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Lord of Azure Flame Final Chapter: Victory or Death


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So the Lord of Azure Flame is a shapeshifter of sorts as well- unsurprising, Morgan thought to herself, not bothered by the imitation. She nearly fell off of Krinkov, but managed to keep her balance. "Fly us closer," she instructed Lev. She wasn't in casting range yet and the time for action was now.

He's doing this because he thinks humanity has rejected the Goddess? That doesn't make sense... Charlotte thought to herself. She was caught off guard when there was more shaking, the ground under her held but she fell down and dropped her staff.

Bellerophon quickly dove down in an attempt to save Susann, but the pegasus appeared to right herself without his aid. Tristan held steady for the moment- he wasn't sure what he could do to the demon king so charging in seemed like a poor option.

Gah...what? Chase thought to himself as he saw the demon king take his face. He managed to snap out of it when the ground began to shake and he jumped onto a nearby platform, pointing his bow at his large demonic reflection.

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"Humanity will destroy its self?" That phrase seemed odd... Of course, everything that this demon kind had been saying seemed odd. It certainly was different from what the Reformists taught. Actually, it was closer to what his sister believed... Does he really think he's helping the world by getting rid of us? Raemond wondered. There was grounds for that belief -- certainly. Humans initiated wars over many different things and the collateral damage the world suffered could hardly be ignored. Not only that, but humans used up a lot more resources than the demons did. It was strange, but the demonslayer could understand what this hulking mass of destruction's good intentions probably were. Raemond actually half smiled in spite of himself as a stray thought crossed his mind. Oh what she would give to be here at this moment...

Beau didn't react much until the shockwave. He didn't much react to how the lord of azure flame looked like either, though the runes were intriguing. He was more worried about the rocks hurtling towards them, but none of them actually hit anyone. After a bit of banter, the ground split apart and everyone started falling. Beau was not spared from this, and gave a sharp gasp as his attention snapped below him. As soon as they started falling, however, he felt a hand grip his arm. Raemond hugged Beau tightly against himself and curled up to try to protect him from the rocks falling from above and the stones they were falling to below.

Admittedly, both wyvern and rider's courage gave out in the end. All this talk about all humans being replaced by demons and the sheer destructive force displayed caused Tas and Namid to panic and fly to the nearest exit. The only problem was that the exit was caved in. So, they began flying the perimeter of the room, dodging rubble as it fell. There was no escape. Any chance they had to turn back was gone. And then the ground fell away. Even wyverns fell below. This struck Tas with a new fear.

"IRINA!!" Tas urged Namid closer to where their group had fallen and dove down to see the destruction. It seemed like everyone was more or less alright, prompting a deep sigh of relief in spite of the threat that was steadily making his way over. Namid hovered over the floating stones nervously while Tas turned his gaze to the one that wanted to destroy them all. They're alright for now...but...is this the end? Tas' fear, much like the passageways, had finally caved in on its self. Steadily, the lord of azure flame came closer...and all Tas could do was watch. It was like nothing was real anymore -- as though this was all just a dream and he was only just realizing it. It was about then that the realization struck that there really was no running away from this. He twisted in the saddle and looked back at Tiria. He looked expectant, even a little lost. He wasn't really sure what he was supposed to be doing and was trying to get some sort of guidance from his azure passenger.

Thanks to Raemond's protection, Beau was completely unscathed from the fall. Raemond only uncurled and stood back up when it seemed like the most dangerous, immediate threat was the lord of azure flame. He and Beau were on one of the floating stones and the monk had a few, new bruises. Beau stood up and immediately began dusting himself off. Raemond just watched as their enemy came towards them and tried to keep as alert for new threats as he could. Raechel, Tiria, and many others were relying on Beau's safe return to Elyisimia after this, but only he was presently able to protect the young duke...and he was determined to see it done. Beau's own attention shifted to those who had fallen, trying to find everyone to assure himself that none had fallen into the fire below. And if anyone was hurt, he intended to restore them.

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[just some little derpings to get back into this. Also, with the walls and floor and everything collapsing, I'm not exactly clear if things are currently in open air, with sunlight coming down, or if we're still kind of buried underground and stuff, to be perfectly honest, which is kind of important, so... I just went with things, and can adjust in future, I guess.]


