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Beneath the Shadows Prologue: With a Single Step


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While Mira didn’t care if any of the elves died, she wasn’t too fond of the idea of anyone else dying, not even the Cyclops lady. Being a new recruit she doubted her skills would be of much use on the battlefield, but at the same time she was certain that she was better than nothing. While Mira didn’t have a tragic encounter too share about bandits like Ernce had, she didn’t like the idea of people stealing and pillaging for a living any more than any other normal person. And if she could smash one head in, she’d not only be making herself useful, but also venting some of the built up frustration that she was so desperately trying to hold a lid over.

Listening to Ernce as he told her something that sounded important, she frowned a bit, not really knowing what was so secretive about leaving the military. The only dealings she’d had with them were a few deliveries, and the guards by the gate had always been nice and friendly. If a soldier asked nicely she was sure they’d have no qualms wishing a fellow soldier good luck and goodbye. Then again, if the leader was an asshat she could see a small problem rearing it’s ugly head. And after being told extensively to keep what she’d learned secret, she shrugged and responded with something Ernce hadn’t expected.

“No deal, I’m not good at keeping secrets so you don’t have to watch out for me” she stated simply. Boldly walking past Ernce’s side without so much as glancing at him. She didn’t really have any intentions to go around sharing Ernce’s secret, but the small smile on her lips probably gave a completely different impression. Coupled with her rather chaotic running around earlier, it didn’t take much to imagine the worst case scenario becoming a reality.

Taking a few steps away, she suddenly paused as if remembering something, spinning her head and giving Ernce the closest thing to a genuine smile she’d made since successfully unhooking a ring. “Though I get that you’re not a bad guy, you don’t need to look out for me, but I wouldn’t mind staying by your side” she offered. Not placing any value on the fact that she held one of Ernce’s most personal secrets.

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Chandra followed Erebus to the front of the inn. The group was being mobilized to defend the village. Though he was excited to finally unleash his magic on those who deserved it, she was a little apprehensive. Bandits or not, they were still in Celisa. The villagers might see the dark mages as more of a threat than the bandits. By fighting, they risked their standing with the village and possibly with their own comrades. They might not get paid, or worse: two pairs of shoes hang in the gallows.

Chandra waited behind Erebus, staying silent to see if Andre wanted to risk using their magic against such a lowly threat. She trusted the leader's judgement and would follow his orders whether they walked the battlefield or not.

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Damn I thought's that would've worked Ernce thought as Mira told him she had no intention of keeping her mouth shut; what was he going to do, take back what he said? He probably should've felt something like anger, maybe despair, or perhaps even hatred but no, he only felt curious. Would she dare tell? Did she have it in her to do it? Quite frankly, he didn't know whether or not she'd tell everyone immediately or no one at all as long as she lived; the look she had on her face as she passed him and her track history made it impossible to tell. But then she turned around, smiled, said he wasn't a "bad guy", what she meant by that he had no idea, and told him she wouldn't mind his company. It baffled him but at least she didn't look like she was going to kill something anymore.

Ernce sighed. "You know I'm going to do it anyway after all I told you, don't you," Ernce groaned. Even if she said no he wouldn't be convinced. Old habits died hard and his happened to be protecting, of all things to make a habit of. It probably also had a root in his inability to protect his parents and village from bandits but at the moment that didn't matter. This time he was actually present and he could protect the village, and Mira if need be despite her protests, from bandits. His grip on his lance tightened in antipation.

"Hey, Mira," he said, "you're not so bad yourself." When you're not ranting about how evil elves are that is Ernce kept that part to himself; he didn't want to be the first to feel just how hard she could hit something with that hammer of hers.

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Leon strolled outside to see the commotion with his staff on his shoulders. He was tired of chatting and sitting in an inn all day. He needed to get up and be active. "Finally something to do! Who needs my help? Don't you all line up at once, especially you, ladies. I'm just gonna need someone to help protect me though, since I'm definitely more a lover than a fighter." Leon had his acrobatics from the circus, but any magic he had was limited to his healing and his tricks. Then again, if they needed fire-breathing or....oh shoot! He was out of his tricks anyway. And this town didn't really look like one that kept many performers around. Might have to pick some up on the road then.

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"About damn time." Aina noted with a smirk, as Andre returned with work. Grabbing hold of her broadsword, she made her way towards her boss.

