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Hi, my name's Strege! I've been here for a few months I suppose, rambling in the Mafia subforum to which I was conscripted. I'm only now taking a good look around the place though and I thought I'd introduce myself.

While I've never been hooked by the FE franchise (please don't kill me) I do play video games pretty regularly, albeit mostly the smaller PC titles lately. I also love to read, and to write when I get the time, so you might find me in the Written Works section one of these days. Mostly, though, I'm just a forum newb eager to meet some cool people. So, uh.. hi!

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I thought I would pop in and say hi but then i realized that I'm exhausted and would probably mess it up somehow so this post is not me welcoming you and telling you to have a good time here!

Also like read the rules and stuff.

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