Tessa had shut up fairly quickly after Ixion's unexpected response. She'd expected something... well... more perhaps? At any rate, she was slightly flummoxed, and it had been an outburst she maybe shouldn't have indulged in. She'd snuck a worried look to Morgan, afraid of seeing disappointment writ large across her face, but the shaman was engaged in other matters. When the time came for them to finally make their way into the inner sanctum, Trevor had balked a bit, due to the intense concentration of demonic presence. The stout warhorse was not the only animal to do so, and the troubadour was pretty sure she could convince him to come along insidein fact, she was even partly tempted to do so for comfort reasons, as the tomb was looking much too similar to a cave for her likingbut Tessa ended up leaving him outside. He seemed to be almost torn between relief and another emotion, but perhaps Tessa was reading too much into him. (As for his part, Trevor had nickered a reassurance to Amari that he'd keep track of the herd being left behind, while requesting she look after his little human while he could not.)

As they walked into the tomb, approaching the altar, the healer was trying her very hardest to beat back a growing sense of unease. She didn't seem to be the only one affected though, and Tessa watched as Arrin seemed to tense to a point where he was almost crackling with energy. The sight almost reminded her of the time they fought with the valkyrie that had killed his teacher. She reached out a hand, intending to lay it on his shoulder, to try to comfort him, not caring if she got shocked, but before she could do so, Chase had broken the seal, and a long period of fierce quaking of the earth unhinged her control. An undignified shriek escaped her lips, and she ended up squeezing down on Arrin's shoulder in fear, rather than her intended reassurance, and clinging to him was all she could do to avoid dropping to a crouch and cowering with her arms clasped around her knees in dread of what was surely an impending cave-in. A cave-in that was in fact, only somewhat delayed in its realization. When the floor beneath them simply gave up at its task and the group fell down into a heap, some were partially buried by rubble, while others managed to avoid that fate due to either their mounts or to luck. Tessa was no exception, though in her case she landed rather roughly, and could no longer keep her body from uncontrollable frantic shaking, which now joined in with her profuse sweating and ragged breathing as frayed nerves were stretched to their limits, even though it was probably proving quite the annoyance to the young nomad who had been dragged along in the fall and landed atop of her.

No Friends

The trek into the tomb was nothing special for the Toran prince, he was almost looking forward to this whole thing being all wrapped up. The intrusion of the light spirit, Raphael, was a bit unexpected, but so far nothing seemed overly out-of-place. When Chase shot the seal at the man's not-quite-request, however, there was no stopping Helios's facepalms. Plural. One hand was just not enough to contain the depths of the dismay. The young archer fortunately missed the snarky remark muttered under his breath though, for the convenience of all involved, as another of their juvenile squabbles at this time would be the most out of place as anything could ever have been. The wind sage's mood was suddenly and unexpectedly restored upon the sight that the Lord of Azure Flame was covered in a rocky-shell of an exterior. Now this, this was something to to look up to, he thought, and a grin crept itself unashamedly across the man's face. The back and forth tirade seemed trite and boring, and Helios almost felt the urge to shout 'on with it already'. Iso's flames had been affected, and turned to azure, but the prince had completely unfounded confidence that his wind blades and Hellsety would be free from any similar molestations.

That faith was quite profoundly shattered, however, after the Lord's rather abrupt and cinematic transformation sequence, when after the flash of lights and the fall of rocks Helios found himself staring up into a giant-sized version of the visage of the man who had killed his father. The man who was quite assuredly unfit for rule of any kind. It was a turn of events that was quite literally impossible, and he found himself frozen in place, allowing himself to fall fully victim as the floor beneath crumbled and fell away, not even trying to dodge to a more favorable position. The shock of seeing himself at his worst reflected upon the grey-skinned, rune-covered giant who was the embodiment of all evil was simply too much.


It had taken very considerable cajoling to get Drake to enter the tomb, but Iris found herself certainly glad she had. She'd been positioned somewhat near to the Elysimian captain she'd chatted with over the fire, and when the ground had dropped out from beneath them there'd been nothing but a sea of flames to take its place, further below. While decidedly less graceful than the other woman's recovery, they'd still managed to get their wits about themselves in time, and aside from some minor proximity heat burns, escaped relatively unscathed. At this point Frederikov circled up higher, trying to ascertain just what had happened to the heirs she was supposed to be guarding. She caught sight of Isotov who'd been partially buried by rubble, and moved to land nearby and help clear some of it off of him.

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Arlene was out of luck when the floor shook - her armor hindered her attempts to balance, and she collapsed before the floor did. Much to her surprise, Midori had gone down to one knee. The girl shot the older woman a smile.

