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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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  • I actually like a lot of Cordelia's supports that don't involve Frederick

I'm not a fan of Tharja's personality or anything about her really other than her recruitment convo

I think the lords are rather bland, especially Chrom, but most lords are bland to begin with honestly

I love the Valm arc

I miss status staves (not sure if this one is unpopular)

I love the Pair Up system even if the stat bonuses are a little unbalanced

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I dislike Kjelle even more than I do Tharja.

I think the Valm arc had a lot of potential.

Oh, right I wish you could kill off Lucina, and that Chrom would die during chapter 23.

YOU! Yeah YOU! Dastard! You are a dirty username thief. :P: And yes, you are correct. In my opinion. :B

10/10 would dastard again.

My username changes with my current Avatar, so yeah.

Edited by Virion
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Oh, I better get comfortable, I'm going to be here a WHILE.

  • My headcanon pairings consist of Miriel/Kellam, Ricken/Lissa, Gregor/Cordelia and Frederick/Sumia.
  • I'm not at all a fan of Henry/Olivia. Regardless of the version.
  • I wish the Avatar had actually STAYED dead in the Sacrifice Ending, tragic as that would have been. Either that, or had Chrom actually die in chapter 23. So much for perfect planning, huh?
  • I prefer Sumia over Cordelia.
  • Frederick/Cordelia is probably my least favorite pairing for either of them.
  • Virion is "the archest of archers". Wait, that's not an opinion, that's a fact.
  • Either everyone and their son is getting Galeforce, or no one is. And it's usually the latter.
  • I actually use Donnel and Olivia as combat units.
  • I love the entire atmosphere behind chapter 10, even after, like seven playthroughs.
  • The lack of Basilio/Flavia disappoints me.
  • I love Miriel and Laurent. Laurent's speech pattern is actually kind of hot.
  • Kellam's also one of my favorite characters (no, screw the invisibility jokes, I get enough from that from Hetalia).
  • I actually LIKE Nowi. Despite being 1000 years old, she still looks at life in a refreshing, simplistic manner. That's a nice break from the somber undertones that immortality brings. And Donnel/Nowi is also a part of the headcanon.
  • Fighting for "peace" is the most hypocritical, contradictory thing in the world sometimes Chrom, and you know that. Screw you.
  • As a unit, Anna kind of sucks. Except someone she clearly became the Strongest One...
  • Favorite DLC is Hot Spring Scramble. I like chilling with the yukata Risens.
  • I really wish Chrom/Cherche was a possibility.
  • And finally... think I'll round this out with this: Henry is the best husband in the game, come at me.

Hahaha, too much fun...

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Oh oh let me try.

-I find it stupid to think the Japanese and English versions of a character makes them a different character

-I imagine my avatar being black with an afro

-Galeforce hype is pretty stupid

-Miriel is my favorite FE character

-Nowi just happens to be my second favorite

-Actually, I think the Nowi hate is pretty stupid if people are still butthurt over her appearance

-Generals outclass every other class in the game

-I prefer meek Noire over blood and thunder Noire

-Referring to the stats as DEF, STR etc, is really, really dumb

-The Kellam jokes are really stupid and unfunny

-Olivia is the best dancer because she sparkles

-There aren't enough pies

-My foot's lucky you know

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I'm against the thinking that people think it's the best Fire Emblem game, to me it's certainly up there, but it only gets maybe 3rd or 4th in my books.

I think it's mostly the plot and setting of the game, they seem a little, weird? A little unrealistic and large bland sections. The game mostly only followed the two protagonists, and side characters and villains aren't really portrayed "that well."

I'm not sure if this is a popular opinion, but anyone who says the skill system in this game is better than FE10's, FE9's, and maybe even FE4's is just wrong. I hate grinding, it's not fun, and I shouldn't have to fight 100s of skirmishes to get a Lv. 10 unpromoted skill. I liked the way other FE's flowed between chapters, and I hate stopping to grind for skills, and potentially ruin the difficulty and flow.

Again, I'm not sure if this one is popular, but I liked weight, not so much in the FE's before 5, but I liked it afterwords. Bring weight back!

The world map system, see my complaints on grinding.

And finally, I think Avatar has outlived his time, he was good in this game, but I don't want another FE involving an avatar as a main character, unless it's a sequel to Awakening.

Edited by Knight
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Oh oh let me try.

-I find it stupid to think the Japanese and English versions of a character makes them a different character

-I imagine my avatar being black with an afro

-Galeforce hype is pretty stupid

-Miriel is my favorite FE character

-Nowi just happens to be my second favorite

-Actually, I think the Nowi hate is pretty stupid if people are still butthurt over her appearance

-Generals outclass every other class in the game

-I prefer meek Noire over blood and thunder Noire

-Referring to the stats as DEF, STR etc, is really, really dumb

-The Kellam jokes are really stupid and unfunny

-Olivia is the best dancer because she sparkles

-There aren't enough pies

-My foot's lucky you know

Agreed. [/nodnod]

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Yeah, I agree with Knight. This is a good game, but not the best FE.

When I played Awakening, it didn't feel like FE at some instances.

I don't know.

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10/10 would dastard again.

