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What do you think are canon pairings?


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Chrom/Sumia (duh)

Vaike/Lissa (um)

Frederick/Cordelia (srsly this makes a ton of sense)

Henry/Panne (read supports)

Gaius/Maribelle (read supports)

Lon'qu/Tharja (read supports)

Stahl/Olivia (sorry bias)

Cherche, Nowi, and Miriel can go with whoever.

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Uh......are we really doing this again??? I thought we threw this topic around a bazillion times already.....

I'm not even gonna go into this issue of whether canon stuff in this game is real. So far as anything official goes, nothing is canon. However, IS still has the right to make those annoucements; until if/when they do, everything is headcanon. Hell, even after that, you're still allowed to have your own headcanons. That's all. Not such a big deal.

And with that, we should just post this comment as a bulletin for future members and not make a repeat. Only been on the site for a month and already have an extreme disliking to what is "canon" (Truth be told, I only found out what it meant from this site) Headcanons are nice and all but it goes too far when someone thinks theirs is superior to others (even if I agree with some of them)

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goes too far when someone thinks theirs is superior to others (even if I agree with some of them)

Welcome to internet fandoms. Where bashing and demonizing anything that gets in the way of headcanon is all too common.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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my only headcanon is m!morgan/f!morgan

oh i suppose there's also olivia!lucina/chrom!inigo!morgan

[6:09:03 AM] SB: creepy aunt lucina

[6:09:03 AM] SB: you will not stop her

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Chrom/FeMU: ...I'm just not even gonna explain it at this point. :P

MaMU/Tiki: Grima's Avatar and Naga's Avatar. If nothing else, it makes for an interesting dynamic....

Lon'qu/Lissa: See Airship Canon's post.

Frederick/Sumia: Sumia needs a dependable person like him to watch out for her and her clumsy antics, while he needs someone to get him to loosen up once in a while.

Virion/Cherche: See Airship Canon's post.

Stahl/Sully: See Airship Canon's post.

Vaike/Cordelia: I really think these two bond well over their insecurities about Chrom; the guy who wants to surpass Chrom to win Cordelia's love, and the girl who wants to get over her unrequited feelings for Chrom by helping his rival.

Kellam/Miriel: She's the only one who actually tries to find out why he has no presence...

Gaius/Maribelle: Actual backstory about his dealings with her father and trying to protect her. And not a single mention of sweets.

Gregor/Panne: They're both drifters with similar levels of maturity. Plus, he's the only one I can see managing to get past her cold exterior.

Ricken/Nowi: No, its not just because they 'look' better together, they actually have the same level of maturity. Which is far more important than age differences IMO.

Libra/Olivia: Both are dancers with different styles and purposes; he's also the kind of gentle person who isn't likely to scare an overly shy person away. Inigo gets his good looks and passion for dancing from both.

Henry/Tharja: I don't see either of them being able to respect someone else who isn't as proficient in dark magics, especially in Tharja's case since Henry is the one person she theoretically wouldn't be able to bully with hexes. And it makes the most sense for Noire to have gotten her twisted personality from two crazy dark mages.

Owain/Lucina: Its their only unique ending that makes the most sense.

Inigo/Severa: He is the only one who'd be able to charm her out of her ice queen personality and have her open up to.

Gerome/Cynthia: Clashing childhood friends. She has a thing for heroes, and he's been trying to be one for her in secret, ala Batman. And she also taught him to fly.

Brady/Kjelle: Even with strength disparities, they share the same work ethic and enthusiasm to get better.

Laurent/Noire: She found someone even crazier than her to share the road with. And he's sensible enough to keep her away from most trouble.

Yarne/Nah: They bond over their rare shape shifting abilities; he manages to rescue her and they gain a mutual respect for each other. And bunny-dragons in the future!

Obviously most of these are subjective, but that's why they're headcanons.

Funny, this is just about all of my pairings in my first playthrough. Except for Cherche, Miriel, Nowi, Maribelle, Olivia, Sumia, and Lissa that is

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Henry doesn't mention Lucina if he is Inigo's father.

Right now, I'm just wondering if there's any other father support Henry has that sets it apart from anyone else's father supports with other characters.

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@The thread title. You do realize that part of Awakenings drawing point is us making our own canons right?

And hopefully not shooting them at other ships

Edited by Folgore Red II
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I have a hard time taking this thread seriously simply because of its premise:

Hey, I'm curious as to see waht you think are canon pairings. Avoiding shipping wars, please. Personally, I don't really ship or anything.

By definition, if you need to think that something is canon, it's not. Canon is not subject to interpretation or opinion, it simply exists and is immutable, or it does not, but there is no "in my opinion, a-b-c is canon because x-y-z".

So, now that I've said that...

This thread needs a bit more to separate it from other "pairing" threads.

I was thinking, why limit ourselves to what's strictly possible in-game?

For example, FE5 had Finn!Nanna and Beowulf!Delmud as canon, which is definitely not possible to do in FE4.

That being said, the only pairing that is obviously canon is this:


The complete explanation can be found here, or below:

[spoiler=huge image]BskXmZD.jpg

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You know, I actually DO think Lucina looks a lot like Cordelia. Hell, Cordelia's original design resembled her in return too. Hmm...

Perhaps Cordelia was originally going to be woman shipped by the game as Chrom's wife before they changed her hair color? If that's the case her unrequited love for Chrom might be a reference to that.

Edited by Virion
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Perhaps Cordelia was originally going to be woman shipped by the game as Chrom's wife before they changed her hair color? If that's the case her unrequited love for Chrom might be a reference to that.

And we're never going to find out.

Probably even deep within the Japanese interwebs, there may be a trace of the beta script... but I highly doubt that hasn't been done away with already.

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Perhaps Cordelia was originally going to be woman shipped by the game as Chrom's wife before they changed her hair color? If that's the case her unrequited love for Chrom might be a reference to that.

I always thought her unrequited love for him was meant to be a reference to Catria from Marth's games. But you might be right.

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[spoiler=This pairing is TOTALLY canon!]


She didn't jump off that cliff deliberately. She just swooned over Gangrel's good looks.

And Gangrel just loved her drop dead gorgeous looks.

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^lol XD

Oh, also, if I ever play a male Avatar, the only pairings that would change are who I marry Cordelia and Lissa to. The former would be going with Frederick (I think Cordelia needs a guy like Freddy or Stahl, as I see both being loyal to her for life and never making her feel lonely or unloved again) and the latter would go with Stahl (cute as heck supports! And this is one of those rare moments where I like a knightxprincess pairing. Plus, I don't want to leave Stahl single, he's too awesome. Donnel, however, I don't mind leaving single for some reason despite that I find him adorable too).

As for who I'd marry the male Avatar to, well, I don't think anyone would believe me if I said so. They'd never guess anyway. ;)

Edited by Anacybele
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Avatar X Tiki because Tiki is awesome, manakete!Morgan is awesome, it makes her death in Future Despair more awesome and the general idea of opposite alignments is awesome.

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