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Theory: Cordelia could have Asperger's Syndrome

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Okay, before anyone calls me out on this, I'm not saying that this would actually be addressed in the game (I doubt THIS much study has been done on the human brain in FE, as Asperger's is actually a fairly recent discovery in real life). I really don't think it would.

But I've noticed that Cordelia exhibits several traits of Asperger's Syndrome. I should know, I have it myself.

- Obsessiveness over one thing and talks of it often (Chrom)

- Talented at many things

- Has trouble socializing well (I think I remember something about her not getting along so well with her Pegasus knight comrades, but they did still care for her)

- Intelligent (Cordelia hardly seems to be otherwise, if you ask me)

- Has trouble handling critique at times (she's a perfectionist, so critique could upset her)

All that we don't know is if she has sensitive hearing lol. But Cordelia could still have it even without that one. Not every person with Asperger's has all the same traits of it. And she is definitely a lot like me.

I also think Frederick has a few traits of it as well, but not enough to where I think he also has it. He's just plain obsessive, smart, and does a bunch of things. lol

But anyway, if she does have Asperger's, this would make Cordelia a pretty realistic character. I like it.

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If the traits you listed above are really some of the most common traits of Asperger's Syndrome, I'd be inclined to say that Miriel is more likely to have it.

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Well, if it can explain Frederick's obsession with his duty to serve Chrom, then it can very well explain Cordelia's obsession with Chrom himself. lol

As for Miriel, I don't get how she has any of those traits except the intelligence part... But then again, I haven't seen as many of her supports as I have of Cordelia's and Frederick's.

But I do agree that Cordy and Freddy are the most likely candidates. I'm not saying it was IS's intention to give any characters Asperger's, but I just noticed that both do have traits of it regardless. xP

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I am diagnosed with it (As I am told every self-important douche making excuses claims to be), and I feel that Asperger's would fit Cordelia less, and Miriel more, as stated before. At least from all the education I've gotten about it growing up, Aspies tend to be focused on one subject, but also be an expert in that subject. Cordelia seems to excel at everything, and her obsession with Chrom seems to just be lust to me. Miriel, on the other hand, is very invested in what she does, probably too much so, and her interests take precedence over social norms. Also, at least from my own experiences, both as a high-functioning individual with autism and someone who frequently helps others with similar diagnoses, I think Aspies tend to lean more on the yandere side of obsession (Though probably not to the point of violence), especially when it comes to obsessions with particular people.

Frederick, I can kind of see being an Aspie, but every case is different, as autism is a spectrum, not just a particular, defining set of characteristics.

EDIT: And while they may not have intended for the characters to have Asperger's, the particular set of traits that defines a stereotypical Aspie are often poked at for fun in popular media, such as Napoleon Dynamite (More lower functioning), or Big Bang Theory (I hate that show).

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But does Miriel have trouble socializing with people? Does she handle critique well? Just because she's an expert in science and research doesn't mean she's an Aspie. I've studied the disorder a lot myself because I have it and wished to learn more about it.

But as you say, every case is different and autism is a wide spectrum. Frederick does remind me of a close friend of mine who is also an Aspie though (and I had a crush on him, no less. And lo, I love Frederick to bits. Though it's not an actual crush, that would be ridiculous. I'm just pointing out that I really really like both in some way).

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As for Miriel, I don't get how she has any of those traits except the intelligence part... But then again, I haven't seen as many of her supports as I have of Cordelia's and Frederick's.

Well, if you haven't seen as many of her supports and don't know her as well as Cordelia or Frederick, you don't know enough about her to make that call.

In Miriel's supports she has an almost singleminded obsession with some factor of whoever she's talking to. Whether it be trying to figure out how Kellam "disappears", Stahl's outstanding averageness, Frederick's fencing abilities, or Cherche's understanding of wyvern-speak, it's pretty noticeable.

In her S-supports, she doesn't always seem to understand "feelings" or the idea of marriage. She didn't realize jealousy when she felt it. Safe to say that she's not the best at socializing.

In her support with Libra, she didn't listen to him when he told her why his preaching worked one-on-one, arguing that speaking to an entire audience would be better, and was flustered when she found out Libra was losing supporters. She seems more open-minded to critique, but seems to believe that "her way" is the one that will work, before actually proven wrong.