The fall was unexpected, but Midori had enough presence of mind to roll with the impact. Her mother lay in a heap, unresponsive. "No. . .no. . .not after I found you!" the girl said, sobbing. "Wake up. . .WAKE UP!"

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The azure glow had fully covered the swordswoman as she stared straight at the larger version of her face in front of her. Her anger flashed hot and then turned cold. This was it. Finally time to end it all. As Tas looked at her, she said in a flat voice, "Put me down. If you want to protect me, fine, but I cannot fight from up here. And I need to fight here. I will not sit this out. He needs to die."


Staring at the monster in front of her, she gulped and stowed her fire tome in her pouch. It seemed that she would most likely be most useful healing here. This was it. She couldn't fail here. Soon she could reveal her true self as a worshiper of the Lord.

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The Final Battle

"Urgh, I've got a really bad feeling about this," Lev voiced one last worry before getting Krinkov airborne. (I'll just have to get us back to a safe distance between her attacks so we don't get overwhelmed by this monster ...)

Iso patted the pebbles and debris off of himself as Iris arrived. "I'm alright," he assured her, though the cough that escaped him immediately afterward made the reassurance less convincing. "Watch our backs, we have to find some way to take him down before he attacks us."

Irina was outright shocked to see Lev flying toward the Lord instead of away from him, but a moment later she realized Morgan was probably calling the shots right now and wanted to go on the offensive while they still had the chance. She wasn't a crimson wielder, so it'd be best for her to focus on covering those who were, and she had a crimson passenger of her own to look after, which meant she'd probably be following after Lev shortly.

"Damian, are we going in?" she asked as she hopped back onto Nikita. As soon as she voiced the question, she began looking around, first for Iso, who seemed to be alright now, and then for Tas, who she feared might be a complete mess psychologically by this point. Tas of course hadn't had to endure the drop that she had and was thus in better shape physically. He too had a crimson passenger, though, which meant that instead of playing the decoy like usual, he would have to do what she and Lev were doing, and fly the wielders close enough to attack the Lord directly. Was he ready for that? She wasn't even sure if she was but she was going to do it anyway.

Viveka stayed airborne but kept near Conrad in hopes of catching him if he fell. She couldn't do anything for Thunderbolt should something that awful happen, but if they lost Conrad, it would be far worse, she reasoned. "Sir, be careful," she called out to him. She got an acknowledging wave in return, and then she saw him leap from one platform to another. "PLEASE, BE CAREFUL," she shouted this time, her voice shaking with fear. She had no choice but to follow after him as he began sprinting and leaping over the perilous terrain to face the tyrant bearing his own face. Thunderbolt soon joined in on the action and followed after his rider.

"Even now they remain undaunted? Such conviction may yet see us through ..." Raphael mused to himself for a moment. Soon, though, his eyes shot wide open as the presence of lesser demons demanded his attention. "They're here," he warned the others. As a swarm of demons appeared from behind the Lord, it became abundantly clear that the platforms that were floating all over the area weren't for the party's sake, but for the demons'. Demons of all types could use them to reach and subdue the crimson wielders and their companions for the Lord, and then he could devour them. "Do not falter! I will aid you in this fight!"



