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thanks all for the imput you've all given, I really appreciate it. I've decided on a good, unique way for Bram to go back to his return to base animation from the critiical. I'll get started on that soon (?)

anyway, I managed to animate Lucy tonight. This is a very, very big WIP.


known issues: Hair shading is gross, I still am trying to figure out how to shade her hair properly. (If any spriter can give me tips on this, especially when she has her back to the screen, I would sincerely appreciate it :\)

Some of her hair frames move like jelly.

random out of place pixels.

Outline inconsistencies.

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hmm.. never really thought of that lol...

maybe if i move the book upwards closer to her it can make more of an illusion that she's facing the book

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EDIT: If anyone wants to make a custom mug for my puppy sprite... I WILL GREATLY APPRECIATE ITTTT

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<3 Puppy~

anyway, I managed to animate Lucy tonight. This is a very, very big WIP.


known issues: Hair shading is gross, I still am trying to figure out how to shade her hair properly. (If any spriter can give me tips on this, especially when she has her back to the screen, I would sincerely appreciate it :\)

Do you mind if I play with this? You can reference the bangs to get the feel to how the rest of the hair should be colored (more lighter shades, no pillow shading). (Think the hair and cape motions could use a bit of polish too, but that's difficult to explain.)

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@ At Lenh, Yes! I can send you the files tonight. Do you have Skype? I'll add you!

EDIT: i suppose should be more specific, I'd prefer if you told me exactly what you were going to play with.

update on the pup and lucy


i removed the casting frames for some reason because... I had a reason before but I forgot why, probably was going to try and work on the hair but i never did. lolol but i tried to make the hair flip seem more natural and smooth

and BOOWIE <333


this is a wip, the motion blur is a bit ugly and he shrinks when he's about to pounce

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I was gonna play with easing the cape and hair when it falls and aligning the frames to try to remove some of the jumps. But then I tried and you'll probably have just as well results. ^^;

So, looks good so far~

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Bowie attack!!!!


EDIT, this is his custom mug



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LOL apparently its Clifford :~~~~~~~))))


I think its finally done. I don't think I'll be working on it anymore unless someone finds a glaring fault in it!

edit- except for his warp in the crit return, ugh ><

thanks for all the help on this everyone!

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The last bit where he's cut through the enemy, he seems to be too high? I don't think other characters like Lyn get elevated that much... Maybe you should have an enemy unit in a battle frame for reference. Otherwise, it's looking cool as ever.

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@ Agro, I don't know about that, I can take a look. And thanks!

@Kamon, Thanks, and I'll take that as a complement, I'm happy you like that one too! Tonight I'm going to animate Bowie. Can't wait to see what ya'll think!

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New project for FE: IS


and an update on Lucy. Her hair still sucks when her back is turned because no matter what I do, that hair sucks. I fixed the jumpiness though, made the hair/ cape flowing down smoother, added dodge frames and removed the crit because i'm still working on it.


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