Just because the game never makes it a point to say whether she's talented at a lot of stuff, doesn't mean that she isn't.

Basically, people with Asperger's have it to varying degrees. Some people may show all the traits, while others may only show a few and be less "obvious". You yourself admitted you don't know a lot about Miriel, it kind of feels like you're drawing an arbitrary line or something.

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>Sees the thread

Seeing I ACTUALLY have Asperger's Syndrome, I'm going to change OP's point of view.

Cordelia is passionate for Chrom, right?

Cordelia is very desperate, and no husbando can help that. No matter what you do.

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I wouldn't say that (exceptional) intelligence is a trait of Asperger's.

Doesn't quite fit for Cordelia in any case. Her obsession with Chrom is just a crush IMO, and I'm having a real hard time buying a lack of empathy given the events of her introductory chapter.

Agreed that Miriel is definitely a better example.

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Sangyul: True, but I just so happen to already know much of what you just said. xP She still doesn't show talent in a lot of things and while you said she is obsessed with only one thing, you're now telling me she's obsessed with a bunch of things. I'm confused at this now.

Tanner: Are you calling me a liar? I was medically diagnosed, thank you, and I was not kidding when I said I have it.

If there's no way Cordelia can be an Aspie, then I'm not one either, because she is very similar to me. But that can't be the case, because as I said, I was medically diagnosed.

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Depending on the definition of intelligence, some Aspies may be considered stupid :P

I like to think of typical Asperger's Syndrome (If there is such a thing) as less magnified Savantism. Less obsession and/or inherent understanding and knowledge of a subject, but also less of the major social and sensory issues.

It does upset me that popular depictions of pseudo-Asperger's never seem to touch on sensory issues, which are a much bigger hurdle for me then social issues. I mean, when large crowds of noisy people are almost physically painful, living in a city sucks :(

EEEDIIIT: Just realized that my first sentence may sound like an insult to Anacybelle. I assure you it's not.

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Sangyul: True, but I just so happen to already know much of what you just said. xP She still doesn't show talent in a lot of things and while you said she is obsessed with only one thing, you're now telling me she's obsessed with a bunch of things. I'm confused at this now.

Like I said, some people who have Asperger's don't show every single traits. Just because the game does not mention that Miriel is talented in a lot of things, that doesn't mean she is not talented. Just never mentioned. In my example, I was saying that Miriel is obsessed with one thing ABOUT her support partners. Because that little issue called continuity, and it'd be weird if Miriel was talking to Stahl about how weird it is that Kellam disappears all the time, Miriel is obsessed with one thing about her support partner and tries to "solve" it.

I have a friend who is also diagnosed with Asperger's, and she spent a LOT of time telling me about Asperger characteristics, and I looked it up on wikipedia myself. Although she is diagnosed with Asperger's, like you, she doesn't show all the traits that you described above. She's very intelligent in math and sciences, but I would hardly call her "talented in many things", for one. Does that mean her doctor was wrong?

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Vernatio: Actually, I didn't see that as an insult to me at all. You didn't specifically say I'm stupid or imply such, so yeah.

Sangyul: True, I suppose. But I still also see the possibility of Cordelia being an Aspie mostly for the traits I mentioned and the fact that she's so much like me.

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(just popping in to point out that the less your brain focuses on some things, the better it can focus on others, so of course people with that condition would likely have stronger areas from not emphasizing social awareness, but that doesn't mean "talent" is necessarily a symptom)

Having said that, I mostly agree with the majority of people here: It's a definite possibility as one interpretation (characters' personalities in your own game are really just what you make of them), but I highly doubt it was IS's intention.

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Sangyul: True, I suppose. But I still also see the possibility of Cordelia being an Aspie mostly for the traits I mentioned and the fact that she's so much like me.

And I'm not saying otherwise or arguing against that, just that in my personal opinion Miriel seems the most likely.

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Okay, that's fine. I believe Cordelia is the most likely candidate and Freddy and Miriel are also possible candidates. We just agree to disagree. :P

Having said that, I mostly agree with the majority of people here: It's a definite possibility as one interpretation (characters' personalities in your own game are really just what you make of them), but I highly doubt it was IS's intention.

I already said I wasn't intending to say it was IS's intention. I doubt it was too.