Adena 18/18

Alex 15/15


Arrin 12/12

Midori 18/18


Beau 12/12

Raemond 12/12


Charlotte 15/15

Eric 18/18


Chase 9/9

Conrad 18/18


Helios 18/18

Morgan 18/18


Irina 24/24

Damian 12/12


Isotov 15/15

Kelas 15/15


Luc 18/18

Reika 12/12


Tas 9/9

Tiria 21/21


Tessa 12/12

Iris 18/18


Tristan 18/18

Viveka 15/15


Raphael 30/30

Arrin's Barrier 30/30

Chase's Barrier 30/30
Conrad's Barrier 30/30
Damian's Barrier 30/30
Helios's Barrier 30/30
Isotov's Barrier 30/30
Morgan's Barrier 30/30
Reika's Barrier 30/30
Tiria's Barrier 30/30
Hellhound A 15/15
Wind Harpy 15/15
Minotaur A 21/21
Nightshade A 9/9
Centaur A 18/18
Dark Gorgon (Miniboss) 21/21
Dark Mogall A 15/15
Giant Spider A 21/21
Fire Mogall A 15/15
Deathgoyle A 18/18
Hellhound B 15/15
Thunder Harpy 15/15
Minotaur B 21/21
Nightshade B 9/9
Centaur B 18/18
Fire Gorgon (Miniboss) 21/21
Thunder Mogall A 15/15
Giant Spider B 21/21
Wind Mogall A 15/15
Deathgoyle B 18/18
Hellhound C 15/15
Fire Harpy 15/15
Minotaur C 21/21
Nightshade C 9/9
Centaur C 18/18
Thunder Gorgon (Miniboss) 21/21
Dark Mogall B 15/15
Giant Spider C 21/21
Fire Mogall B 15/15
Deathgoyle C 18/18
Hellhound D 15/15
Dark Harpy 15/15
Minotaur D 21/21
Nightshade D 9/9
Centaur D 18/18
Wind Gorgon(Miniboss) 21/21
Thunder Mogall B 15/15
Giant Spider D 21/21
Wind Mogall B 15/15
Deathgoyle D 18/18
Class: Light Spirit
Affinity: Light
HP: 10 STR: 0 MAG: 10 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LUK: 0 DEF: 4 RES: 5
HP: 30 MT: 10 Hit: 8 AS: 8 Evade: 8 Defense: 4 Resistance: 5
Skills: Revive, Nihil, Demon Slayer
(Revive: Once every three turns, an allied unit can be revived with 75% (rounded down) of their maximum HP.)
Lord of Azure Flame:
HP: 30 (x9) Str: 10 Mag: 10 Hit: 7 AS: 7 Evd: 7 Def: 2 Res: 2
(Barrier: Each Crimson Wielder can only damage a certain portion of the barrier and that portion must be destroyed by that wielder, although the barriers do not need to be destroyed in a certain order. Barriers are immune to all status effects and all damage from anyone who is not the specified Crimson Wielder. Every attack onto a Barrier is countered by the LoAF with Merciless Judgment or Azure Flame, depending upon which is equipped.)
(Merciless Judgment: A WTN attack hitting Defense. The LoAF gains use of the Impact skill when this weapon is equipped)
(Azure Flame: A MTN attack hitting Resistance. The LoAF gains the Poison skill when this weapon is equipped)
Hellhound x4(Neutral-Physical)
HP 15, Mt 4, Hit 7, AS 9, Avoid 9, Def 2, Res 0. Skill: Momentum
(Momentum: Applies extra damage for speed differences between your unit and the opponent. +1 for one speed, +2 for two, and +3 for 3 Speed gaps in your favor. This effect is capped at +3. Opponents out speeding you is neutral strength.. )
Wind Harpy x1
HP 15, Mt 4, Hit 7, AS 9, Avoid 9, Def 0, Res 2. Skill: Speedy Strike
(Speedy Strike: Reduce your STR/Mag by 1 or 2. In return, you may boost your SPD by a similar amount until the start of your next turn. This SPD gives only .5 evade. May break caps.)
Minotaur x4(Axe)
HP 21, Mt 7, Hit 5, AS 5, Avoid 5, Def 4, Res 0 Skill: Rage
(Rage: Boosts a minotaur's STR by 4, but reduces SKL, DEF, and RES by 1 until the start of its next turn. )
Nightshade x4 (Neutral- Physical)
HP 9, Mt 7, Hit 7, AS 10, Avoid 10, Def 0, Res 0. Skills: Lethality, Keen Edge, Stealth
(Lethality: Critical attacks deal X3 damage instead of X2)
(Keen Edge: Receives a passive +/-1 crit modifier)
(Stealth: The user may not be targeted during PP. Usable twice per battle)
Centaur x4(Sword)
HP 18, Mt 5, Hit 6, AS 5, Avoid 5, Def 4, Res 2 Skill: Charge
(Charge: If the centaur defeats an enemy, initiate another round of combat with a different enemy. May only activate once per turn.)
Dark Gorgon x1 (Miniboss)
HP 21, Mt 8, Hit 8, AS 6, Avoid 6, Def 0, Res 5 Skill: Stone Gaze
(Stone Gaze: In lieu of a normal attack, a gorgon may target an opponent at ½ Hit + dice. If the attack hits, the target receives +5 Def/Res for 3 turns, but cannot act. Panacea restores this status ailment)
Dark Mogall x2
HP 15, Mt 7, Hit 7, AS 5, Avoid 5, Def 1, Res 3 Skill: Augment (Dark)
(Augment: Enhances the effect of the Weapon Triangle. Triples the effects of having WTA advantage, granting +3 Hit and +3 evasion. Does not work with Weapon Triangle Neutral weapons)
Giant Spider x4 (Neutral-Physical)
HP 21, Mt 7, Hit 6, AS 5, Avoid 5, Def 5, Res 1 Skill: Poison, Deadeye
(Poison: When an attack hits, the target will lose 10%(rounded up) of their maximum hp every turn for three turns. Subsequent poison strikes only reset the turn count; poison percentages do not stack.)
(Deadeye: Choose a stat; any stat but hp, and if the attack hits, that stat is reduced by 2 points for the duration of the battle. When used twice on the same opponent, the same stat may not be targeted twice.)
Fire Mogall x2
HP 15, Mt 7, Hit 7, AS 5, Avoid 5, Def 1, Res 3 Skill: Augment (Fire)
HP 18, Mt 7, Hit 7, AS 7, Avoid 7, Def 3, Res 0. Skills:Critical +1, Pierce, Thick Hide
(Critical: Provides a +1 skill die modifier for the duration of the battle)
(Pierce: MT from critical hits is multiplied before defenses are applied.)
(Thick Hide: May increase its defense by +3 for one round, twice per battle)
Thunder Harpy x1
HP 15, Mt 4, Hit 7, AS 9, Avoid 9, Def 0, Res 2. Skill: Speedy Strike
Fire Gorgon (Miniboss)
HP 21, Mt 8, Hit 8, AS 6, Avoid 6, Def 0, Res 5 Skill: Stone Gaze
Thunder Mogall x2
HP 15, Mt 7, Hit 7, AS 5, Avoid 5, Def 1, Res 3 Skill: Augment (Thunder)
Wind Mogall x2
HP 15, Mt 7, Hit 7, AS 5, Avoid 5, Def 1, Res 3 Skill: Augment (Wind)
Fire Harpy x1
HP 15, Mt 4, Hit 7, AS 9, Avoid 9, Def 0, Res 2. Skill: Speedy Strike
Thunder Gorgon (Miniboss)
HP 21, Mt 8, Hit 8, AS 6, Avoid 6, Def 0, Res 5 Skill: Stone Gaze
Dark Harpy x1
HP 15, Mt 4, Hit 7, AS 9, Avoid 9, Def 0, Res 2. Skill: Speedy Strike
Wind Gorgon (Miniboss)
HP 21, Mt 8, Hit 8, AS 6, Avoid 6, Def 0, Res 5 Skill: Stone Gaze

OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Lord of Azure Flame

BP limit: 14 PC actions per turn


Player Phase #1 Begins

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(a little before the fight. . .)

Arlene slowly came to. Her daughter stood above her. . .wait, her daughter?! Shouldn't she be back home? "Midori, what are you doing here?" the groggy lancewoman grumbled.

"Mother. . .you're okay! Things are tense down here, and--mother?" Arlene seemed to be paying no attention to Midori's words. Her eyes, which stared off into some unseen realm, suddenly snapped back.

"I. . .don't remember much, but I remember you. . .and why I'm here. Midori, I'm sorry, I--" Arlene's apology was cut off by a big hug from her daughter. Some of her past memories were foggy, but she remembered Midori, shaking and alone in a bush one night, during one of her guard rounds. Times had been tough, and Midori had found a job for herself and her mother. . .a horrid job for the former and a decent one for the latter. Yet Midori never complained about her work. Arlene's former employer was no more, but that mattered little, in the face of their current situation.

"It seems I have bigger matters to attend to. Midori, stay out of the way." The girl opened her mouth to protest, then closed it and nodded.

"Mother. . .I'll believe in you." And if things get really dicey, I'll get everyone else to safety myself.

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"Of course we are!" Damian replied with fervour, brandishing both of his lances... mostly due to riding with Irina, he had managed to avoid any sort of lasting damage from the earlier conflagration, and was raring to go... this was what it all came down to, wasn't it? The entirety of his life, his father's legacy, the weapons he had crafted... everything came down to this moment.

"So this is the Lord of Azure flame, huh? To be honest, I expected bigger... sorry pops, but I'm gonna have to show you up on this one!"

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It's now or never... Chase thought to himself, now within range. He focused his energy on the now azure Zephyrtwine and shot two arrows into the demon king wearing his face. The arrows struck an invisible barrier which seemed to shatter some sort of invisible force field. The young archer gasped for breath, his energy taken away by his weapon.

