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Some of Those Supports...


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Go compare the two and you'll instantly see the huge difference in tone and character development, and it's not for the better.

Looking at Henry in his supports, he's always had mental problems from his past, both in the Japanese version and in the English version, and he's not ready to admit it in either. The biggest changes is how they turn out: Japanese!Henry has more of his sanity intact, while English!Henry was more damaged in that regard (as more of his supports and conversations imply that he genuinely doesn't understand how to be an actual human, and is beginning to learn how to be so, whereas he had his own code of morals and way of doing things and stuck to those prior to his time in the Shepherds).

There's also the fact that I like how hilarious Henry is in the localization (they handled his shtick better than Tharja's at any rate, though Japanese and English!Tharja both suck to me so eh). I do like both, but Japanese!Henry is a bit more anime, and English!Henry trades some of that for delicious crazy awesomeness! And the fact that Henry's japanese Support has something that seem a bit out-of-character for him in the S Support.

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I rather liked the female!Avatar and Chrom supports, but I'll admit that part of it was that I found it funny, I use the auto-marriage conversation to get their S support, and I don't watch enough anime to roll my eyes at the cliche (and because I felt like the story was more of their support conversations, with the actually conversations just funny blips). ...That probably made no sense.

Mentioning Chrom and Sumia, again, because I felt that it made both of them quite shallow. Cordelia and Frederick because that was a really BAD S support (yet some people think it's the most romantic thing ever, for some reason).

Other supports that were somewhat lackluster, especially at the S, to me were Frederick-Olivia, Virion-Olivia (both of the S supports just... didn't fit in with the rest, I felt), Libra-Miriel, and... a few others that I can't remember at the moment.

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Did you seriously prefer that shitty Chrom x Fe MU support over Chrom x Sumia

I mean fuck, Chrom x all of the candidate(bar Olivia flashback) is actually really good, but FE-MU x Chrom just take the low quality in a whole new level

That being said, my problem with Cordelia is not so much the fact that she get over Chrom or not, but more because that thing is shoehorned for no reason, ruins her otherwise best support(in my opinion).

Not to mention the way people judge her pairing goes from "they have a solid relationship" into "hey she get over Chrom and she say so" or "she did not even mention Chrom, best convo ever!m"

Which is bullshit

Chrom and FeMU wasn't much be---

Beat me to it.

Animu cliche to the extreme.

When we're just talking about the support itself, only marginally, yes. But really, it's mostly because of headcanon. I've never personally paired Chrom and Sumia together (got my sister to do it XD), but I've got the support in the log.

Now, usually when I judge a pairing I include the child/children with it, and I'll admit to liking the Chrom, Sumia, Lucina, Cynthia family dynamic quite a bit. It's not my favorite, but I do really like it, enough to where it tops the dynamics from my two favorite Chrom pairings.

The whole game is very anime-esque, and I've watched enough anime to point out the cliches in a heartbeat. Sometimes, I don't mind cliche storm plots if the characters are original enough to pull it off, but Awakening sort of... failed at it. They tried, but...

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IS lazyness contribute much to problem. But literally have an axe to their neck and get their studio chomp if this fail, I can hardly blame them for it. Though ironically they have some good touch here and there that makes the support make a better enjoyment.

Since Awakening literaly an awakeing for IS, I hope they wouldn't keep this lazyness in their writing department.

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The english version of HenryxOlivia's supports can go suck a bag of dicks.

I see people complaining about this one a lot... I dunno about the Japanese one and don't feel like reading a wall of text, but it doesn't seem that bad. If anything, I kind of like it.

C: Olivia has the wrong impression about Henry, but he reveals he likes animals and isn't as crazy as she thinks he is. Some funny lines in there.

B: Mmm... blood. More details about Henry, and being sent to Wizard School with dangerous experiments by his parents. Olivia thinks Henry is faking his happiness. Interesting and some nice details about Henry's past.

A: Olivia tries to teach Henry about emotions, with amusing results. Olivia gets cursed and Henry helps her. Aww. And shows emotion.

S: I don't have it, but they're usually terrible, so I don't care much.

