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FE4: Random Reskill run


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So having mostly given up on FE13 Luna+, I've taken up something new. With credit to Klokinator's Random Reclass and Random Weapon runs of FE8 and FE6, I've decided to do a random Reskill of FE4.


So I mostly didn't explain how I generated skills onto characters in much detail, since I managed to already forget the specifics. But now I'm in front of a keyboard typing instead of trying to play and talk at the same time, I can explain.

[spoiler=How skills were distributed]Firstly, I took all of the skills on Gen 1 units and put them in a list, with duplicates.

Then I numbered each skill. There's 32, so they were numbered 1-32 (sword skills were 30-32)

Then for each character, they were randomly assigned either 0, 1 or 2 skills, depending on how many skills they had in vanilla.

[spoiler=Skill chances - for maths fans only]

A character with 0 skills in vanilla's odds are:

0 skills: 4/9

1 skill: 4/9

2 skills: 1/9

(Average: 0.67 skills)

A character with 1 skill in vanilla's odds are:

0 skills: 1/9

1 skill: 11/18

2 skills: 5/18

(Average: 1.17 skills)

A character with 2 skills in vanilla's odds are:

0 skills: 1/36

1 skill: 5/18

2 skills: 25/36

(Average: 1.67 skills)

These numbers have some method to their madness - For each of two potential skill slots, there was a 5/6 chance of getting a skill if the character had a skill there, and a 1/3 chance otherwise. Averaged over all the characters, this gives the same expected number of skills, but with different distributions, naturally.

For each skill the character was meant to have, a number from 1-29 was randomly chosen, and they were given the skill in that numbered slot (duplicate skills on one character rerolled). For characters capable of using a sword skill, the first skill they have (if they have any) has a 3/7 chance of instead being chosen from the sword skills.

Anyway, if there's any interest in people watching the videos, I'll keep making them. One thing I said during the video was editing out stuff... I still want to do that, but I think I need better software for it. Right now I have Windows Movie Maker, which is adequate for making videos, but for cutting and editing, is not so hot. Anyone got any suggestions?

Or if there's no interest in the videos, I'll just go on anyway but without them. Easier for me that way anyway :P.

As for this chapter itself... RNG was quite funny. Got some strange levelups, hit on a 1% hit rate and other such things.

Characters so far and their skills:

Sigurd: Miracle

Alec: Pursuit, Charge

Noish: Pursuit, Wrath

Ardan: None

Lex: Elite, Charm

Azel: Charge

Fin: None

Quan: None

Ethlin: Adept

Midayle: Charge

Stealth edit: Want to try this challenge yourself? Have a copy of the version I'm using, or try out the even more insane reskilled version!

The first version is as I'm showing. The second one has more skills in general, and a greater variety (including the unused Life skill). Substitutes and gen 2 characters (incuding substitutes) also have more skills and more variety. To compensate for the increased skill quantity, enemies are slightly stronger. Also some changes have been made to magic.

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I'll definitely follow this :D

Also, an idea for doing randomized stuff in the future. Use that program I use called "The Hat" (link to it on literally all my FE8 vids) and type in the name of every skill in the game (takes a few minutes but easier overall for randomization reasons), then decide on a character, hit the randomize button at the bottom, let it jumble for a few seconds (look away too) and press stop when you feel it's good and jumbled. If a character has 1 skill slot, use the top skill on the randomizer, if they have 2 skills, then the top two skills, etc.

I should make a video of this sometime.

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So I've decided I'm not going to keep making videos of everything but will instead use them for easy summary stuff - showing character stats, skills, and any particular highlights. I've cleared the Prologue, and this video shows everyone's stats after the prologue, a few arena highlights, and the skills of Aira, Adean and Dew.


[spoiler=Skill list]Class skills are in italics

Sigurd: Miracle

Alec: Pursuit, Duel

Noish: Pursuit, Wrath

Ardan: None

Lex: Paragon, Charm

Azel: Duel

Fin: None

Quan: None

Ethlin: Adept

Midayle: Duel

Aira: Pursuit, Paragon

Dew: Pursuit, Adept, Steal

Adean: None

Note: Aira has Pursuit as a personal skill, not a class skill. Totally redundant, but oh well.

I'm interested in taking pairing advice from anyone who wants to offer it, although it'll probably be a little tricky to give at the moment.

