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Several random questions


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I'm an inexperienced hacker (read: I only know about it via YouTube), but I've picked up most of the basics throughout the internet. Here are some burning questions I've been having regarding making my own hack on the FE7 engine. Roundabout answers are most welcome; see Question 4.

1. Can you make items that give stat buffs, a la FE9 Astrid’s Knight Ward?

2. Can you make someone able to use magic AND weapons, like Nanna or Olwen?

3. Can you make an equipped weapon negate criticals? ~negate ALL damage, like Imhullu?

4. Can a *Prf weapon be made preferential to multiple characters? Or would it have to be done in a roundabout way; e.g. making two weapons identical for all intents and purposes, but they are preferential to different characters? Such as two Mystletainns: one for Eldigan and one for Ares. I’d prefer just making the same weapon usable by both, however, since this would only work if the two never interacted with each other.

5. Can you make a weapon unable to critical, like the Bronze weapons from Radiant Dawn?

6. Can you have multiple player phases or multiple enemy phases (a la Genealogy)? I’d like to be able to change the map theme in between.

7. Can you change the map’s music mid-chapter? Like, you open a door, a cutscene happens, the music is more dramatic for the rest of the chapter?

8. Can using an item trigger an event, such as using a staff to trigger a cutscene?

9. Is it possible to import the following into Fire Emblem 7’s engine, and if it’s been done, can I be redirected to where: skills (especially Picklock and Pierce), personal skills, the Draco Zombie from FE8, biorhythm-like effects, the Stone effect? Or would it be simpler to do it in FEXP instead of FE7?

10. Can weapons have status effects besides poison? Berserk sword, etc.

11. Can you have a character talk to the enemy, and be recruited by the enemy, like FE9 Jill and her father?

12. Is it possible to make new status effects?

13. Can you make status effects that never wear off, a la Thracia 776?

14. Would it be a game-breaker to have more than one dancer?

15. What is the maximum number of units possible on the screen at one time?

16. How big can the map be?

17. If I could be redirected to some GBA portraits of the FE4 cast, that would be fantastic. Of course I’ll give credit where it’s due—I understand how hard spriting is, TRUST me.

18. Can you hack in as many supports as you want, i.e. giving Leif an A support with Seliph, Nanna, and Janne?

19. Is there anything like leadership/authority or Charisma in this game, or can it be simulated? Perhaps by utilizing question 18?

20. Can you code someone to be unkillable, like Eyvel in early Thracia 776?

21. Can you make preferential items, like the Fire Emblem from FE11/FE12?

22. Can you change a character’s equipment mid-chapter?

23. Can an enemy have multiple “droppable” items?

24. Can you make an item that prevents weapons from breaking, like the Starsphere?

25. Can you make a usable item that fixes the equipped weapon? ~all weapons in the inventory?

26. Can you make an event that makes the equipped weapon unbreakable?

27. Can FE10 Canto be added?

28. Can Dancers be made to use swords? I know they can use magic, but if I gave them an animation for it, could they use swords?

29. How do dragonstones work? Is it a weapon rank or some kind of hidden skill?

30. Can you make an event where an item breaks? Like, open a door, a cutscene happens, a character’s sword breaks?

31. Can you make Warp or Rescue staves affect enemies?

32. Would an enemy Dancer function properly?

Answers are much appreciated!

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I'm an inexperienced hacker (read: I only know about it via YouTube), but I've picked up most of the basics throughout the internet. Here are some burning questions I've been having regarding making my own hack on the FE7 engine. Roundabout answers are most welcome; see Question 4.

1. Can you make items that give stat buffs, a la FE9 Astrid’s Knight Ward?

2. Can you make someone able to use magic AND weapons, like Nanna or Olwen?

3. Can you make an equipped weapon negate criticals? ~negate ALL damage, like Imhullu?

4. Can a *Prf weapon be made preferential to multiple characters? Or would it have to be done in a roundabout way; e.g. making two weapons identical for all intents and purposes, but they are preferential to different characters? Such as two Mystletainns: one for Eldigan and one for Ares. I’d prefer just making the same weapon usable by both, however, since this would only work if the two never interacted with each other.

5. Can you make a weapon unable to critical, like the Bronze weapons from Radiant Dawn?

6. Can you have multiple player phases or multiple enemy phases (a la Genealogy)? I’d like to be able to change the map theme in between.

7. Can you change the map’s music mid-chapter? Like, you open a door, a cutscene happens, the music is more dramatic for the rest of the chapter?