It's very Henry-development sided, but seems alright to me. Henry's character seems fairly consistent with other ones, so does Olivia's... could someone explain briefly what the issues with this one are?

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I'll add a quick comment on Olivia and Henry.

Although I do agree that the S Support was kinda bad, I think the C Support was better. Henry does love animals; he was raised by then and he is always with his crows. I don't know, I feel that him killing the dog didn't fit him. Humans? His trauma could be a reason for wanting kill them. But animals? He loves animals. I never understood "Whelp, it won't get food". It just doesn't sound very Henry to me.

Plus, loving animals adds a bit more to Henry's character and actually, I think, adds depth to his past. It makes him seem less pointlessly murderous.

I won't defend the change in the S Support though.

And Cordelia and anyone... It's always her settling. If she didn't have a daughter, I swear, I wouldn't have married her to anyone. I also wouldn't have married Lon'qu to anyone (they ended up together, ironically), but marrying Ricken to anyone made me feel really slimy. Libra, too. I just don't feel like he needs to be married to anyone besdies Virion. I liked his character better single (same with Cordelia, but, again, Severa calls).

Lon'qu and Cordelia could have been great, by the way, and had so much potential (perfect woman and man afraid of them?), but the support itself fell flat on its face. I like Lon'qu having a daughter.

I can't get used to Lon'qu. Every other name, yes, but still not Lon'qu. I just want Ronku back...

Oh, and one more. I love love love Virion and Cherche as a couple, to the point I could never imagine either of them with anybody else (sorry, sucky Gerome. You must suck for the name of LOVE!). But their supports could have been so much better...

Like, Virion never realizes his perfect woman was right at his side the whole time... Aww... So cute.

But the supports weren't that cute. It was just him being a womanizer again.

I think he and Panne also could have been cute, maybe with him not thinking of her as someone he's want to date because she's a Taguel. Kinda like Saul and Dorothy (another fav couple of mine).

Edited by Valorous_Roland
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I actually haven't gotten any Gregor supports besides his wife's (Nowi's)...

I love all other Virion ones (especially Libra, and, although this isn't a support, his conversation with him in Harvest of Bonds/new name I forgot is one of my favorites), but Panne and Cherche were the only two weak ones, I think.

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I really don't understand the issue with Olivia/Henry. Both supports (ENG and JAP) are godawful, especially the A support where Olivia fakes is randomly cursed for no good reason other than to force emotion out of Henry. It seriously bugs me. WHY does Henry need to be a tragic, horribly cliched Stepford Smiler, JUST because he had a rotten past? I think it makes Henry's character rather strong where he can still turn out cheerful (and somewhat kooky), DESPITE his horrible past. Olivia thought she was helping, trying to claim she knew Henry better than he knew himself. But she came across as bossy and manipulative to me, ESPECIALLY that A support where "lol whoops I'm cursed". If the A support STARTED with Olivia being randomly cursed for no good reason, then I might have bought the "aww this pairing is so heartwarming" bullshit. But no, it comes out rather horribly forced. I honestly don't get how anybody could call the support, in both languages, "heartwarming", when it's one of the stupidest supports out there. Ack.

And as for Cordelia's supports, her Chrom-obsession really rubs me the wrong way, too. It's why I always pair her with Kellam, for black-haired Severa, AND because there's not a single hint of Chrom in C through S. It's all Kellam and Cordelia learning new skills, which is a nice break.

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I really don't understand the issue with Olivia/Henry. Both supports (ENG and JAP) are godawful, especially the A support where Olivia fakes is randomly cursed for no good reason other than to force emotion out of Henry. It seriously bugs me. WHY does Henry need to be a tragic, horribly cliched Stepford Smiler, JUST because he had a rotten past? I think it makes Henry's character rather strong where he can still turn out cheerful (and somewhat kooky), DESPITE his horrible past. Olivia thought she was helping, trying to claim she knew Henry better than he knew himself. But she came across as bossy and manipulative to me, ESPECIALLY that A support where "lol whoops I'm cursed". If the A support STARTED with Olivia being randomly cursed for no good reason, then I might have bought the "aww this pairing is so heartwarming" bullshit. But no, it comes out rather horribly forced. I honestly don't get how anybody could call the support, in both languages, "heartwarming", when it's one of the stupidest supports out there. Ack.

