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What do you think are canon pairings?


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I never said it was stupid because I don't approve of it. I heard that Colette got a lot of hate for being the canon girl. So it seems that a lot of people didn't approve of Namco's decision.

People are always going to be hating on something for some reason, there really is no way to avoid it. If Namco wanted to reveal "canon" pairings, I see not what the problem is. They shouldn't prevent people from shipping what they like, as long as they don't go all delusional and start accusing the creators of getting their shit wrong.

Even if players are given the freedom of choice, the people who created whatever it is you're enjoying so much do have a right to make their preferences known and canon, if they so choose.

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Even if players are given the freedom of choice, the people who created whatever it is you're enjoying so much do have a right to make their preferences known and canon, if they so choose.

I agree on this. It even doesn't just apply to pairing characters. So long a game gives you a choice, the creators can and may will choose a definite canon if they so choose. The examples are long and varied.

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start accusing the creators of getting their shit wrong.

The sad part... this has happened with the Tales fanbase.

I'm pretty sure Airship Canon can tell more stories than I.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I wonder if she's aware of IS canonizing Lewyn/Ferry in Thracia776...

I'm aware of the canonizing done with FE4 and FE5. And I'm pretty sure IS learned their lesson from this and that's why there are no absolute canon pairings in Awakening.

People are always going to be hating on something for some reason, there really is no way to avoid it. If Namco wanted to reveal "canon" pairings, I see not what the problem is. They shouldn't prevent people from shipping what they like, as long as they don't go all delusional and start accusing the creators of getting their shit wrong.

Even if players are given the freedom of choice, the people who created whatever it is you're enjoying so much do have a right to make their preferences known and canon, if they so choose.

Oh, I don't have a problem with canon pairings being revealed. What I DO have a problem with is giving us the option to choose first, and THEN revealing canon pairings. I feel like I'm being trolled this way, as described earlier.

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This is what I think:




StahlxCordelia or KellamxCordelia <3






If you don't like it, well then too bad!

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The sad part... this has happened with the Tales fanbase.

This also happened in Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was pretty terrifying and mind-boggling to see just how invested people can get in their ship. Hate mail to the creators and accusations that they don't know their own characters and they "got it wrong"? Just ... wow.

Seriously, canon pairings shouldn't stop a person from liking a pairing, and it shouldn't stop them from creating fan material either. The creators ultimately have the choice (if they wish to do so) to make something canon or not, and they have that right because ... you know, they created it in the first place.

Oh, I don't have a problem with canon pairings being revealed. What I DO have a problem with is giving us the option to choose first, and THEN revealing canon pairings. I feel like I'm being trolled this way, as described earlier.

How does this make you trolled? No, seriously? If the creators of Awakening made an announcement that feMU/Chrom was canon and that MU was canonically female, I'd be like "wat" but I wouldn't give a damn beyond that. Why should it troll you?

Edited by Sangyul
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Depending on my mood IS declaring canon pairings for this game would be glorious or disastrous, sometimes watching a shitstorm is fun but if it lasts too much it gets old and sad. Not really concerned about "muh headcanon" and stuff like that since IS declaring whatever thing as canon doesn't forbid me to do whatever the heck I want to on my playthroughs (I would be kind of upset if there is no RD-like save import option on a sequel since that would be outright lazy on their part, assuming they aren't under an ultimatum from Nintendo to meet a deadline).

That aside, what I guess IS would pick if they were to reveal canon pairings:

Chrom x Sumia

Maribelle x Ricken/Gaius (toss up between these two)

Virion x Cherche

The rest I really don't know.

Edited by Jackos
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This thread is mind-boggling. Why on earth does it make a difference if IS declares certain pairings to be "canon"? They give us some choices for our personal runs, it's their story, and none of their decisions are subject to the approval of a single person in this thread.

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How does this make you trolled? No, seriously? If the creators of Awakening made an announcement that feMU/Chrom was canon and that MU was canonically female, I'd be like "wat" but I wouldn't give a damn beyond that. Why should it troll you?

Because when the creator lets the player control who gets together, I feel they're telling us "hey, even though we created this, we'll leave it up to you to choose who gets with who!"

And if they decide on canon pairings after that, I feel they're then telling me "Haha, just kidding, lol!"

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Because when the creator lets the player control who gets together, I feel they're telling us "hey, even though we created this, we'll leave it up to you to choose who gets with who!"

And if they decide on canon pairings after that, I feel they're then telling me "Haha, just kidding, lol!"

The creators are allowed to have their own preference too, though. Is it really so terrible if some of them want to make it more public and make some pairings canon? Even if Chrom/feMU was deemed canon, or a male MU and Lucina was deemed canon, will it make you like Frederick less? Will you stop pairing feMU and Frederick because of it? If not, I don't really see the issue ;/

I find it kind of silly to rage at the creators for preferring one pairing over the other or making canon pairings. Then again, that might just be me.

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I find it kind of silly to rage at the creators for preferring one pairing over the other or making canon pairings. Then again, that might just be me.

"I know you better than you know yourself."

...wait a second...

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I just got this random thought...

I wouldn't mind if IS went back to do it the Archaneia/Valentia way. That is, to give the player zero impact on pairings and all changes be plot-tied. Then we'll all watch the world burn as we fiddle with our lyres... it will be glorious...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I just got this random thought...