Right now, I think that Noish, Lex and Dew will almost definitely be marrying someone, as will Lewyn (Holsety). Fin will likely stay single, because he doesn't pass anything of worth anymore, and I was never much of a fan of pairing him up anyway. Alec may or may not be paired, depending on females with/without pursuit. Aira may be interested in different partners to most females, due to having two of the best skills already. A sword skill wouldn't go amiss, but I believe only Holyn could have one of the remaining males. Adean... hmm. Lana doesn't need skills much to be decent, and would like magic growth above anything, while Lester probably does want some skills. Depending on how many pursuits are going around, a pursuit character would probably work, or failing that, a bow user. I'll have to see what Jamke offers, I guess.

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Well at least Celice is getting Pursuit now. And it looks like Aideen hasn't changed at all!

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Ayra just got a lot better. That'll make the fanboys happy.


Really interesting run so far. Noish is amazing, haha. I can't wait to see what Fury will get.

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I don't remember 100%, but I have a sneaking suspicion Fury has nothing. Hopefully I'm wrong though.

Yeah Ayra's pretty awesome. Like level 11 already, mostly from just clearing the arena. Losing Astra/Starlight Sword is kind of a shame, but she's still nice. Now I just need a good partner for her.

I was actually scared during chapter 2 about Dew breaking his Iron Sword against the Brigand rush. Like it doesn't look like an issue at first but then it's like, hit, adept, dodge, hit, adept, there go four uses whelp. I think he ended up with 1 use left when he first visited a castle.

I was very, very happy to see Pursuit on Dierdre. I think she even would have doubled one guy in the arena, had she not OHKO'd him. But mostly it just frees up the pursuit ring from Celice (which was my contingency plan: Pursuit Ring to Sigurd to become a family heirloom. But no longer needed).

Jamke's bargain is kind of weird. At least it's ended up on a character who has an expensive weapon.

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Ohhh yeah, Ayra loses Astra in turn. Kind of a shame, but oh well. Paragon/Elite is always nice to have.

I lol'd seeing Deirdre with Pursuit. She'll actually do something in Chapter 2 other than give Ethlyn the light sword. As for Jamke, he'll pass down a few good skills if he's paired, right? Bargain's always a pleasure to have.

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I personally can't wait to see what Briggid ends up with haha. Loving some of these odd skill spreads xD, I might try this at some point myself

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Actually, Jamke could make a decent parent for Briggid if you can't manage to have the Bargain Ring...

That will be really interresting, that's for sure...

Ooh, I like that idea! Bargain's not really a great skill, but if it enables me to use Yewfelle pretty much constantly, along with having pursuit as a class skill (and knowing my luck with skill distribution, as a personal skill as well :P), he'll be pretty sweet.

Tyrfing for double the Miracle Sigurd


...Gosh darn it, I forgot that Tyrfing gave Miracle. Oh well.

For those of you thinking of doing this yourselves: It'd only take me about 20-30 minutes to prepare a few patches, if you wanted. I could also change the skill distribution method slightly (right now it's weighted towards pursuit and duel because lots of characters start with those, but I could add in more skills (esp. currently unused skills) and other similar things.

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Dew is going to be amazing.

Poor Diedre, between her 20 pound book and her 20 speed growth she'll never double anything.

Actually, I think she has a speed growth of 10. *checks*

Yup. Wow, her growths are atrocious. It's a good thing she has holy blood.

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Dew is going to be amazing.

Poor Diedre, between her 20 pound book and her 20 speed growth she'll never double anything.

Actually, I think she has a speed growth of 10. *checks*

Yup. Wow, her growths are atrocious. It's a good thing she has holy blood.

I think they actually took into account holy blood just for Diedre's growths.

Well, look on the bright side. Quan won't botch the level by capturing that castle, since only he can damage Travant-and he needs Adept to kill him.

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Heh, Quan capturing the castle takes serious effort to make happen, I don't think I was concerned about it :P.


