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Theory: Cordelia could have Asperger's Syndrome

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Okay, before anyone calls me out on this, I'm not saying that this would actually be addressed in the game (I doubt THIS much study has been done on the human brain in FE, as Asperger's is actually a fairly recent discovery in real life). I really don't think it would.

But I've noticed that Cordelia exhibits several traits of Asperger's Syndrome. I should know, I have it myself.

- Obsessiveness over one thing and talks of it often (Chrom)

- Talented at many things

- Has trouble socializing well (I think I remember something about her not getting along so well with her Pegasus knight comrades, but they did still care for her)

- Intelligent (Cordelia hardly seems to be otherwise, if you ask me)

- Has trouble handling critique at times (she's a perfectionist, so critique could upset her)

All that we don't know is if she has sensitive hearing lol. But Cordelia could still have it even without that one. Not every person with Asperger's has all the same traits of it. And she is definitely a lot like me.

I also think Frederick has a few traits of it as well, but not enough to where I think he also has it. He's just plain obsessive, smart, and does a bunch of things. lol

But anyway, if she does have Asperger's, this would make Cordelia a pretty realistic character. I like it.

I'm probably going to get eaten for saying this, but, I feel this could just as easily apply to Lucina.

-The obsessiveness about saving the future is kind of a free pass, because that is really dire. But she also has that obsession with her father; see Hot Springs Scramble.

-Have you seen her? It's never stated that there's anything Lucina couldn't do.

-Except she does admit she has a hard time reading people (See Noire's convo from Hot Spring Scramble).

There's also her abysmal fashion sense (In all seriousness, fashion/clothing is a way of communicating, and she seems completely unable to understand it).

This is all speculation, and can easily be disproven. But, you can't disprove that she doesn't have Asperger's, either. So, I'll stick to it.

Also, if anybody is a candidate for ADHD, it's Cynthia. It's not all jumping around shouting (which Cynthia does enough of), but it's also a general inability to pay attention to your surroundings, which can result in clumsiness. The inability to pay attention also usually results in difficulties interacting and connecting with people, something Cynthia also seems to display.

Edited by Bronnichiwa
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It seems there are a lot of people with Asperger's on this forum.

And showing from the diverse reactions of people it is once again shown how diverse this condition is. I have been diagnosed with it also and know multiple people that have been aswell. None of these people seem alike at first glance. Some are very intelligent, others are extremely socially awkard and another is much less so.

As for myself I never thought of any Fire emblem character as having Asperger's, it seems plausible for Cordelia or Miriel to have Asperger's but there can also be made a case for them not to have it. Diagnosing Asperger's is not simple, I should know it took them two years to figure it out in my case (Wich still makes me doubt it sometimes). They claimed my above average intelligence made me learn to behave in the expected social ways without understanding them completely, appearing as an average happy go lucky characters. But in truth just acting so. I was diagnosed at age 25...

If I had to pick a character that resembles my character the most it would be neither Miriel or Cordelia and neither would it be Laurent.

It would be Henry.

Henry is extremely talented in his dark arts

He is extremely socially awkard

Prefering animals to humans in his contacts

Not seeing the value in human life, killing without a thought ( though this gravitates towards sociapathy )

Just looking to have fun, he seems anarchistic placing himself outside of society and not seeing any value in society's norms.

Edit: reflecting on this made me see again why I hate talking about my Asperger's.. above average intelligence.. it feels so much like bragging, I don't feel more intelligent then the next person and I know a lot of people who are smarter or can give a better speech. I still have doubts about the diagnose but I guess multiple psychiatrists can't be that wrong right?.

Edited by Falter
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Edit: reflecting on this made me see again why I hate talking about my Asperger's.. above average intelligence.. it feels so much like bragging, I don't feel more intelligent then the next person and I know a lot of people who are smarter or can give a better speech. I still have doubts about the diagnose but I guess multiple psychiatrists can't be that wrong right?.

I feel like Asperger's is the next ADHD. Not to take anything away from the people who have it, but it wouldn't surprise me to read an article in the NYT ten years from now talking about how the syndrome was over-diagnosed.
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I feel like Asperger's is the next ADHD. Not to take anything away from the people who have it, but it wouldn't surprise me to read an article in the NYT ten years from now talking about how the syndrome was over-diagnosed.

ˆI'd have to agree with that. Denis Leary, while definitely not qualified to definitively say, already voiced a similar concern in his book, though with more general autism. Here's the quote:

There is a huge boom in autism right now because inattentive mothers and competitive dads want an explanation for why their dumb-ass kids can't compete academically, so they throw money into the happy laps of shrinks... to get back diagnoses that help explain away the deficiencies of their junior morons. I don't [care] what these crackerjack whack jobs tell you — your kid is not autistic. He's just stupid. Or lazy. Or both.

He also made it very clear he wasn't referring to autism just being a made up excuse (he acknowledges that it's very real), but rather that it's over-diagnosed as an explanation as to why kids have trouble in school.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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I honestly agree with the several people, who said any similarities would of been intentional.

However this thread has opened my eyes, to the potential market for a forum that focuses on both Fire Emblem and aspergers.

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ˆI'd have to agree with that. Denis Leary, while definitely not qualified to definitively say, already voiced a similar concern in his book, though with more general autism. Here's the quote:

He also made it very clear he wasn't referring to autism just being a made up excuse (he acknowledges that it's very real), but rather that it's over-diagnosed as an explanation as to why kids have trouble in school.

How exactly can autism be confused with being lazy and/or stupid? I can imagine somebody mixing it up with, say, schizotypal or schizophrenic personality disorder, maybe even bipolar, but I think you'll agree that the alternatives are not exactly more desirable in that case.

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Did you know that I'm pretty much the same as Aversa since we both have two feet and big boobs, you know what that means:

Aversa confirmed for having male genitalia

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How exactly can autism be confused with being lazy and/or stupid? I can imagine somebody mixing it up with, say, schizotypal or schizophrenic personality disorder, maybe even bipolar, but I think you'll agree that the alternatives are not exactly more desirable in that case.

Leary's quote wasn't so much that it was misdiagnosed, but that people were using it as an excuse diagnosis. I'm saying that in that sense it's sort of comparable to ADD or ADHD, as there were people who clearly didn't have ADD/ADHD diagnosed with it because their parents wanted something to excuse the child's problems. As for autism being confused for lazy and stupid, one possibility would be to say that the kids have shitty social skills because their parents didn't do a good job of socializing them, and the parents don't want to take responsibility. I know it's a stretch, but that's kind of the point of the quote. To say that some of these diagnoses are stretching pretty far just for a convenient excuse.

I'm not making light of this or accusing anyone's parents of doing this, but even if not the parents, the doctors could lump people who are pretty borderline into it as a means of answering something they otherwise couldn't, especially since it's the big issue right now. I'm not saying there are many doctors who would do this, but there are some who could and that could inflate the number of cases.

I feel like I should just shut up before I really piss someone off.

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