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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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Palmer is succeeding?????

omfg omfg omfg

So far all the teams I like have won. Indy, NO, Cards are winning atm, Anquan was doing work in SF, Seattle won, Detroit won, Denver's a team I like anyway so I'm not particularly salty about the loss. And Ravens are *technically* winning the AFC North. Technically.

Yeah he was struggling a little bit at first against the VERY fast Ram's defense, but after the first punt the Cards have made a touchdown and fieldgoal thanks to his very excellent passes with some nice runs from Mendenhall.

Also an unsure touchdown call for the Ram's they are reviewing it as I speak. It looks close so I can't tell if the guy was out of bounds, but there are 26 seconds left on the clock

Edit: Darn it was a touchdown. AW WELL

We made it to 50 yards with 5 seconds left couldn't QUITE make the field goal.. CURSES

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Is it NO-ATL exciting or the first half of BAL-DEN levels of exciting? If it's the latter then I'm watching that shit tonight on rewind. If not, then I'll check out the lions cause i :wub: helios

i can never watch my rams games... :(

but at least the niners are playing decent ball

I'm rooting for Anquan fuck everyone else
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I'd consider watching it on rewind, I find it pretty exciting, maybe thats just because the Cards are my team though haha

Also Rams intercepted and got a fieldgoal, Stopped the Cards, how do they respond? Interception TOUCHDOWN.

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If not, then I'll check out the lions cause i :wub: helios

I'm rooting for Anquan fuck everyone else

In all honesty the Min/Det game was an exciting game to watch. Peterson kept the Vikes in the game all day while the Lions offense was just fun to watch.

Miss Anquan yet?

It should be a very fun match up! Glad to hear the Lion's are starting off well!

Edit: Daaaaaamn Palmer is on fire! He has made nearly every single pass he has attempted. Reminding me of when we had Kurt Warner.

It'll be a fun game for sure. Palmer and Stafford could have a big games.

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Miss Anquan yet?

you got my text but i miss pitta more, just gonna put that out there

but i do miss anquan still :(

Congrats to Arizona for what was probably a good game. If he scored one more TD he'd have scored just as many TDs in this one game than the entire quarterbacks squad did in the last 11 games of last year. The season is definitely looking good.

if anyone is missing Anquan though it's them...

Edited by Lord Raven
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Maaan, Even though the Cards lost they pumped me up, it was a very close game and the Rams did play very well, GG on both sides.

Heres to the rest of the Cards season -raises glass- If they play like they did today then we should definitely do well this year overall

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even when he's covered he's open

he's anquan SO STRONG boldin doe dawg

No, he was never covered. Every aspect of the Packers during that game was great except for the secondary which played like complete and utter shit. Kaepernick doesn't have to be too skilled to hit a guy completely left alone in the open field.

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No, he was never covered. Every aspect of the Packers during that game was great except for the secondary which played like complete and utter shit. Kaepernick doesn't have to be too skilled to hit a guy completely left alone in the open field.

To extend on that, Vernon Davis was never covered either.

Packers can't play zone anything.

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To extend on that, Vernon Davis was never covered either.

Packers can't play zone anything.

It was more of a tradeoff. When Davis wasn't open, Boldin was, and vice versa. We need Burnett back. Now.

I must say, though, the niners seem like the best team in football, so I expect the pack tofinish 15-1

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No, he was never covered. Every aspect of the Packers during that game was great except for the secondary which played like complete and utter shit. Kaepernick doesn't have to be too skilled to hit a guy completely left alone in the open field.

Once Anquan and Colin develop chemistry then whether or not he's covered won't matter. See: Ravens 2012 playoff run.

Anquan is OP no matter what. His only downside is his speed, and even then he's powerful. He does drop passes from time to time though (curse of the ravens receiver corps)

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The steelers didn't make that play... the Titans did

and yall had like 6 olinemen to protect ben and he still got sacked -_-

You knew what I meant. The points still went to the Steelers.

And sacks happen. Locker got sacked once as well. Every QB has probably been sacked before. Also, the o-line has always been bad. I really wish it would actually improve someday. DeCastro is a start, but he can't do it all by himself, as good as he is.

Shadykid: I don't really care anymore.

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And sacks happen. Locker got sacked once as well. Every QB has probably been sacked before.

Yeah but most of the time you don't get 5 sacks a game. I hope you can take a day out and look at these games more objectively as opposed to trying to justify every little nuance. That's my problem with you in this thread; not the whole Steelers-Ravens rivalry (i couldn't care less), but the fact that we're asking that you don't stifle discussion and instead try to contribute.

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Never gonna happen with anacybele lol. She's like a Lakers' fan times a billion, and this is coming from an actual Lakers fan lol

There's a reason I read her name as 'bile'.... rofl

Anyway, about the Lions game. I couldn't believe how many times we were robbed of TDs by the refs. Yeah we made some mistakes, but it wasn't like Trevathan dropping the ball outside the endzone in the Broncos-Ravens game (still loling at that one). Still, it was really good to see the defense repeatedly pay for loading on Megatron. It's gonna get interesting when teams realize they can't beat us by taking Johnson out of the game. He and Bush both should have big games this season.I also liked what I saw from our secondary, and Ansah is coming into his own faster than I would have imagined possible. I swear the NFC north should be the strongest division in football. We only have the best QB (Rodgers), best RB (Peterson) and best WR (Johnson). The only other division that comes close is the NFC west and MAYBE NFC south

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Yeah but most of the time you don't get 5 sacks a game. I hope you can take a day out and look at these games more objectively as opposed to trying to justify every little nuance. That's my problem with you in this thread; not the whole Steelers-Ravens rivalry (i couldn't care less), but the fact that we're asking that you don't stifle discussion and instead try to contribute.

I thought it was 4. But that doesn't matter. And I'm not trying to justify anything. There's no excuse for how poorly the Steeler offense played yesterday. The defense played decently, but it still wasn't enough.

Also, I can't contribute to your conversations because I don't follow the teams you've been talking about. I didn't watch any of those games. And talking about the game I DID watch is contribution. It's on topic and everything. If you don't like seeing Steeler talk, then leave.

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Wow, aside from the 14 points give off turn-overs the Bills completely out played the Pats. In the end, the play calling did us in. Despite the loss, im pretty excited for the rest of the season. EJ Manuel looks very promising.

@ Anacybele, you might want to prepare yourself for a rough season. It's ok to have a "down" year once in a while. Hell, the Bills have had 13 straight "down" years...
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