And as for Cordelia's supports, her Chrom-obsession really rubs me the wrong way, too. It's why I always pair her with Kellam, for black-haired Severa, AND because there's not a single hint of Chrom in C through S. It's all Kellam and Cordelia learning new skills, which is a nice break.

My main gripe with Henry/Olivia is how some people treat it like it's the best pairing for the both of them. The Japanese supports gave a good look at Henry, yes, and I found they were pretty nice to read, but I wouldn't call it the best set of supports in the game.

Kellam/Cordelia sounds like a rather nice pairing for both of them.

Oh yeah, and Stahl/Cherche's another pairing I feel gets overlooked.

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While I believe Cordelia gets over Chrom in most of her pairings (Lon'qu, Stahl, Kellam, Gregor, Vaike, Virion, and male Avatar to name a few), that is not the case in her S support with Frederick. I felt terrible for Frederick when I read that support.

I also don't like Chrom and female Avatar's supports.

Edited by Kamina
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I rather liked the female!Avatar and Chrom supports, but I'll admit that part of it was that I found it funny, I use the auto-marriage conversation to get their S support, and I don't watch enough anime to roll my eyes at the cliche (and because I felt like the story was more of their support conversations, with the actually conversations just funny blips). ...That probably made no sense.

I get what you say, cuz I agree. I will admit that I prefer the Male!Avatar x Chrom convos more overall (and that the FeAvatar convos are cliched), but I'm assuming that when they were making those convos, they had humor in mind first; whether or not people prefer that, I feel that it did deliver what it was meant to deliver because I certainly found it hilarious. I would've been displeased, however, if that was the only interaction they had in the story, like most other characters in supports have. But since they already get so much relationship development in the story, I don't mind that they tried to have more levity in the supports. I bet people are gonna harp on it no matter what though, but eh, whatever. I found it enjoyable, so sue me for all I care.... :P

As for Cordelia, I'm just gonna chalk it up to IS being lazy and not handling her supports and characterization better. I've not seen many of her supports, but at least in her support with Vaike, I believe he was actually the one to bring up Chrom (in the romantic rival sense; the rest of Chrom's mentions in the supports were because of Vaike's trying to best him, NOT Cordelia...) to Cordelia, and she never mentioned once that Chrom would always stay in her heart......but whatevs. I do feel like most people are going a little overboard with all this. They're just supports, if they really bother people that much......I dunno what else to say.... :/

Edited by Silver Lightning
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@shadykid: Not in my book. I kinda like the default 21 scene more than either the "mother" scene or the "lover" scene.

And Lucina doesn't need Avatar to become OP by far!

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Chrom's supports with female Avatar may be terrible, but OP Lucina+chapter 21 scene makes up for it

Im going to become the jerkass like I always do and say that this scene is the turning point that make me despise Chrom

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Im going to become the jerkass like I always do and say that this scene is the turning point that make me despise Chrom

I actually agree with you here, I prefer the default scene. In that one, Chrom DOESN'T just randomly waltz up to the two and ask Lucina if she's done trying to murder her mother/lover, then give a explanation as to why she shouldn't with that same blase attitude, like he DIDN'T just see his daughter trying to murder his wife/best friend.

Geez, Chrom. Since when you did become such a stoic?

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The fact that his decision on that note are NOT QUESTIONED AT ALL(both if he married FE-MU or not) is REALLY problematic

A lot of things that happened in this game has been done in previous games and handled differently. This is the worst of the bunch

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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IMO the best Chrom's romantic support is by far Sully. It shows that they were friends for a long time and that they have a true friendship, even though they're so different and that they deeply care for each other, while also showing a bit of backstory.

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IMO the best Chrom's romantic support is by far Sully. It shows that they were friends for a long time and that they have a true friendship, even though they're so different and that they deeply care for each other, while also showing a bit of backstory.

Chrom/Maribelle is a really good one, too.

In fact, I think the lesser liked supports Chrom has (Sully and Maribelle namely) are the ones which are the best written.

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