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Who else falls into this category? I like hated units!


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So, after taking a hiatus from this awesome forum, I came back and discovered the RTU thread.

To much of my surprise, some of my favorite units are disliked and some of my most disliked units are loved. Keep in mind, I had already invested in the players I like and ignored others before finding out what the community thought about in game characters.

Like, I love Brady. Inigo. Olivia, Kellam.

What is not to like about these players? I can understand if you're doing a run with no sidequests, but if you're cool with grinding these guys are great. Frankly, anyone that can get Galeforce should be invested in, IMO. It's arguably the best skill in the game. Players I do not like are Viake, Fredrick, Sully, Mirel, Nowi, Gregor ...

Anyone else like disliked characters? And is there anyone that likes Brady lol?

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The RTU thread was simply for usability as units.

Generally if you like a character, you will find a way to make them usable, hell more likely you'll grind the hell out of them to make them a great unit.

...like so:


RTU thread isn't really about disliking characters, rather than rating them for gameplay reasons.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Olivia is... I'm not sure how anyone can say she's bad. At all, unless you actually mean "LTC", in which case she's still probably saving turns with dancing.

But in a non-LTC setting- turns are -not- a resource, neither is time, she can -reliably- get infinite EXP on any difficulty. Without Outrealms or Bonus Box battles, or using other resources. (Well, Second Seals, but 2500/g worth of Second Seal is a lot less than 1280/ea Rescue Staves)...

There's a reason why she's been called the Queen of Lunatic.

She'll end up with more hard-stats than just about any other character- which has a ripple effect onto Inigo and either Morgan or Lucina.

Ricken is another character that gets way too much hate despite being pretty freaking solid.

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RTU is entirely about usability in a straight up, no grind campaign run on hard. Frederick is amazing because he carries you through early chapters and makes a good pair-up partner for loads of characters. Sully has well-rounded stats, starts as a Cavalier in Ch1 and can even reclass to Wyvern. Great character who doesn't need you to go out of your way at all.

Compare Brady.

Most people here love Brady. I know I do, but you can't pretend he's a remotely good character for hard campaign. He already requires using Maribelle (who is far from a good unit), and then joins halfway into the game as a vastly underlevelled priest. Inigo requires using Olivia - guaranteeing pretty bad stats since you won't be dancing her for 99 turns. To make things worse, his chapter is pretty nasty with a ton of fliers attacking you from two angles.

Also, I love Vaike, Sully and Gregor. ♥

Even Nowi has some really good moments.

Edited by LunaSaint
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Basically what Airship Canon and shadowofchaos said, if you like a unit enough and are NOT LTC'ing, you can basically pour as much love into them as possible. It's not really a dislike for a character, it's more of how usable they are.

For example, I'll gladly be the first to tell you that Donnel can be a utter badass if you have the time, the patience and a ton of Reeking Boxes. Plus, infinite use of your infinite Regalia? Don't have to ask me twice.

A couple other more difficult ones to work with are Maribelle, Brady, Lissa, Olivia and Inigo, yet most if not all of these guys end-up on my official end-game team. (Sage!Maribelle is so full of win, I can't stand it.)

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OK really cool. Yea, the RTU thread just states no postgame content, nothing about sidequests. I probably won't be doing LTC, right now I'm building up to make a team to tackle Apotheosis, which, to my pleaseant surprise, really kicked my butt.

Brady is so hilirious ...


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OK really cool. Yea, the RTU thread just states no postgame content, nothing about sidequests. I probably won't be doing LTC, right now I'm building up to make a team to tackle Apotheosis, which, to my pleaseant surprise, really kicked my butt.

Brady is so hilirious ...


Uh... No. It doesn't.


1. Each first generation character shall be rated before any second gen(Lucina not included) character.

2. The ratings are on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being the worst and 10 being the best.

3. One plus or minus bias point may be applied to any character. (The total score may not be lower than 0 and may not exceed 10). (on parole please specifically state when bias is applied. I hold the right to remove this rule at anytime.)

4. Rate a character on their merits in combat or utility. Utility is classified as stealing, healing, or dancing. Utility does not include double bonuses, worth as a parent, or anything like them.

5. Do not lower the character's rating based on the abilities of another unit to do the same job.

6. Recruiting other characters is irrelevant to this topic. So Chrom doesn't get extra points for recruiting libra or stuff like that.

7. All characters will be recruited.

8. The ratings will be based off of hard mode.

In fact it doesn't say anything regarding resource usage at all. Just says "Hard mode". A pure postgame rating is, by those rules technically fair game.

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Uh... No. It doesn't.

In fact it doesn't say anything regarding resource usage at all. Just says "Hard mode". A pure postgame rating is, by those rules technically fair game.

The rules don't say it, but it was something that was assumed throughout the entire RTU until the children ratings came to be.

On topic, I find myself using Ricken a lot. He's really not as bad as a lot of people say around here. He's not even hard to train for me. Gets a lot of undeserved hate.

Edited by Peekayell
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The rules don't say it, but it was something that was assumed throughout the entire RTU until the children ratings came to be.

On topic, I find myself using Ricken a lot. He's really not as bad as a lot of people say around here. He's not even hard to train for me. Gets a lot of undeserved hate.

I know right? That Cavalier option gives him Discipline, which then becomes a godsend skill for leveling him. I have no problem using resources on him, because he'll take those resources and run miles with them.

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Well, the RTU thread can be used to measure how much people like or dislike characters to an extent because it measures bias and compares it to their score without bias (which in many cases... is probably still influenced by biases). You can see which characters received the most positive influences and which, the most negative.

I love Tharja and Severa (and if the Cordelia Vs. Tharja thread is any indication...). I also dislike Olivia and Cherche; come at me. So I do definitely fall into the category of liking hated characters.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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Well, the RTU thread can be used to measure how much people like or dislike characters to an extent because it measures bias and compares it to their score without bias (which in many cases... is probably still influenced by biases). You can see which characters received the most positive influences and which, the most negative.

I love Tharja and Severa (and if the Cordelia Vs. Tharja thread is any indication...). I also dislike Olivia and Cherche; come at me. So I do definitely fall into the category of liking hated characters.

Tharja lover as well?

Well, I actually do the same thing. I love Chrom, Thraja, Noire, and Morgan. They are in the 200s where my other units just mark the 100s. (This is my Normal-Classic Save.)

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Many people don't like him...but I do.
He can be a good defensive wall if given good support for Speed and Res until you can get him some Speedwings and Talismans. Plus, that sexy Luna+Lethality.
Edited by 綾波
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Many people don't like him...but I do.
He can be a good defensive wall if given good support for Speed and Res until you can get him some Speedwings and Talismans. Plus, that sexy Luna+Lethality.

hehe. I remember Kellam as an assassian. he looked so funny.

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Tharja lover as well?

Well, I actually do the same thing. I love Chrom, Thraja, Noire, and Morgan. They are in the 200s where my other units just mark the 100s. (This is my Normal-Classic Save.)


those 3 are generally liked

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