My username changes with my current Avatar, so yeah.

The dastest of all dastards!

Oh oh let me try.

-I find it stupid to think the Japanese and English versions of a character makes them a different character

-I imagine my avatar being black with an afro

-Galeforce hype is pretty stupid

-Miriel is my favorite FE character

-Nowi just happens to be my second favorite

-Actually, I think the Nowi hate is pretty stupid if people are still butthurt over her appearance

-Generals outclass every other class in the game

-I prefer meek Noire over blood and thunder Noire

-Referring to the stats as DEF, STR etc, is really, really dumb

-The Kellam jokes are really stupid and unfunny

-Olivia is the best dancer because she sparkles

-There aren't enough pies

-My foot's lucky you know

1. Yes.

2. I am now imagining your Avatar with a big afro.

3. Yes. But i like the skill anyway.

4. :awesome: She needs more love.

5. Yay! Nowi wins!

6. Totally agreed.

7. :/

8. Actually, so do i.

9. Heh yeah. So is calling Avatar, MU. :P:

10. Agreed.

11. Also because she can squish things...with enough effort.

12. I want pie.

13. Indeed.

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-I find it stupid to think the Japanese and English versions of a character makes them a different character

Well obviously, they had to change Nono... for... reasons. xD Edited by shadowofchaos
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- Screw efficiency, I'm here to make the silliest children in existence

- I think this game has the worst character development. Yes, it's worse than Shadow Dragon. At least Shadow Dragon didn't try to turn everyone into a generic representation of an ideal.

- I think Tharja would be awesome, if the writers would let her out of her trope.

- Brady is an awesome unit, full stop.

- If I was allowed to, I'd permanently leave Avatar dead. I do not like how he/she is portrayed in the story.


Well, the only unpopular opinion that comes to my mind is that... I really think that Lucina and Gerome supports fit them very well (Actually I started to like the pairing after read their supports) and it shows the point of their relationship, the understanding between them (at least in the A and S support), but bleh, probably that idea is only mine

You're not alone. I think this is one of the better examples of romance in the series.

Edited by eclipse
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The dastest of all dastards!

1. Yes.

2. I am now imagining your Avatar with a big afro.

3. Yes. But i like the skill anyway.

4. :awesome: She needs more love.

5. Yay! Nowi wins!

6. Totally agreed.

7. :/

8. Actually, so do i.

9. Heh yeah. So is calling Avatar, MU. :P:

10. Agreed.

11. Also because she can squish things...with enough effort.

12. I want pie.

13. Indeed.

Shoot, Florina. Now I want pie too.

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Shoot, Florina. Now I want pie too.


- Screw efficiency, I'm here to make the silliest children in existence

Hells yes! My Gerome is gonna have three Breaker skills by the time im done with him, dammit! Brady is gonna whomp everything with Galeforce and Astra. Fuck the police. Cynthia as a War Cleric at the end of the day. Bammo.

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- I think this game has the worst character development. Yes, it's worse than Shadow Dragon. At least Shadow Dragon didn't try to turn everyone into a generic representation of an ideal.

Shadow Dragon also had characters that only spoke when killed.

I'm pretty sure other FE games have the characters always have their one gimmick all of the time...

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Yeah, I agree with Knight. This is a good game, but not the best FE.

When I played Awakening, it didn't feel like FE at some instances.

I don't know.

its because the challenge of getting good stats in one run is taken out. in other Fire Emblem when you can't reclass like Fe6 and the characters have bad growth stats which made it fun because of the challenge. Though i do like the cast in this game the story and maps need to be better. IMO awakening could have done much more to be the best.

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-I find it stupid to think the Japanese and English versions of a character makes them a different character

Normally I would agree, but there is considerable localization done to some of the characters in this game. I don't think it's enough to make them into completely different characters like some people think, but there are definitely traits one version has that the other doesn't, or traits that are downplayed, etc etc.

As for another opinion, I think Sumia is too good for Chrom's lame ass and she should forget about him and find true love somewhere else (aka literally any of her other options). *folds arms*

(I don't dislike Chrom, he has his moments)

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Hells yes! My Gerome is gonna have three Breaker skills by the time im done with him, dammit! Brady is gonna whomp everything with Galeforce and Astra. Fuck the police. Cynthia as a War Cleric at the end of the day. Bammo.

I love you catchphrase there. I'm going to have to use that at least once today.

Oh, I love breaker skills. Oh, you want to come at Gerome with a sword, Mister Swordmaster Risen. Nope. Go fuck yourself.

Wait, who do you usually pair Maribelle with?

Normally I would agree, but there is considerable localization done to some of the characters in this game. I don't think it's enough to make them into completely different characters like some people think, but there are definitely traits one version has that the other doesn't, or traits that are downplayed, etc etc.

As for another opinion, I think Sumia is too good for Chrom's lame ass and she should forget about him and find true love somewhere else (aka literally any of her other options). *folds arms*

(I don't dislike Chrom, he has his moments)

XD So much WIN!

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Breaker skills are best skills. That one is definitely not popular.

think Galeforce bashing is overrated.

Yes. So much.

Edited by Florina Stark
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