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Favourite boss fights?


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I was just wondering, what are some boss fights you find cool? Since they are quite a big part of video games.

Being a Metal Gear Solid fan, I can't leave it out, because the one thing MGS is known for (behind long cutscenes, over the top writing, hiding in boxes, obscure references to American movies, nuclear robots, clones, and "Snake? Snake! SNNAAAAAAAAAKKE!!!) it's the boss fights. I can't go without mentioning Psycho Mantis, that would seem morally wrong, also The Sorrow is really cool, and also the fight against the Metal Gear Reys.

And of course, Zelda boss fights, mostly Ghirahim (3rd time), the ancient automaton, Ganon in WW, the dragon in TP, Phantom Ganon, and Majora's Mask. (There was a Link's Awakening boss I liked, but I forget.

Black Knight is probably the only boss fight that truly stands out in FE.

And the Ridley fights in both Super Metroid and Metroid Prime.

And also, anyone who says GLaDOS is a bad boss is just wrong. (portal)

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Magus from Chrono Trigger, Gruntilda from Banjo Kazooie, and K.Rool from DKC are probably my most memorable. Or Scarmiglione (sp?) from ffiv because he was really the first boss i just couldn't beat because I didn't understand really obvious hints when I was 4.

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Some personal favorites of mine are the dragon from Megaman 2, the Dante fight from DMC4, and Terra's final boss battle from Birth by Sleep. Probably my most favorite is Megaman Zero 3's final (form) boss fight. Anyone who's played the game would be crazy not to agree with me.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Being the huge Crash Bandicoot fan I am, I cannot leave out a couple of those. The fight with Dingodile and the fight wth N. Gin in Warped were cool, the fight with Tiny and the fight with the Komodo Bros. in Cortex Strikes Back were also cool. I could go on since I find more fights from that series good, but I'll just stop right there.

Fighting Bowser in both Galaxy games, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Mario World as great.

Metal Gear Solid has some cool fights, of course, particularly Psycho Mantis. And then the fight with Ocelot at the end of the fourth MGS was epic.

Facing Red in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal/HeartGold/SoulSilver was cool, I mean how often do games have you face the character you played as in a previous game of the series?

The Zelda series has a load of great boss fights. Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess was really cool, then you have Phantom Ganon and Majora's Mask.

Metroid is another series with some cool fights. The first one I really beat was Zero Mission, and the fight with Kraid has always remained fresh in my mind.

Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII. The music was especially epic.

I'd love to list a Fire Emblem boss of some sort, but I can't think of any that really stood out to me. Except maybe Lyon and the Demon King, just for the tragedy of it.

I could keep on going but I'll stop right there...

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Dark Souls and Azura's Wrath had a lot of amazing and impressing boss battles, to name a few:

Ornstein and Smough, Great Grey Wolf Sif, Artorias, Wyzen (he grows larger than the whole planet, how awesome is that?), Vlitra Core (you fight against the CORE of your planet), Chakravartin (you fight against the one Creator, throwing planets and stuff at you)

As impressing, although in another way, are the dragons from Baldur's Gate 2, especially Firkraag and Nizidramanii'yt (the bluish one in Suldanessalar was weak, the ones in ToB weren't that impressing aswell) - getting oneshoted by them never gets old.

A few others that are worth being called out:

Majora's Mask, the 2nd Alma fight in Ninja Gaiden, Metroid Prime

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The only boss fights that have really impressed me in any game are the ones in Dark Souls. Off the top of my head I can name a few that are pretty awesome:

Ornstein & Smough

Manus, Father of the Abyss


Seath, the Scaleless

Great Gray Wolf Sif


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I'm surprised no one mentioned anything from Shadow of the Colossus, the game that is literally made of favorite boss fights.

I'd like to pick something from Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, but there are so many good ones that I can't decide.


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I'm surprised no one mentioned anything from Shadow of the Colossus, the game that is literally made of favorite boss fights.

I'd like to pick something from Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, but there are so many good ones that I can't decide.


Yup, SotC basically is a boss fight. And it's at the top of my list.

Other than that...the fight with the Black Knight is pretty cool, some of the boss fights in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (namely the one with that giant...thing, with the bubbles), and the fight against Gannondorf/Ganon in Ocarina of Time.

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The only boss fights that have really impressed me in any game are the ones in Dark Souls. Off the top of my head I can name a few that are pretty awesome:

Ornstein & Smough

Manus, Father of the Abyss


Seath, the Scaleless

Great Gray Wolf Sif


Some of those were just dumb looking to me, though. Specifically, Manus, Seath, and Kalameet.

Now, my favourite in the whole game is Sif, because how can you get cooler than a giant wolf holding a giant sword in its mouth and swinging it at you. But O&S is pretty great, too.

One thing DS bosses know how to do is make an entrance. Also kill you. Repeatedly.

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The fight against Ganondorf in the Wind Waker is by far my favorite boss fight. Then there was Koloktos & the 2nd Ghirahim fight from the Skyward Sword. Then there's all three fights against Hewdraw in Kid Icarus: Uprising. Also the Phoenix in Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon.(Though it's the only boss I've fought in that so far) Oh and whatever that Dream Eater boss from Riku's Tron part of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is called.

