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Thracia 776 first playthrough. Ch 3


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So I plan to start a new run on Thracia 776 this weekend and I need some help. I haven't played this game since I got about half way 3 years ago so I'm know next to nothing. My major questions are there any obtainable items that are hard to get. Any opinions on characters and any advice.

Please and thank you.

Edited by Randa
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I'm sure you know about the Chapter 1 axes, but if not send Othin to the bottom house and Halvan to the eastmost house to get Pugi and a Brave axe.

The Dragon Lance is kind of hard to get, but that's not till much later. The rest of the items are pretty straightforward, other than the silver card but screw that.

(i'm not too sure how much you've played so I don't want to spoil too much)

Edited by General Horace
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I'm sure you know about the Chapter 1 axes, but if not send Othin to the bottom house and Halvan to the eastmost house to get Pugi and a Brave axe.

The Dragon Lance is kind of hard to get, but that's not till much later. The rest of the items are pretty straightforward, other than the silver card but screw that.

(i'm not too sure how much you've played so I don't want to spoil too much)

I played to about chapter 12 but barely remember any of it. I remember there were a lot of irritating recruitment means.

on escape missions make sure Leaf escapes last.

any unit left behind will get captured

Learnt this first hand. It was awful
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I suggest getting A staff on Safy before chapter 12 so you can warp skip 12 and cheats 12x

Giveing an Item count as stealing in this game. If you don't mind, in chapter 12 gaiden, you get Pahn, a thief fighter who will start close to your dancer(to be exact, Lara "promote" into dancer by recruiting him)

After you recruited Pahn(warp Lara, recruit him), have Pahn steal the Thief staff from Tina to stop her from using the staff. Give Pahn every scroll you have and the Elite Sword. Begin some Steal - Dance chains with Lara and Pahn, trading elite Swords during the process(elite sword pahn give Vulnerary, trade the elite sword to Lara, dance, trade the elite sword to Pahn, steal Vulnerary, repeat) while Leif and the rest of the team move to the Seize point

Note that this increased their fatigue, but the next chapter is not all that tough >_>

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Use ZSNES, always be prepared to rewind. Especially with the UI fails like the ones I encounter in my LP all the time xD

I would but I'm using the snes4ios on my ipad. So I can't patch it or use any of the other features.

I suggest getting A staff on Safy before chapter 12 so you can warp skip 12 and cheats 12x

Giveing an Item count as stealing in this game. If you don't mind, in chapter 12 gaiden, you get Pahn, a thief fighter who will start close to your dancer(to be exact, Lara "promote" into dancer by recruiting him)

After you recruited Pahn(warp Lara, recruit him), have Pahn steal the Thief staff from Tina to stop her from using the staff. Give Pahn every scroll you have and the Elite Sword. Begin some Steal - Dance chains with Lara and Pahn, trading elite Swords during the process(elite sword pahn give Vulnerary, trade the elite sword to Lara, dance, trade the elite sword to Pahn, steal Vulnerary, repeat) while Leif and the rest of the team move to the Seize point

Note that this increased their fatigue, but the next chapter is not all that tough >_>

I will have to remember this. It will help to know how to get the dancer this time around.

As a side note I just finished chapter 2x I recruited lifis and I wonder can you recruit shiva. Also since the game is in Japanese I have no idea what the villages say but they don't give any items(this being chapter 3) so is there any way to get them. I know for a fact that one of them has a scroll but I don't know how to get it. Help please.

Edited by Randa
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you have to visit them while holding the children from the prison (only the correct one works)

That makes sense. Thank you.

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Ok, let me give you some of my own advice, as I see you're not playing through this blind:

- Don't bother bringing anything other than the Light Brand and the Flamberge to Manster. The Hezul scroll and Brave Axe are also optional.

- In Chapter 6, you can get some really useful items(including a master seal, the Odo scroll, and the Paragon manual) as well as a recruitable character. In order to get these items though, you will need to access Chapter 4x(this is gotten by having all the NPC prisoners leave the map) and have the 6 children in the eastern cells escape the map. If you don't, the NPCs will shun you instead of giving you items.

- In order to access Chapter 8x, you need to capture the bastard on the gate before he mounts on turn 16. This is obviously easier said than done, as he has 14 defense and 46 avoid after gate bonuses and your stats are halved during capture(further cutting damage and hit).

I'll add more advice as you progress through the game.

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- In order to access Chapter 8x, you need to capture the bastard on the gate before he mounts on turn 16. This is obviously easier said than done, as he has 14 defense and 46 avoid after gate bonuses and your stats are halved during capture(further cutting damage and hit).

Obviously we have Finn >_>

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  • 1 month later...

I remember Finn doing 1 dmg and missing a lot with the Hero Lance against the boss or something. Definitely really annoying to capture. At least the chapter is easy so if you fail to catch him it won't take that long to restart all over.

Anyway I'd recommend you to get an english translation.

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