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Melee slated to be at this year's EVO (the largest fighting game tournament in the U.S.) => Nintendo refuses to let it be streamed => NVM, IT'S ON


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Melee is more popular among competitive players, is the gist. If Brawl had seen anywhere near as much support, for all we know it might've had a shot at being included.

"Competitiveness" with regard to video games is really just "how appealing it is to keep playing the actual game, years after its release." It's not a dirty word, or something that takes away from the game, it's "how high will the game let me soar, if I dare."

speaking of that, the Brawl community itself decided to help Melee get in, which is why it only had $170 donated

so yeah, even competitive Brawl players think Melee is the better competitive game

All of them, is won by Chris Geezus :Kappa:

did you know Chris G actually started in smash :smug:

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doubleposting to bump this because this is important


key part:

"As the event was nearing, he [Mr. Wizard] received an email from Nintendo's legal department, letting him know that they not only wanted to shut down the stream — but the Smash tournament as well."

knew it was the legal team being retarded, and that's somehow even worse than the original

Edited by shadykid
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The game is fucking, what, nearly 12 years old, now? They should be chuffed that people are still loving their shit so much that they still want it to be played competitively after so long.

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Companies always seem to have a few guys around, who feel the need to shut down anything they can, as long as they don't directly benefit from it. Oh well, as long as a public backslash causes them to activate a few brain cells, I guess it's not that bad.

Edited by BrightBow
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Do they even realize this is a FREE ADVERTISEMENT opportunity for Smash?

Yeah, an advertisement for a game that came out 12 years ago...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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A game that came out 12 years ago of the same franchise that is about to receive a new game. It can serve as a reminder/hype builder for the new smash.

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A game that came out 12 years ago of the same franchise that is about to receive a new game. It can serve as a reminder/hype builder for the new smash.

in particular, they could have pulled a Microsoft (in a good way) by doing a special reveal before or after Melee finals

Edited by shadykid
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Ohhhhhhh. But since there is no thread about the stream:

www.twitch.tv/srkevo3 Official matches on Friday and Saturday

www.twitch.tv/vgbootcamp Even more matches of Friday and Saturday

www.twitch.tv/srkevo1 top 8 on sunday

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