(5,4,2)= Hit! 7 x 1.5= 10+ 4 (Crimson) +1 (Conrad) +4= 19-2=17 damage!

(4,6,6)= Critical Hit! 21-2= 19 x2= 38 damage!

Chase's Barrier 0/30

Chase 1/9

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Arlene whistled to herself as the first barrier fell. Let's see what this kid can do. But I'll need to make sure that he's not pelted with the remnants of that. . .thing, whatever it is.

Arlene defends Arrin

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The attacks were beginning. Arrin took a deep breath and tried to focus, then threw a large ball of lightning towards the demon king's barrier, feeding a little of his own energy into the spell through the Crimson tome's magic.

(6,2,1) Hit! Arrin does 11 damage! Arrin loses 2HP.

His attack did not go unnoticed, but the halberdier whose name he couldn't quite remember stepped in to deflect the counterattack from him.

(4,5,3) Hit! Arlene takes 8 damage.

Arrin: 10/12

Arlene: 10/18

Arrin's barrier: 19/30

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Aerial Charge

Part of Irina was glad to hear those words, if only because it meant Damian wasn't nearly as scared of using this tactic as she was, but another part of her wished there was something a little less dangerous they could try instead. There wasn't any time to think about it, though, and so she guided Nikita toward the demon king a full speed. "Don't hurt yourself," she warned Damian as they came up on the demon giant.

Irina defends Damian!

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"You've got my back, I trust you... hell, I feel as safe as I ever have." Damian replied, as the duo charged the demon king that wore his face. And while the barrier the Demon King had erected blocked all of their spear shots, the Crimson Lancer could feel it shatter beneath the weight of his final blow before they pulled away... Irina took a decent hit but she was sturdy enough to weather it.

"Looks like we broke the barrier... you okay, Irina?"

Damian -8 HP, +4 Mt(Crimson), Resolve activates!

Damian(5,3,6) 15 hit - 7 evd, hit! 21 Mt - 2 def, 19 damage!

Barrier(3,6,2) 10 hit - 5 evd, hit! 16 Mt - 9 def, 7 damage!

Irina(4,6,1) 8 hit - 7 evd, hit! 15 mt - 2 def, 0 damage!(stoopid barrier)

Damian(6,5,6) AUTOHIT!, 23 Mt - 2 def, 21 damage!

Damian 4/12, Irina 17/24, Damian's Barrier muchded/30


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Getting impatient with waiting for Tas to land, Tiria jumped down and charged at the barrier, not noticing that the glow surrounding her was starting to cut into her again, causing blood to stream down her sides and mix with the blue glow. She slammed into it with her sword, doing minor damage and taking a solid blow in return. Gasping for breath, she circled back, waiting for her next change.



Tiria does 5+3-2+1=7 damage

Tiria takes 10-3+3=10 damage

Tiria:5/21 HP

Tiria's Barried: 23/30 HP

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"Ah! Hey, wait!" Tas called in alarm when Tiria jumped off of Namid's back. He was on his way to land when she got impatient. Now she was running straight at danger. Panicking, he and Namid gave chase. They were responsible for Tiria, but it wasn't because she had the crimson sword that they followed. Namid was trusting Tas knew what he was doing and Tas was worried for Tiria's life for no other reason besides being worried for her life. As he flew, though, he saw some sort of distortion in the air strike the woman after her attack. As he flew after her, off to the side, he saw another woman jumping along the floating stones toward the monster ahead, and a man being followed by a horse. Quickly, as Tiria seemed to be doubling back, he flew over them.

"Hey!" Tas called to the two below, "That monster's being protected by some sort of invisible shield! Be careful -- it sends out some sort of clear attack when you hit it!"

The warning would have to do. He was close enough that he could reach Tiria fairly quickly now. So, he and Namid rushed over and he offered her a hand up. She wasn't looking too good... "Come on back up onto Namid's back. I can't protect you as well if you're down there and he or I could get hurt."

Tas uses Charisma on Conrad and Reika! (+1 hit, +1 evasion each)

Tas activates Full Tilt! (Now has 15 avoid)

Tas defends Tiria!


Raemond was keeping a close eye on Beau as he made his way more slowly across the floating stones, and making sure not to move any faster or slower than him. Beau didn't want to get too close to the demons coming toward them, but he needed to be able to get to anyone who needed his help quickly. His attention wasn't really on the demons, anyway. It was on their allies.