8. Can using an item trigger an event, such as using a staff to trigger a cutscene?

9. Is it possible to import the following into Fire Emblem 7’s engine, and if it’s been done, can I be redirected to where: skills (especially Picklock and Pierce), personal skills, the Draco Zombie from FE8, biorhythm-like effects, the Stone effect? Or would it be simpler to do it in FEXP instead of FE7?

10. Can weapons have status effects besides poison? Berserk sword, etc.

11. Can you have a character talk to the enemy, and be recruited by the enemy, like FE9 Jill and her father?

12. Is it possible to make new status effects?

13. Can you make status effects that never wear off, a la Thracia 776?

14. Would it be a game-breaker to have more than one dancer?

15. What is the maximum number of units possible on the screen at one time?

16. How big can the map be?

17. If I could be redirected to some GBA portraits of the FE4 cast, that would be fantastic. Of course I’ll give credit where it’s due—I understand how hard spriting is, TRUST me.

18. Can you hack in as many supports as you want, i.e. giving Leif an A support with Seliph, Nanna, and Janne?

19. Is there anything like leadership/authority or Charisma in this game, or can it be simulated? Perhaps by utilizing question 18?

20. Can you code someone to be unkillable, like Eyvel in early Thracia 776?

21. Can you make preferential items, like the Fire Emblem from FE11/FE12?

22. Can you change a character’s equipment mid-chapter?

23. Can an enemy have multiple “droppable” items?

24. Can you make an item that prevents weapons from breaking, like the Starsphere?

25. Can you make a usable item that fixes the equipped weapon? ~all weapons in the inventory?

26. Can you make an event that makes the equipped weapon unbreakable?

27. Can FE10 Canto be added?

28. Can Dancers be made to use swords? I know they can use magic, but if I gave them an animation for it, could they use swords?

29. How do dragonstones work? Is it a weapon rank or some kind of hidden skill?

30. Can you make an event where an item breaks? Like, open a door, a cutscene happens, a character’s sword breaks?

31. Can you make Warp or Rescue staves affect enemies?

32. Would an enemy Dancer function properly?

Answers are much appreciated!

1. Yes, using nightmare.

2. I believe so, I haven't tried it but I glitched fire emblem before so my units could use both.

3. Yes, using the nightmare item editor.

4. For some reason I'm not pickup up what you're asking.

5. Not sure, you can try making a value negative in nightmare.

6. Not sure.

7. I believe so.

8. Not sure.

9. Not sure.

10. Any effect that is on an in game item can be edited onto any item using nightmare.

11. I believe so.

12. Maybe through ASM but I'm not familiar with asm.

13. Not sure.

14. No, I believe you can have as many as you like.

15. However many tiles the map has.

16. Don't know specifically, but very big. Bigger than you will probably ever want to make.

17. Google.

18. I believe so but I haven't done any support hacking yet.

19. I didn't really get into games before fe6 so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

20. Well, you can give them insane DEF and RES stats.

21. Not sure what that is.

22. Don't think so.

23. Don't think so.

24. You can give a weapon infinite uses.

25. Like hammerne?

26. Prolly not.

27. Maybe through ASM.

28. Yes.

29. Skill you can assign with Nightmare.

30. Not sure.

32. Never tried but it might.

Edited by Eldinnnn
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1. Can you make items that give stat buffs, a la FE9 Astrid’s Knight Ward?


2. Can you make someone able to use magic AND weapons, like Nanna or Olwen?


3. Can you make an equipped weapon negate criticals? ~negate ALL damage, like Imhullu?

Would take a bit of asm fudging but yes

4. Can a *Prf weapon be made preferential to multiple characters? Or would it have to be done in a roundabout way; e.g. making two weapons identical for all intents and purposes, but they are preferential to different characters? Such as two Mystletainns: one for Eldigan and one for Ares. I’d prefer just making the same weapon usable by both, however, since this would only work if the two never interacted with each other.


5. Can you make a weapon unable to critical, like the Bronze weapons from Radiant Dawn?

would take some asm fudging

6. Can you have multiple player phases or multiple enemy phases (a la Genealogy)? I’d like to be able to change the map theme in between.

not without some heavy engine mods

7. Can you change the map’s music mid-chapter? Like, you open a door, a cutscene happens, the music is more dramatic for the rest of the chapter?

event id 0x4

8. Can using an item trigger an event, such as using a staff to trigger a cutscene?

probably would take a bit of asm

9. Is it possible to import the following into Fire Emblem 7’s engine, and if it’s been done, can I be redirected to where: skills (especially Picklock and Pierce), personal skills, the Draco Zombie from FE8, biorhythm-like effects, the Stone effect? Or would it be simpler to do it in FEXP instead of FE7?

