-5: 2/146

RAGE! No pass, so had to take the Janaff ferry Beastfoe Leo way

4-E: 7/153


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All the EM drafts getting counts like this makes me realize that typical drafts are better.

Nice job btw.

Hammer cantoer and miccy in 4-e-1 and +5 blessing + nasir/gareth makes this so broken lol. Even capped oscar by mid p3.

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