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Toonami Mafia: Game Over


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I didn't see any reason to. Wasn't he just untargetable by everything? Like wasn't he just kidnapped or did I misunderstand that?

Also I didn't want to just shoot when I wasn't to caught up in the game.

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I didn't see any reason to. Wasn't he just untargetable by everything? Like wasn't he just kidnapped or did I misunderstand that?

Also I didn't want to just shoot when I wasn't to caught up in the game.

No, the votals just said that he couldn't speak, vote, or be voted for.

Prims even asked in-thread if a Dayvig could shoot Manix. Elie didn't answer in thread, but you could easily have asked in your role PM, and the wording implies you didn't. The question was asked like super early on too, so you wouldn't have had to be caught up with the entire thread to see it either.

Okay, if we assume that Elie forgot about no kills when he said that it's potential MYLO, it's got to be 7/4 with a chance of an extra kill at night. This doesn't make me feel any better about Shinori, because it implies the Vig has two shots. Could have been an SK I guess, but Manix makes a sort of dumb shot due to how likely it was that he was going to be MLed today. Or I guess it's multi-maf, but I haven't really seen anything point to that as of yet.

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Also, since there are no kills tonight, I wouldn't be against an early massclaim. No kills tonight, so investigative/protective roles are safe, and if someone's role looks legit, we don't need to worry about them so much. And if we ML today, it could be potential LYLO tomorrow, and personally I like claiming before that point just so mafia can't bs something for a mislynch.

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10 people alive. Claimed 3 anti-town on wagon. Two (three with SK/vig maybe?) town deaths could lead to game over.

7/3 would go to 5/3, so that doesn't work. 6/3/1 would go to 3/3/1, so that might be. 6/4 would also work. Either way, assuming kirsche is telling the truth, best shot is via lynching the wagon buddies.

After some thoughts, I have decided that my reasonings for not voting Nags were maybe not the best. I'm going to reread things now, but I might hop back to that wagon if nothing proves fruitful.

I also agree that claiming would be a wonderful idea at the very least from the people on the wagon if not from everyone.

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##Vote: Shinori

Aside from his bad D1, that shot looks really, really opportunistic.

I probably won't have time to re-read or claim for a while; this is mainly a prod dodge. Shinori is scummiest of the NNR voters though and I was planning on voting him regardless so this works out pretty well.

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wow, okay, this means I'm looking at three out of four people being scum assuming we're to believe kirsche. well, that sure would be convenient, but we can't exactly afford to kill three more townies over this. is it not weird in the slightest that by the time we can disprove kirsche's claim, we'd most likely have already lost? there's also the wording of his role.

where X represents the night and [Question] may be any question not related to a single specific player's role and/or alignment and/or win condition, general game setup information, inquiries regarding another single player's personal messages sent to the host other than their choice of target if one exists, or the personal phone number of the hosts.

under these conditions, especially the first one, you could ask some really creative questions. who are the mafia? you'd think the hosts would have at least thought of covering this one in the wording. how many minutes had passed in day one before the first mafia-aligned player posted? this doesn't violate the strangely meticulous condition of not directly asking about a player's role, alignment or win condition. if that's not good enough for you, how about, which players targeted scum with their actions tonight? basically, even if this is legitimately kirsche's role, you'd think that someone, anyone involved would have noticed that the wording makes this role grossly overpowered and some exchange would have taken place, causing the hosts to tighten the wording up.

three possibilities here:

1. this was a hastily constructed fakeclaim

2. this is a copypasted mafia role PM with the town wincon slapped on

3. nobody put any effort into the question asker and kirsche has really been asking some pisspoor questions

kevin old boy I want your n0 result right the fuck now. I, we, need to be as confident about you being town as possible. also go find out if any of the above questions, plus whatever else you can think up, are okay. I have more things to say depending on what you come back with.

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a bit apprehensive about lynching the dayvig, but i agree the best course of action would be to lynch someone on the nnr wagon.

still don't like scorri, she still hasn't got reads, but as for the nnr wagon my top scumread would be naglfar. i don't mind massclaiming, but naglfar should go first.

don't really think it's necessary for the people outside the wagon to claim, unless they feel comfortable with it themselves, though yeah, still suspicious about scorri.

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@naglfar: the main reason kirche would lie about those numbers as scum would be if most of his scumbuddies were on your wagon, which is a real possibility yeah. if we're claiming, we should all claim then.

though, do you think kirche is scum right now? or do you have any other reads today?

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how many minutes had passed in day one before the first mafia-aligned player posted?

You can't ask this because it will reveal a player's specific alignment. You can't ask who are the mafia because that would give away the specific alignment of a group of players. I also tried asking for X's night result but that apparently would give too much insight onto their role. Which players targetted scum would reveal that someone has a targetting role and thus I thought would be too much information, but I suppose I'll ask Elie for clarity on that. How many players targetted those not aligned with the Absolution could work, followed by a massclaim to find who targetted who, but that would rely on everyone being truthful. Of course me finding out that 3 out of 6 players are not aligned with the town means I've been asking a dumb question.

Also your demand making and obvious lack of understanding for the position you're in just makes me more convinced your scum. I don't care if you want my results "Right the fuck now" you'll get them when I feel it's at the town's advantage to get them and right not isn't that time.

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in fact everyone else start thinking about questions for kirsche to ask too. we gon need all the boys and girls in the club.

(still not claiming yet sorry)

I said I was open for suggestions.

to be perfectly honest I don't have much to offer but townreads and I'm not interested in anything but kirsche at the moment anyway.

How helpful. Why haven't you voted me then?

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well shit, that makes things harder. I don't know about making demands but I have no idea how it got into your head that I don't understand the position I'm in or how that's scummy (a word I think I'm beginning to resent). what do you expect me to do as town that I'm not doing?

