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The Sumia hate is irking me...

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Sazuke's just some hatebot. He can't even follow with basic logic and denies everyone's opinions. He even brings up things that have nothing to do with the question, just to force his opinion.

Hey, who should be Nah's father. Please don't say any Vaike!Kjelle.

"I would not recommend wasting Vaike on Nah, as Vaike!Kjelle is the only good father she has."

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There's a bunch.

It exploded once the game came out in North America, but I have quite a few Sumia haters on my address book block list on Youtube.

Being one of the first people who had footage of the game, people used to flock to my channel and post their... *vocal* opinions on pairings in a game that wasn't even out yet.

That has led me to be more... jerkish when it comes to husbandos and waifus... if you've seen me slander a few of them.

Completely understandable, I'd be bitter as well if people kept pestering me about that kinda stuff. It's hilarious when you slander husbandos and waifus though.

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When I've looked over Sumia, aside from gameplay statistics, I haven't actually found her to be all that bad. Her self-esteem issues only go out of hand every once in a while. By far the worst thing about her is her entire support with Chrom about PIES. It, however, gets an award from me for being so bad that it actually becomes hilarious.

Also, am I the only one who dislikes Cynthia?

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When I've looked over Sumia, aside from gameplay statistics, I haven't actually found her to be all that bad. Her self-esteem issues only go out of hand every once in a while. By far the worst thing about her is her entire support with Chrom about PIES. It, however, gets an award from me for being so bad that it actually becomes hilarious.

Also, am I the only one who dislikes Cynthia?

Nope. My sister can't stand her.

The only thing annoying about Cynthia to me is that I can't copy her voice. -_- It's too high.

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Nope. My sister can't stand her.

The only thing annoying about Cynthia to me is that I can't copy her voice. -_- It's too high.

How can you hate her Nanako-sounding-voice, its so cuuuute~ >__< yes i know Nanako's VA voices other characters but still it sound so similar

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How can you hate her Nanako-sounding-voice, its so cuuuute~ >__< yes i know Nanako's VA voices other characters but still it sound so similar

I do love it, it's just so difficult to mimic. My vocal range is a bit on the lower side, and I can't do a good portion of them without my voice cracking.

It does. Actually, there's a ton of Persona voice actors in this game, I love it.

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Imitating Cynthia's voice is impossible for me. I have a Ridiculously Low Voice for a female anyway, but her voice is so high, i cant even. The best i can do is the tone of "This is the end, friend!" Nowi's is the other one i cant imitate. I can basically imitate every male voice except maybe Walhart's due to overall gruffness. Basilio's is also a little too nasal for me to imitate.

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In all honesty, I think "whiny" is sometimes up to interpretation. My personal take on it is that Sumia is not whiny, but I do seem to recall that in B Frederick she is beating herself up highly because she keeps on screwing up. I think in C Henry she was beating herself up about dropping the plates. While I don't see it as whiny, just legitimate self-deprecation, some people do interpret this as whiny. And if they truly see it as her whining, well, who are you to tell that person they're wrong just because you don't see it?

Agreed. I personally didn't view her as whiny at first glance, but I can understand where that feeling is coming from. Not judging.

There are differing levels of tolerance to just about everything. It's like humor. What's funny to someone isn't funny to another person.

You'd think that everyone understands this by now, but from the posts and flaming that some people have made around SF...clearly not the case.

Of course, once again, this is just me, since I don't want to seem like I'm chiding you for what you think - that's hypocritical on top of being extremely rude.

If only more people on SF thought like this. Or people in general, really.

Also, am I the only one who dislikes Cynthia?

*shrugs* Eh, she turned out mediocre for me. The pega-pony-princess title still makes me cringe, though.

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You do?

I'm interested in that second point... care to elaborate?

1. Gets Galeforce easily

2. Flies

3. Has good enough stats to kill most enemy types without difficulty

There's a reason why Galeforce is banned in drafts...

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Not a fan of high-pitched voices in general, but I play on mute so it doesn't bother me. I'm fine with Cynthia, anyway. Wanting to be a superhero is completely understandable and I support her endeavors.

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There's an entire drafting subforum, and another one for other game drafts. That's hardly a new thing to FE.

Sumia gets Galeforce especially easily due to her availability and how ridiculously powerful she is with a Fred Pair Up.

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Here's an example of an infamous GameFAQs user... I found out about that after.


Dude, 99% of youtube commenters have terrible opinions/are GIFTs.

The amount of care is really too much

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Don't the points "gets galeforce easily" and "flies" include all pegasus knights anyway?

Yep. Both Sumia and Cordelia are overpowered, as is female MU. Cynthia joins too late, so she's not OP. But Sumia is definitely more overpowered than Cordelia, since she joins earlier.

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Yep. Both Sumia and Cordelia are overpowered, as is female MU. Cynthia joins too late, so she's not OP. But Sumia is definitely more overpowered than Cordelia, since she joins earlier.

Huh. She always gets strength and defense screwed for me.

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Huh. She always gets strength and defense screwed for me.

From personal experience I'd say using Sumia is a gamble (She tends to have really bad strength and defense for me but when she gets lucky with those stats she kills everything), but can pay off really well very early while using Cordelia is more reliable but comes later.

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Sumia is usually the faster one, while Cordelia's more balanced. Sumia gets an early start on supporting her hubby, while Cordelia shows up a little later to start getting one. Great Knight>Hero and Sorcerer during campaign.

Sumia's offense problems are pretty easy to fix with forging and Dual Strikes.

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For Sumia, I just have her as a magic-using Dark Flier. She has no hit to magic, unlike strength, so she gets 42 magic, which is only two below a valkyrie!Maribelle (I think) and 6 below a sage!Lissa (without accounting for tomefaire, of course). her magic growth is comparable to her strength, though, in that class iirc.

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I always seem to have trouble using the faster Pegasus Knights, to be honest. Florina kept dying on me, and Sumia is almost dying on me a lot and she's weak as hell. Cordelia was much faster and stronger when the two were at similar levels. If I didn't want to recruit all the kids in my first playthrough, I'd be benching Sumia entirely and not even letting her marry. I probably will do that next playthrough, because I don't see myself caring much for Cynthia either anyway. Not to mention that her high voice you guys are talking about will probably annoy me to no end.

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