[spoiler=Skills list]Class skills denoted by *asterisks*

Character | ..........New...........|....Original....
Sigurd    | Miracle                 | Pursuit
Noish     | Pursuit, Wrath          | Critical, Duel
Alec      | Pursuit, Duel           | Pursuit, Nihil
Ardan     |                         | Vantage
Fin       |                         | Pursuit, Miracle
Quan      |                         | Adept
Midayle   |                         | Pursuit, Duel
Holyn     | Nihil, *Pursuit*        | Luna, *Pursuit*
Azel      | Duel                    | Pursuit
Jamke     | Bargain, *Pursuit*      | Adept, Duel, *Pursuit*
Lex       | Paragon, Charm          | Paragon, Vantage
Dew       | Pursuit, Adept, *Steal* | Sol, Bargain, *Steal*
Dierdre   | Pursuit                 | Nihil
Ethlyn    | Adept                   | Critical
Raquesis  | Duel, *Charm*           | Charm
Ayra      | Pursuit, Paragon        | Astra, Nihil, *Pursuit*
Adean     |                         |
Looking at this list, the total number of skills you'd normally have by this point (excluding class skills) is 23. I have 17 (and one is useless, Pursuit on Ayra, although Charm on Raquesis is similar until promotion). So I'm kind of unlucky in numbers so far. Still, Paragon Ayra is kind of enough to make up for it.

It's time to start thinking about pairings properly, I think. Well, I still have a little time, but might be good to get some working. I'm thinking Raquesis and Noish firstly. It's not a perfect pairing, but Noish passes swords to Delmud, and Wrath kind of acts as a backup for bad charges, making even charges going wrong potentially useful. And of the remaining females, none will be that great to pair with Noish, even if they do have vantage.

Aira, still not sure on. Holyn doesn't have a sword skill, so no swordskills for the swordkids :(. Nobody yet really offers them anything good that they don't already have. I'll hold out to see if Beowulf offers anything, maybe Claude if he has great skills. Suggestions here are welcome.

Adean... no skills sucks, and both bow users suck skills wise. So she might take one of the generically good parents, like Dew. Again, suggestions are welcome.

The last four females... we'll have to see what they have!

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Well, in theory, I could have memorised them as I edited them in. But I sort of distracted myself, and didn't start until the day after, at which point I just had a few vague memories of what I'd done.

Like I think Fury doesn't have any skills, and Briggid has one skill. No idea what they are, and I might be wrong.

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Let's take a look at chapter 2's characters new skills.


[spoiler=Skills list]

Character | ..........New...........|....Original....
Sigurd    | Miracle                 | Pursuit
Noish     | Pursuit, Wrath          | Critical, Duel
Alec      | Pursuit, Duel           | Pursuit, Nihil
Ardan     |                         | Vantage
Fin       |                         | Pursuit, Miracle
Quan      |                         | Adept
Midayle   | Duel                    | Pursuit, Duel
Lewyn     | Critical, Duel          | Critical, Adept
Holyn     | Nihil, *Pursuit*        | Luna, *Pursuit*
Azel      | Duel                    | Pursuit
Jamke     | Bargain, *Pursuit*      | Adept, Duel, *Pursuit*
Beowulf   | Vantage, Duel           | Pursuit, Duel
Lex       | Paragon, Charm          | Paragon, Vantage
Dew       | Pursuit, Adept, *Steal* | Sol, Bargain, *Steal*
Dierdre   | Pursuit                 | Nihil
Ethlyn    | Adept                   | Critical
Raquesis  | Duel, *Charm*           | Charm
Ayra      | Pursuit, Paragon        | Astra, Nihil, *Pursuit*
Sylvia    | Charm, Duel, *Dance*    | Continue, Prayer, *Dance*
Adean     |                         |
Ferry     | Critical                | Pursuit


Dierdre x Sigurd (auto)

Ethlyn x Quan (auto)

Raquesis x Noish (in progress)

Ayra x Beowulf (in progress)

Sylvia x ???

Adean x ???

Ferry x ???

Tiltyu x ???

Briggid x ???

Likely male candidates:

Lex (Paragon, Neir blood. Probably Briggid or Adean)

Dew (Pursuit, good growths, sword inheritance. Probably Adean or Briggid)

Lewyn (Holsety, Sety blood, good skills - probably Tiltyu or Ferry, plausibly Sylvia)

Any suggestions on pairings? It's still a little difficult, not knowing two females and one male, but Claude is likely to only have 0 or 1 skills, but depending on what they are if any, he might make a decent partner for Ferry, Tiltyu or Sylvia. Still, the other two of them need a partner.

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