I wasn't voting you because I don't want you lynched. you're the last player I want lynched right now. the way I see it, we're already so far behind that I'm willing to bet on you being town for an actual shot at winning. hearing about the real restrictions of your role was discouraging, but I think we can still make this work. just need to think of the right questions.

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I expect you to be able to read 20 pages of content and get a scum read. I expect you not to tell someone that it'd be nice if they claimed, saying "why not" then say "oops didn't mean for them to claim". I expect you to demand me to state my N0 results so you'll feel better about me then vote me when I fail to appease you instead of backing away saying "I don't know about making demands".

The last part is especially stupid, you not only told me to give you the results "right the fuck now", you told me to give them "Right the fuck now" and the 180 in your tone and your ignorance to your actions is just mindboggling if you're town.

If you don't want me lycnhed you must put trust in me and show to me that you are town, and the best way to do that would be to claim now. Not later when you could've made a fake RPM, now. I am not the only one thinking this.

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too lazy to check the previous vote patterns, but stuff like "has player X ever voted scum" and choosing someone who hasn't laid many votes should work, considering this question was basically "how many scum were on the wagon of player X". then lets say we have X who has voted a total of 2 or 3 persons, either we'll be able to clear them or we'll be looking for scum among those.

we still have a lynch to do today, focusing on what question kirche should ask at night doesn't let you get away with scumhunting. you don't want to claim and you only have town reads, we have a night without kills and stuff has certainly happened today. we have plenty of time to set questions for kirche, so do a reread or whatever if you're really blank.

can we have votals?

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I expect you to be able to read 20 pages of content and get a scum read. I expect you not to tell someone that it'd be nice if they claimed, saying "why not" then say "oops didn't mean for them to claim". I expect you to demand me to state my N0 results so you'll feel better about me then vote me when I fail to appease you instead of backing away saying "I don't know about making demands".

re: making demands: I was talking about the apparent scumminess of the action. I almost backed away, but not on what I'm actually doing, which seems to be different to what you think I'm doing.

The last part is especially stupid, you not only told me to give you the results "right the fuck now", you told me to give them "Right the fuck now" and the 180 in your tone and your ignorance to your actions is just mindboggling if you're town.

don't call me stupid, k? my tone has changed because I'm excited about getting to do something other than reread ISOs for hours, if you're wondering. still dunno why I seem ignorant or why that's a scumtell.

If you don't want me lycnhed you must put trust in me and show to me that you are town, and the best way to do that would be to claim now. Not later when you could've made a fake RPM, now. I am not the only one thinking this.

actually, sure, why not. there's no real point in hiding my role anymore.

Dear Naglfar, you represent


Rurouni Kenshin: Safeguard

New eras don't come about because of swords, they're created by the people who wield them.

Because you use advertise the benefits of success earned through defensive violence, you may protect other shows that you respect. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: My Reverse Blade will protect you, [uSER]." where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. With your subliminal messaging and strong moral conviction, you will deflect any amount of actions and/or complaints filed that target [uSER] away from them, less kills, and straight towards the trash can, rendering the action useless. Your unparalleled speed will always make sure that this occurs first.

You are allied with the Absolution (Town). You win when all threats to the Absolution (Town) have been eliminated.

I also claim the significant role PM edit that eli mentioned a while back. I'm sure I'll have half the game calling me retarded for admitting this, but fuck you guys in advance. see, two previous iterations of my role PM led me to believe that I blocked kills on top of the regular safeguard deal, so I targeted bard n1, presumably blocking the real doctor (and the silencer, I'm willing to bet). you're welcome town. I idled n0.

I'm also almost certainly the only reason anyone will get to hear any more of kirsche's results, so don't lynch me pls.

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Not rein, I meant SB derp.

##Unvote at the very least if I get hooked/jailed tonight we know to go on Nags and if I don't then we can still lynch him later. I'll wait for claims to decide for a better target.

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Naglfar (2): BBM, Snike

Shinori (1): mafia sucks
scorri (1): j00

kirsche (1): SB

Voteless Trash: Cam, scorri, Naglfar, Shinori, Xin'dy, kirsche

[spoiler=Players with 0 Votes]
mafia sucks (Prims) (0):
CT075 (Camdar) (0):
Xin'dy (0):
BigBadMarshmallow (BBM) (0:
j00 (0):
Snike (0):
Essbee (SB) (0):

Day 3 will end at 1800 GMT -5 (5pm CST, 6pm EST, etc) on 7/26/13. With 12 alive and present, 6 votes yields instant hammer and triggers phase end. Phase Ends in approximately 45 hours and 20 minutes.

Edited by Elieson
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Going to just return to ##Vote: Naglfar for now.

More later when my head doesn't hurt.

Regarding Shinori: Everything he's done and said is vague. He never clarified why NNR was worse than Nags yesterday (still hasn't), he said he had some scum reads but didn't out them or explain them (why?) and I don't think anyone was going to clear rein just for being an insomniac. His criticism of rein for not talking about anyone other than NNR can kinda be extended to him based on his D1. Given his graspy attack on SB and his 180 on Nags he's currently my least favourite player so ##Vote: Shinori

Guys, give me a break and don't vote like this. Seperate them from your paragraphs so I can identify them easier. Please.

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Not claiming unless I get strung up. Lynching based on "who has the least important role" is a good way to hit townies if scum has any safeclaims that aren't garbage.

Also think it's ridiculous that kirsche goes from "Naglfar finding me scummy only makes him more suspicious" to "whoops he's safeguard, not lynching that". I might have to re-read kirsche, actually. Really dislike how he's trying to use the results to out roles prematurely, though a part of me says scum wouldn't have come up with this in the first place so idk.

Naglfar: didn't you claim Driver N0? What's up with that?

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