Raemond, however, was entirely focused on the demons. At this pace, they would likely come into contact with their allies before they got to them, but he needed to keep alert to make sure Beau was safe.

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She was barely paying attention to anything but the target in front of her, but she nodded in acknowledgment of the skinny wyvern boy's tip. Thanks to it, she managed to avoid getting hurt and dealt a solid strike with her daggers. She grinned. She hadn't pulled on their power yet, but she suspected it might be time for that soon.



Reika hits! Does 5+1-2+6=10 damage

Loaf misses!

Reika: 12/12 HP

Reika barrier: 20/30 HP


She grabbed the hand and pulled herself up, staring at the monster in front of her. "As soon as I get healed, I'm going back in there. I'm going to destroy that thing."

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"Y-yeah..." Tas answered nervously. He would have rather flown them away and not gone back, but Tiria had a job to do...which meant he had a job to do. In the meantime, he flew them further away from the Lord of Azure flame and circled back higher, trying to gain altitude. The land-bound demons would have a much harder time reaching them if they were further up, and both he and Tiria had a better vantage point from up there. Plus, if they had to got to someone quickly, there would be no trouble in diving back down.

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As soon as Krinkov moved close enough, Morgan fired a blast from magic that attempted to disintegrate one of the barriers. The barrier held and the demon king retaliated with a shockwave that nearly knocked her off of the wyvern.

Luna activated!

(5,5,4)= Hit! 15-0= 15 damage! Morgan's Barrier 15/30

(3,1,6)= Hit! 11-2= 9 damage! Morgan 9/18

The Crimson Wielders had begun attacking the demon king. I need to do what I can to save humanity... Calling upon the Goddess's power she healed both Tiria and Morgan before taking cover behind some rubble.

Charlotte uses Healing Aura!

Charlotte uses Combat Medic 7 Luck--> 7 healing

Charlotte heals Tiria 5/21--> 21/21!

Charlotte heals Morgan 9/18-->18/18!

Charlotte uses Stealth!

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Helios had charged forward, intending to attack the Lord, but found it difficult still with its false face up. Coming for the moment to a halt, he decided to wait until he could clear his head, an opening presented itself, of the illusion fell. In the meantime, what better than to be prepared to use wind magic to deflect any attacks aimed at the closest ally?

Helios Defends Morgan

Arrin had clambered off of her, and was doing his beast to face whatever fears Lady knows must be in his mind at the moment. Why was she finding it so difficult herself? Tessa was mortified that the fear she'd never even known she'd had until the Cobalt caves was proving to be more debilitating that the master of all demons and enemy to her faith. If it was the Lady's idea of a test, the motives behind it were such that the poor healer simply couldn't fathom. Gritting her teeth hard enough it was likely she'd draw blood, the troubadour took a deep breath, held it, and opened her eyes. Her young nomad friend was fine, but that woman lancer that had been tagging along (the one she'd tried to be friendly with at the summit) was wounded in his defense. That would have to do for now. Fixing a single firm goal in her mind, Tessa drove all other thoughts aside, in a desperate attempt to force herself to usefulness. For now, it was working.

Tessa activates Arcanium: Mag -> 6

Tessa Heals Arlene for 8

[OOC: Because I have to to work and I don't want people to think this phase is dragging too much, I'll just get the barebones in and fluff it when I can.]

Edited by Balcerzak
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While Arrin lashed out at the demon king, Kelas concerned herself with watching his and Iso's backs-- she doubted she could do much to the magical barriers. As one of the lesser demons snuck up on Arrin, she dropped it with a single shot.

Kelas attacks Wind Mogall A (5, 1, 1) Critical hit! Kelas does 16 damage.

Kelas 15/15 Wind Mogall A dead

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"RETURN TO ME!" the Lord of Azure Flame called out, attempting to envelop the Crimson Thunder wielder in azure flames, but missing.

Lord of Azure Flame switches to Azure Flame!

(2,2,5)= 9-9= 0 Miss!

The harpy decided to focus her wind magic on the wyvern rider who was protecting the Crimson lancer.

(2,4,4)= Critical Hit! 8-1= 7x2= 14 damage!

(2,1,4)= Hit! 5-1= 4 damage! Irina 0/24

The hellhound lept and tried to bite the crimson lancer, but missed.

(1,1,2)= Miss!

The giant spider moved forward and injected a paralytic poison into the Crimson Wind wielder.

(1,1,3)= Hit! 8-8= 0 damage! Helios is poisoned and has -2 Spd

The minotaur raised his axe, smashing it into the Crimson Dark wielder.