I wouldn't mind if IS went back to do it the Archaneia/Valentia way. That is, to give the player zero impact on pairings and all changes be plot-tied, save you kill them off. Then we'll all watch the world burn as we fiddle with our lyres... it will be glorious...

Hello Marth/Caeda bashing fangirls all over again.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Chrom/Sumia (Lovebirds, Rigged Poll, Intro)

Lon'qu/Lissa (Arrows. She's the first to approach him. That whole she wanders off, needs bodyguard deal. The fact that he falls for her, and his gynophobia isn't involved.)

Vaike/Miriel (Vaike misplaces things. Laurent's father misplaces things. Their intro is together.)

Stahl/Sully (Unique Paired ending. The only paired ending that isn't generic.)

Ricken/Maribelle (Their whole intro. The fact that Ricken's been in love with Maribelle for longer than he's been in the game. (He went and pulled what he did because he's in love with her, ala Azel joining with Sigurd because he loved Aideen))

Gregor/Nowi (Official Art together.)

Virion/Cherche (Master and Servant. They've known each other for years- and she's faithful to him.)

Robin (M)/Lucina (Unique Confession Scene (47 scenes, only hers stands out as "different" (no bubbles)), Fits with the theme of the game, she always loves him/her (Final chapter intro), Alternate Chapter 21 scene (also applies to Chrom/FeMU, but Chrom/Sumia is too much of a thing.), the OST cover features her with the flowers from her confession with him.)

Incidentally, I consider this to be the canon of canon pairings. There is not a single one that I disagree with, not even Robin/Lucina, because Male Avatar is the default choice.

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Chrom x Sumia (Lovebirds, opening, hug scene, etc)

Kellam x Sully (makes sense with Kjelle being a knight and her canonish hair colour being black)

MU x Lucina (special confession, ties in with story)

...those are pretty much the only ones I can think of.

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I SUPPOSE another point for MU x Lucina would be that Marc/Morgan would be in their default tactician class at the start, conforming to their portrait.

The same can be said for Olivia and Chrom, correct? (and anyone else who has their own unique class)

Edited by Virion
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Incidentally, I consider this to be the canon of canon pairings. There is not a single one that I disagree with, not even Robin/Lucina, because Male Avatar is the default choice.

Couldn't agree more, but whose to say that every person has to be paired with another unit? Cordelia for example, can't get Chrom but just settles with whatever she can get, while her daughter thinks she still loves Chrom. This may come out as a little harsh,but with how much of a genius she is and her unrequited love, I'd much rather prefer Cordelia being a single mom (and so I won't have to worry about Severa's hair color) but that's just me

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Uh......are we really doing this again??? I thought we threw this topic around a bazillion times already.....

I'm not even gonna go into this issue of whether canon stuff in this game is real. So far as anything official goes, nothing is canon. However, IS still has the right to make those annoucements; until if/when they do, everything is headcanon. Hell, even after that, you're still allowed to have your own headcanons. That's all. Not such a big deal.

And since its the popular thing to do, here are the pairings that are canon to me in my head (hence the word "headcanon"):

Chrom/FeMU: ...I'm just not even gonna explain it at this point. :P

MaMU/Tiki: Grima's Avatar and Naga's Avatar. If nothing else, it makes for an interesting dynamic....

Lon'qu/Lissa: See Airship Canon's post.

Frederick/Sumia: Sumia needs a dependable person like him to watch out for her and her clumsy antics, while he needs someone to get him to loosen up once in a while.

Virion/Cherche: See Airship Canon's post.

Stahl/Sully: See Airship Canon's post.

Vaike/Cordelia: I really think these two bond well over their insecurities about Chrom; the guy who wants to surpass Chrom to win Cordelia's love, and the girl who wants to get over her unrequited feelings for Chrom by helping his rival.

Kellam/Miriel: She's the only one who actually tries to find out why he has no presence...

Gaius/Maribelle: Actual backstory about his dealings with her father and trying to protect her. And not a single mention of sweets.

Gregor/Panne: They're both drifters with similar levels of maturity. Plus, he's the only one I can see managing to get past her cold exterior.

Ricken/Nowi: No, its not just because they 'look' better together, they actually have the same level of maturity. Which is far more important than age differences IMO.

Libra/Olivia: Both are dancers with different styles and purposes; he's also the kind of gentle person who isn't likely to scare an overly shy person away. Inigo gets his good looks and passion for dancing from both.

Henry/Tharja: I don't see either of them being able to respect someone else who isn't as proficient in dark magics, especially in Tharja's case since Henry is the one person she theoretically wouldn't be able to bully with hexes. And it makes the most sense for Noire to have gotten her twisted personality from two crazy dark mages.

Owain/Lucina: Its their only unique ending that makes the most sense.

Inigo/Severa: He is the only one who'd be able to charm her out of her ice queen personality and have her open up to.

Gerome/Cynthia: Clashing childhood friends. She has a thing for heroes, and he's been trying to be one for her in secret, ala Batman. And she also taught him to fly.

Brady/Kjelle: Even with strength disparities, they share the same work ethic and enthusiasm to get better.

Laurent/Noire: She found someone even crazier than her to share the road with. And he's sensible enough to keep her away from most trouble.

Yarne/Nah: They bond over their rare shape shifting abilities; he manages to rescue her and they gain a mutual respect for each other. And bunny-dragons in the future!

Obviously most of these are subjective, but that's why they're headcanons.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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