dracozombie is probably the only one that's feasible if you don't know asm

10. Can weapons have status effects besides poison? Berserk sword, etc.

i made a patch for this, ignore that guy above me since you'll need my mod (or make your own) to make a berserk sword

11. Can you have a character talk to the enemy, and be recruited by the enemy, like FE9 Jill and her father?

pretty easy

12. Is it possible to make new status effects?


13. Can you make status effects that never wear off, a la Thracia 776?


14. Would it be a game-breaker to have more than one dancer?

not really

15. What is the maximum number of units possible on the screen at one time?

it's a certain number per alignment, i want to say it's 0x48 for player and enemy and then some number like 0x18 for npc

16. How big can the map be?


17. If I could be redirected to some GBA portraits of the FE4 cast, that would be fantastic. Of course I’ll give credit where it’s due—I understand how hard spriting is, TRUST me.

good luck

18. Can you hack in as many supports as you want, i.e. giving Leif an A support with Seliph, Nanna, and Janne?

probably would take some asm

19. Is there anything like leadership/authority or Charisma in this game, or can it be simulated? Perhaps by utilizing question 18?

if you asm it in, sure

20. Can you code someone to be unkillable, like Eyvel in early Thracia 776?


21. Can you make preferential items, like the Fire Emblem from FE11/FE12?


22. Can you change a character’s equipment mid-chapter?

asm or really clever events

23. Can an enemy have multiple “droppable” items?


24. Can you make an item that prevents weapons from breaking, like the Starsphere?

i was working on it but i never finished out of boredom

25. Can you make a usable item that fixes the equipped weapon? ~all weapons in the inventory?


26. Can you make an event that makes the equipped weapon unbreakable?


27. Can FE10 Canto be added?


28. Can Dancers be made to use swords? I know they can use magic, but if I gave them an animation for it, could they use swords?


29. How do dragonstones work? Is it a weapon rank or some kind of hidden skill?

they don't, not in fe7

30. Can you make an event where an item breaks? Like, open a door, a cutscene happens, a character’s sword breaks?


31. Can you make Warp or Rescue staves affect enemies?


32. Would an enemy Dancer function properly?


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you could in theory do 23 with events (although it wouldn't have the glowing green effect) but 20 wouldn't in the way he's suggesting

there's no event command to my knowledge that rigs the RNG so that all fatal attacks against chracter X miss

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Death quote with event ID 0x00

when ID 0x00 happens:

> "You think you can kill me? Bwahah no, I'm immortal you nub"

> respawn the same unit in the same tile

Voilà, "immortal" unit.

... But no houses in the same map, ahah (since they usually use event ID 0x00 too).

Alternatively you could just spawn 10 units pretending to be the same but that would occupy a lot of place for both death quotes and characters slots.

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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The type of immortal is when the person is at whatever hp and another attack will kill them

but because of the "immortal skill" the attack has 0% chance to hit

your suggestion can work but that's not the same effect

Astra, let me dream

Ahah but yes I know, I was only suggesting a workaround.

That kind of "immortal" stuff would require some ASM for sure.

And that would make zombies x10 times cooler... CAN KILL ONLY WITH SILVER WEAPONS.

lol wait those are vampires

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Note that "asm" is pretty generic and some of those hacks are of a harder nature than others (i.e. take lower or higher levels of ASM)

like I'm an ASM noob so I could only do maybe 50-75% of them if I put my head to it for a couple dozen hours

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yeah but those 50-75% are probably different than the 50-75% i think i could manage (that is, what you're capable of isn't the same as what i'm capable of and vice versa)

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I'm an inexperienced hacker (read: I only know about it via YouTube), but I've picked up most of the basics throughout the internet. Here are some burning questions I've been having regarding making my own hack on the FE7 engine. Roundabout answers are most welcome; see Question 4.

1. Can you make items that give stat buffs, a la FE9 Astrid’s Knight Ward?I think so, i Know it works with weapons

2. Can you make someone able to use magic AND weapons, like Nanna or Olwen?with the correct patch though one combines str and mag making them the same stat, the other is messed up glitchy and was abandoned by its creator

3. Can you make an equipped weapon negate criticals? ~negate ALL damage, like Imhullu?weapon negating crit, yes, all damage, i dont think it can be easily

4. Can a *Prf weapon be made preferential to multiple characters? Or would it have to be done in a roundabout way; e.g. making two weapons identical for all intents and purposes, but they are preferential to different characters? Such as two Mystletainns: one for Eldigan and one for Ares. I’d prefer just making the same weapon usable by both, however, since this would only work if the two never interacted with each other.