(5,2,3)= Hit! 13-2= 11 damage! Morgan 7/18

A dark shadow crept behind the bow wielding nomad, attempting to strangle the life out of her before disappearing.

(6,2,1)= Critical hit due to Keen Edge! 9-3= 6 x3= 18 damage! Kelas 0/15

Nightshade A uses Stealth!

The centaur attempted to drive his sword into the young Crimson bow wielder, but missed.

(2,6,6)= Miss!

The dark gorgon shot a blast of dark magic at the Crimson knife wielder, attempting to disintegrate her.

(4,1,6)= Miss! 9-1= 8 damage! Reika 12/12

The dark mogall did not appreciate being set on fire and so retaliated again.

(5,5,2)= Hit! 12-6= 6 damage! Adena 5/18

Helios takes 2 damage due to poison Helios 16/18

Adena 5/18

Alex 15/15


Arrin 10/12

Midori 18/18


Beau 12/12

Raemond 12/12


Charlotte 15/15

Eric 18/18


Helios 16/18 (Spd -2)

Morgan 7/18


Irina 0/24

Damian 1/12


Isotov 15/15

Kelas 0/15


Luc 18/18

Reika 12/12


Tas 9/9

Tiria 21/21


Tessa 12/12

Iris 18/18


Tristan 18/18

Viveka 15/15


Raphael 30/30

Arrin's Barrier 19/30

Chase's Barrier 0/30
Conrad's Barrier 30/30
Damian's Barrier 0/30
Helios's Barrier 30/30
Isotov's Barrier 30/30
Morgan's Barrier 15/30
Reika's Barrier 20/30
Tiria's Barrier 23/30
LoAF has Azure Flame equipped
Hellhound A 15/15
Wind Harpy 15/15
Minotaur A 21/21 (Rage)
Nightshade A 9/9 (Stealth)
Centaur A 18/18
Dark Gorgon (Miniboss) 21/21
Dark Mogall A 2/15
Giant Spider A 21/21
Fire Mogall A 15/15
Deathgoyle A 18/18
Hellhound B 15/15
Thunder Harpy 15/15
Minotaur B 21/21
Nightshade B 9/9
Centaur B 18/18
Fire Gorgon (Miniboss) 21/21
Thunder Mogall A 15/15
Giant Spider B 21/21
Wind Mogall A 0/15
Deathgoyle B 18/18
Hellhound C 15/15
Fire Harpy 15/15
Minotaur C 21/21
Nightshade C 9/9
Centaur C 18/18
Thunder Gorgon (Miniboss) 21/21
Dark Mogall B 15/15
Giant Spider C 21/21
Fire Mogall B 15/15
Deathgoyle C 18/18
Hellhound D 15/15
Dark Harpy 15/15
Minotaur D 21/21
Nightshade D 9/9
Centaur D 18/18
Wind Gorgon(Miniboss) 21/21
Thunder Mogall B 15/15
Giant Spider D 21/21
Wind Mogall B 15/15
Deathgoyle D 18/18

Other Phase begin! (Player Phase 2 after)

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Reika slammed into the barriers again but this time took the full brunt of the attack. Collapsed on the ground, she quickly fell unconscious, the knives starting to glow next to her.



Reika hits, does 8 damage

LoAF hits, Reika's KO'd.

Reika: 0/12

Reika Barried: 12/30 HP

Tiria meanwhile, waited for Tas to fly his wyvern low again before jumping off and charging the barrier. Slamming into it, she managed to avoid the retaliation that had slammed into her last time. Backing up, she waited for her guardian to appear again.



Tiria hits! 8 damage

Loaf misses

Tiria: 15/21 HP

Tiria Barrier: 15/30 HP

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Too many people were falling. . .and the barrier still stood between him and that. . .thing. I've been doing this all my life. . .what's one more shot?

Arlene defends Arrin!

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Kelas had fallen; Arrin could see that he needed to do his part, and fast. However, he didn't think that he could put enough force into one blow to knock out the barrier before him, so he held off on using more of his own energy in his attack.

(6, 4, 1) Hit! Arrin does 12 damage.

Once again the halberdier moved to shield Arrin from the backlash. Arrin flinched; it looked like she was badly hurt this time.

(3, 5, 1) Hit! Midori takes 12 damage.

Arrin 10/12; Midori 6/18; Arrin's Barrier 7/30

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