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Do you guys master every weapon?


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Do you take the time to max all of a character's weapon levels, or do you focus on mastering the one you use the most? E.g. Great Knights: do you S Rank axes, lances, and swords, or do you pick one and stick with it?

Could be because I'm a bit OCD when it comes to completion, but I try to max weapon levels on all the characters I use regularly (don't care too much about ones that I don't)

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It varies by game and sometimes character. Generally if I think it's advantageous in the long run to improve a weapon rank, I'll do it, but otherwise, I won't.

For example: With Franz in FE8, I'm definitely getting both swords and lances up to A. If I promote him to GK, I might then start to focus on axes as well (Axes are easy to use in that game though, what with Steel and Hand both being E ranked).

But with say Kieran in FE9, since Axes are awesome and Wexp is slow, I might give him lances but not really use them. Or Ike in FE10. I have Ragnell, why do I care about Axes? Or Hector in FE7 on Hector mode, he promotes too late for me to bother using swords.

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Yes, yes, every time.
Even if it's ones I don't use(even ever, if possible, because I usually use all of that character's weapon).
I always try to master the other weapons after I've mastered the main one I use.

It'll annoy me to no end if it's not completed AT LEAST by the end of the game.

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Depending on the character

Pretty sure the only time I have a fully maximized weapon ranks are Frederick(Discipline so good) and Marcus(B -> A Axe and A -> S Lance) and Seth(Javelin being the main weapon, S Sword for Audhulma).


Outside that, I go full on Javelin and Hand Axe, mostly Javelin

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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It varies by game and sometimes character. Generally if I think it's advantageous in the long run to improve a weapon rank, I'll do it, but otherwise, I won't.

For example: With Franz in FE8, I'm definitely getting both swords and lances up to A. If I promote him to GK, I might then start to focus on axes as well (Axes are easy to use in that game though, what with Steel and Hand both being E ranked).

But with say Kieran in FE9, since Axes are awesome and Wexp is slow, I might give him lances but not really use them. Or Ike in FE10. I have Ragnell, why do I care about Axes? Or Hector in FE7 on Hector mode, he promotes too late for me to bother using swords.

This pretty much sums it up for me.

Mainly with lords, it doesn't matter, since they generally promote too late to really get their secondary weapon ranks anywhere (Ike in RD is an especially big example of this, but to be fair, he does start with A Axes; having Ragnell by that point, though, makes the use of axes for him kinda questionable, however). Also, I generally don't bother with axes for Paladins in FE6 because accuracy is that much more important due to hit rates, and axes have low hit.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Sure, I do it mostly for Paladins, Great Knights and Archsages.

Like in FE10: cap waepon ranks for Titania, Oscar, Kieran, Makalov, Geoffrey, Astrid as well as capping Fire/Thunder/Wind/Light/Dark with Ilyana, Tormod, Calill, Soren, Sanaki, Pelleas, Rhys and Laura. I don't really care much about Staves because lolMiccyxArms Scrolls/Lehran.

Regarding GBA FEs, the only thing that matters is that Pallies get Javelin/Hand Axe rank and further, swds are meh. Secondary wpns for lords don't matter to me though, even axes with Ike because, as Tables said, Ragnell: unlimited uses and powerful 1-2 range.

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Totally depends on the character, and the game. Ex: I don't have Ike or any of the GBA heros use axes (in 7 and 8 it's because of con, while in 6 it's because of axes hit rates, and for Ike it's because lol Ragnell).

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It depends on the character for me. If I can afford to without spending more time than I like to, then sure. Whenever I can, I use Swords with Stahl to get his rank up for example.

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Not really, maybe on cavaliers. In Awakening and Sacred Stones I did because after you beat the game you have to find your own entertainment. I've never really bothered much, I usually never get it up enough to use silver weapons anyway in games without grinding.

Edited by Knight
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Yes. I'm a completionist and a perfectionist. I stopped in my first playthrough of FE13 to get great children before endgame and I've now got 80 hours playtime. I have a problem.

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No I usually don't bother. For example when a characters already has an A rank in lances I won't care if that units gains axes because the power loss for switching back to Iron or bronze weapons is not worth it for me since A rank lances do the job just fine most of the time. The weapon triangle is usually not that big of a deal at higher levels.

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Depends on both the game and the character.

If there's a good reason to raise someone's weapon rank in something and it doesn't demand taking more time than usual just to do so, then sure. Sometimes it's just to use a certain weapon though, not to max it. If there's a post-game, then sure.

Otherwise, probably not.

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Do you take the time to max all of a character's weapon levels, or do you focus on mastering the one you use the most? E.g. Great Knights: do you S Rank axes, lances, and swords, or do you pick one and stick with it?

I focus on mastering the one that I used the most.

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