5. Can you make a weapon unable to critical, like the Bronze weapons from Radiant Dawn?yes units can share a prf

6. Can you have multiple player phases or multiple enemy phases (a la Genealogy)? I’d like to be able to change the map theme in between.multiple enemy phases i dont think it would be easy, but i think serenes emblem does it

7. Can you change the map’s music mid-chapter? Like, you open a door, a cutscene happens, the music is more dramatic for the rest of the chapter?think so

8. Can using an item trigger an event, such as using a staff to trigger a cutscene?not sure, maybe if your creative

9. Is it possible to import the following into Fire Emblem 7’s engine, and if it’s been done, can I be redirected to where: skills (especially Picklock and Pierce), personal skills, the Draco Zombie from FE8, biorhythm-like effects, the Stone effect? Or would it be simpler to do it in FEXP instead of FE7?not easily the only way to do this is asm

10. Can weapons have status effects besides poison? Berserk sword, etc.yes someone made a staus sword patch a while ago

11. Can you have a character talk to the enemy, and be recruited by the enemy, like FE9 Jill and her father?not 100% sure, but i think it can be done

12. Is it possible to make new status effects?not easily

13. Can you make status effects that never wear off, a la Thracia 776?you can if you edit the duration, though i dont think there is an easy way to edit the duration

14. Would it be a game-breaker to have more than one dancer?yes,

15. What is the maximum number of units possible on the screen at one time?no clue,

16. How big can the map be?very big, the maps in fe forever are huge

17. If I could be redirected to some GBA portraits of the FE4 cast, that would be fantastic. Of course I’ll give credit where it’s due—I understand how hard spriting is, TRUST me. no

18. Can you hack in as many supports as you want, i.e. giving Leif an A support with Seliph, Nanna, and Janne?you cant give units multiple a ranks easily

19. Is there anything like leadership/authority or Charisma in this game, or can it be simulated? Perhaps by utilizing question 18?kot's fe8 re balance had a skills like that you could ask him to do the asm needed to port them to 7

20. Can you code someone to be unkillable, like Eyvel in early Thracia 776?how so, you mean comeback to life at the end of the chapter or just stick around in convos, the latter is easy the former not 100% sure

21. Can you make preferential items, like the Fire Emblem from FE11/FE12?not sure what you mean

22. Can you change a character’s equipment mid-chapter?you can make an event to have someone give them another item, but i dont think you can remove items

23. Can an enemy have multiple “droppable” items?if i recall right yes, i think it was done with events tied to the enemies death quote

24. Can you make an item that prevents weapons from breaking, like the Starsphere?not easily it would take asm, you can however easily make an un breakable weapon all the latter takes is nightmare

25. Can you make a usable item that fixes the equipped weapon? ~all weapons in the inventory? the former, i think, but that depends on if you can give items the effect of staves

26. Can you make an event that makes the equipped weapon unbreakable?not sure

27. Can FE10 Canto be added?its a glitch in fe7 and i think its been done in hacks

28. Can Dancers be made to use swords? I know they can use magic, but if I gave them an animation for it, could they use swords?yes if you give them the needed animation its easy

29. How do dragonstones work? Is it a weapon rank or some kind of hidden skill?its tied to class and they dont work in fe7

30. Can you make an event where an item breaks? Like, open a door, a cutscene happens, a character’s sword breaks?not sure

31. Can you make Warp or Rescue staves affect enemies?you mean like your healer, uses a warp staff on the enemy no i dont think so

32. Would an enemy Dancer function properly?only if its in the ai,

Answers are much appreciated!

replies in bold

Edited by Cyron
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@CT probably but there's probably a lot which are similar/would be shared in our lists or something and some which might be easier done but we just aren't think of the solution or something

the point was just that that there are certain ones that would take either harder ASM, ASM of a different nature, etc., such as 6, 8, 12, 20, etc. vs. like 5, 10, 18, 19 which I personally have more of a clue about (this is just me skimming and trying to see which ones are probably more of a pain in the butt or not off a single glance)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I appreciate all these responses very much (and I realize question 17 was dumb). Really, the purpose of this was to feel out some of my constraints for my project. I figure if it requires in-depth ASM hacking, I will probably not go through with that particular idea, but oh well, I can dream. In any case, your responses have been extremely helpful! Thanks a bunch. :)

Totally fangirling (as a male, no less!) that big names like Blazer and AstraLunaSol commented on this.

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