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Miriel and Laurent are much more likely to have asperger's, or at least to be somewhere in the autistic spectrum. They're always focused on the literal meaning of things and seen to don't understand how people act socially. Miriel also said in one of her supports that she didn't knew how to have friends and that she didn't considered any of the shepherds friends. But what do I know, my definition of what is aspergers is based on doctor Temperance Brennan and on what a friend of mine told me about her cousin that has it.

BTW, Cordelia loves to receive critics and is upset by compliments, in her support with Donnel she practically begs him to stop complimenting her and start criticizing her instead.

And not everyone with those characteristics has aspergers. I have all of them but I'm sure I don't have it.

Also, as far as I know, people with aspergers aren't necessarily intelligent, they only exceeds in one area of knowledge, and might lack on all the others

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Depending on the definition of intelligence, some Aspies may be considered stupid :P

Well, isn't the entire point that the symptoms of Asperger's aren't explained away by something like that?

If there's no way Cordelia can be an Aspie, then I'm not one either, because she is very similar to me. But that can't be the case, because as I said, I was medically diagnosed.

This is not really great logic. Cordelia is not even a real person.
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Also, as far as I know, people with aspergers aren't necessarily intelligent, they only exceeds in one area of knowledge, and might lack on all the others

I was also taught, though, that they are fast learners and can do many things well. I exhibit this, as I'm told I'm good at many things. I also have plenty of knowledge on a lot of those. I don't know everything about them, obviously, but I know a lot.

As for not understanding how people act socially... I don't think I'm like this. I tend to have trouble detecting sarcasm and such, but that's about it.

EDIT: Does it matter if she is or not? She exhibits many characteristics that I have. That is all.

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Well, isn't the entire point that the symptoms of Asperger's aren't explained away by something like that?

What I meant by that is some people, such as myself, specialize and obsess over mostly trivial things like Pokemon mechanics, rather than more important things like how to be a self-sufficient adult. But hot damn, if you need to know about IV's, EV's, or shiny mechanics, I'm your man.

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Are you sure you aren't trying to project yourself in a character that you like? People tend to do that a lot, even if the character doesn't act like them at all.

And cordelia has no trouble socializing at all. In all her supports she knows exactly how to react to people's feelings and she is also a very empathetic person, always trying to help people with troubles. She also understands Severa really well, and knows exactly what she's thinking and what to do to make her happy. I doubt anyone with aspergers would be able to do that so easily.

If there's someone who lack empathy in this games is Miriel. If yoou disagree, just look at her supports with either Stahl or Lon'qu.

Also each person is unique, it's kind of dumb to expect everyone with asperger to act exatly the same, and I'm sure there are many people without aspergers that have characteristics that are typical of it. (like I said, i have all the characteristics you put in the OP, but I'm sure I don't have it)

And no, it doesn't matter if she has it or not, but I just don't think she has it.

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Are you sure you aren't trying to project yourself in a character that you like? People tend to do that a lot, even if the character doesn't act like them at all.

And cordelia has no trouble socializing at all. In all her supports she knows exactly how to react to people's feeling and she is also a very empathetic person, always trying to help people with troubles. She also understands Severa really well, and knows exactly what she's thinking and what to do to make her happy. I doubt anyone with aspergers would be able to do that so easily.

If there's someone who lack empathy in this games is Miriel. If yoou disagree, just look at her supports with either Stahl or Lon'qu.

I understood Severa's situation perfectly too. I would've done exactly as Cordelia did to make her happy. I would help anyone that has troubles as well, if I'm able. And no, I'm not. Like Cordelia, I:

- Am painfully lonely

- Often fell in love with men I could never have (be it because they were already taken, had no interest, whatever)

- Am good at many things and called talented

- Play a musical instrument (though this isn't relevant to the topic)

- Am a bit of a perfectionist (though only with some stuff, not everything)

- Have at least one big obsession (Cordelia's is Chrom. She has a MAJOR crush on him)

Of course there's other things, but they're more common characteristics, such as being a hard worker.

But honestly, the more you people talk about Asperger's traits, the more I'm starting to feel like I'm not really an Aspie at all. Has my whole life been a complete lie? I was misdiagnosed with ADHD too. Now it's possible I don't have Asperger's either.

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