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I've played so many game with boss fight, but only few of them are really memorable to me

Pixy (Ace Combat Zero) is my favorite of mine. Challenging three-parts battle where the climax is air-jousting against your former wingmen. Pixy himself is already great character even with ACZ untapped potetial. His reasoning and background is what make this particular last boss battle very memorable. Also DAT music.

Maiden Astraea is a one heart-wrenching battle. The battle itself is not that hard, since the one you fight is a "normal" NPC, her bodyguard Garl Vinland, but again her background, he realtionships with Garl, and the music make it one battle that is hard to forget.

Capra Demon, while the boss itself is very generic compared to other Dark Souls bosses, I can't forget my six-hours effort to beat him for the first time. Aah, good times indeed,

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Insert warning about spoilers here.

Here's a couple of the boss battles I really liked:

Nightmare from Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (GB/GBC/GBA/3DS): for the longest time, this was my favorite boss fight, mainly because the game demanded that you use nearly every single item in your inventory to defeat the boss' 6 forms. It required a lot more strategy and thought versus just hack and slash, and I appreciated that very much.

Yami from Okami (PS2/Wii/PS3): Essentially a much, much, much more superior version of the Link's Awakening boss fight mentioned above. The final boss of Okami demands that you use not only all your fighting skills, but also use all of the 13 Celestial Brush God abilities in order to defeat Yami. Not to mention the best part: using the Sunrise ability to open the second half of the boss battle, and be heralded to an awesome boss fanfare.

Metal Gear Rex vs. Metal Gear Ray from Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3): Being a huge fan of both Metal Gear and mecha anime in general, this was just... lovely. It's like a taste of the third Zone of the Enders game that Kojima will never make...

The first Elite Four and Blue/Gary Oak from Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow/Fire Red/Leaf Green (GB/GBC/GBA/DS/3DS): The Link's Awakening style of 'using everything in your arsenal to beat the opponent', in turn-based RPG form. Although,in the Yellow version, you can actually just power-level a Jolteon with Double-Kick, Pin Missile, Thunderbolt and Body Slam, and that'll sweep both the Elite Four AND Gary.

The Thirteenth Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus (PS2/PS3): Not only do you get to fly in mid-air with this Colossu, the way you need to take him down (shoot down with arrows, ride alongside it, get on one of the wings, climb your way to the weak spots) is just amazing to see and play.

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Dark Fact from Ys (PSP), if only for the concept that it is more of a fight of psychology than of brute force in that trying to play it safe by avoiding the projectiles will only get you killed, as will blindly hitting him in random tiles. Not to mention the cool music and climatic feeling of running up all those stairs and emerging into what seems to be an alternative dimension.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, the bat boss in the mines was a pain in the ass, and I still have yet to defeat him on Nightmare difficulty.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Narga_Rocks, July 23, 2013 - No reason given
Hidden by Narga_Rocks, July 23, 2013 - No reason given

whoops, double post, lol

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Bowser in Super Mario World was a great final boss. It's awesome how he swoops at you in his Koopa Clown Car throwing mecha koopas. And that music is just... I can't even put it in words. I hope the final boss is like that in Super Mario 3D World, but it will probably just be Giga Bowser again.

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Oh shit... Tooooooooooooooo many bosses to list that I really loved

First of all, I'll start with the Metal Gear bosses. The Rising bosses were easily the most fun I've had in a go-in-head-first-and-slashslashslash sort of way because Rising was way too much fun. My favorite boss fights there were;



Samuel Rodrigues

Metal Gear Excelsus

Senator Armstrong

Last two battles took place in the homeland rofl

Metal Gear Solid 3 is a close second. Every other Metal Gear game I've played wasn't nearly as good as 3's or Rising's;

The End

The Fury


Pokemon XD was a lot of fun, I had fun with the Cipher Admins Ardos and Eldes, and Greevil.

Zelda bosses:

ALttP: Trinexx

Ocarina: Phantom Ganon, Volvagia, Twinrova, Ganondorf

Wind Waker: Gohdan, Puppet Ganon, Molgera (but that's cause of the music)

Twilight Princess: Stallord, Blizzeta, Argorok, Zant, The ENTIRE 4-part Ganondorf fight

Skyward Sword: Koloktos, Demise

Final Fantasy;

VI: none in particular, but Ultima and Omega Weapon and Kefka were pretty awesome

VII: The Jenova fights

VIII: Final boss and Seifer

X: Seymour-Flux and Yunalesca

XIII: Barthandelus 1, Cid Raines

Barthandelus Part 1 (because of the context, holy SHIT)

Ys I&II: Vaguillon, Dark Fact, Tyalmath, Zava

Tales series has had pretty shitty bosses because they're super annoying/impossible to combo, but Symphonia had some gems: Kratos (all times), Zelos, most summon spirits, Batta&Yuan, Abyssion. Vesperia had the Flynn fight at least which was fun sorta


Harmony of Dissonance: Dracula, Legion, Devil, Minotaurs, Maxim

Aria of Sorrow: Legion, Death, Julius

Dawn of Sorrow: Somacula, Puppet Master

Symphony of the Night: Legion, Zephyr

Curse of Darkness: Legion, Trevor Belmont, Saint Germain, Wyvern

Order of Ecclesia: Albus, Barlowe, Eligor, Dracula, Goliath, Brachyura

Circle of the Moon: Dracula, Iron Golem, Death, Hugh

I know it's a long list but boss battles are great... will update if I remember...

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