"Good t'see you pulled through, boss. So, what sorta ornery lot a'brigands do we got this time?" Aina asked, ready to take out some frustrations.

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Malachi grabbed Si'andol by the scruff of her clothing and hauled her upwards. "Come on!" he snapped, all traces of the lackadaisical Welsh kid from earlier gone. "If you want to stay with us, you've got to pull your weight, lass! Now come on and follow me!"

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"Not planning on it," Jacob said in response to Sayina, as he fiddled with his leather armor. Damn, this was harder to put on than he remembered...

Toqua took off scouting, which was always helpful to Andre. Hopefully he wasn't completely smashed, though, the mercenary leader thought, sighing. Oh well, there were other things to worry about.

"I was thinking something along those lines," Andre said to Adari, as Erebus, Chandra, and Aina approached. "Adari, you'll go east, we'll send Brader, Charlie, and Toqua west, and I'll handle the south. Sayina and everyone else can handle the north. That includes you two, Erebus and Chandra. The villagers are already inside their houses so we shouldn't need to worry about cutting loose. Aina, just some trash who decided to pillage the wrong village. Anyways, time to grab a drink, and head out."

The half-dwarf then went over to the tavern counter, bought a tankard of ale, and headed for the door. "See you all in a few minutes."

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"Well, if he's this relaxed, they probly ain't a problem." Aina mused, slinging her sheathed broadsword over her shoulder with a grin.

"But playin' watch the newbies, huh? I'm gonna hope that dwarf's a damn good fighter 'cause far as I can tell she's comin' across as a shitty person." The 'cyclops' noted with a sigh, as she began to wander towards the supposed meeting point, before turning her head towards the two practitioners of elder magic.

"I'll be countin' on you two t'watch my back, eh? I'm usually pretty good at coverin' my blind spots, but if one gets around me, melt the flesh off their bones for me." She told the pair, giving them her signature grin as she did so. That man... he always seemed to be his happiest when he was tearing some poor fool's skin from their body with his magic... she probably needed to talk with him at some point.

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Adari grinned. "Ya got it boss." Walking outside, she grinned at Sayina. "Ya've got babysittin duty. Thanks for grabbin ma horse. When Toqua gets back, tell 'im ta go west. Ya've got the north with the newer recruits." Quickly jumping up into her saddle, she whistled. "Lets go Moondancer." She drew her bow and slid an arrow into position, while loosening the other arrows in the quiver. If it wasn't for the fact that she'd need two hands to use the bow, she probably would've been bringing a drink along as well. These bandits were likely not going to be any sort of trouble. Hopefully the newbies would work out. She shrugged mentally. Those that didn't would be healed and sent on their way she supposed. It was highly unlikely any of them would actually die. Not with Sayina there. She grinned. Out like this almost reminded her of her days back in the desert, hunting and fighting those of the other nomad tribes. Not that many dared attack her tribe. They were too important, what with needing to guard the Shadow Desert. But it wasn't like that didn't pose its own issues... Ah well. Time to focus on the here and now.

Sayina merely nodded. He'd expected as much, what with him being the only veteran healer. Swinging himself up onto Snowflake, he murmured in Elvish, <"Alright. Lets try and keep them all alive, shall we?"> In Common, he announced, "We are heading north. Unless you have specific orders from Andre to do otherwise, please follow me. We will be defending this village from the bandits that are rapidly approaching. We should have better knowledge of when they will arrive soon."

Rayil raced out of the inn, hastily checking to make sure the long thin sword strapped to his back was still secure. With a sigh, he settled into a slow trot behind the elf who seemed to currently be in charge. It was almost time then...

Toqua floated high above the bandits, doing a rough number check. "Hmm, looks like 30-odd of 'em. Most of 'em heading north. But they're splittin off. I should get back to the boss now." Nudging Serath, he got the wyvern to turn around and then nodded. "Lets go, girl." The two of them sped off back towards the village.

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Raelyn silently nodded and fell in line behind Sayina. What more was there to say? Time to see how these new guys do in battle. . .and time for me to earn my keep. Wouldn't want to leave a bad impression on anyone!

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Si'andol was unresponsive. Frustrated, Malachi threw her to the floor like a ragdoll. "Bloody useless!" he shouted, before stringing his longbow and joining the formation.

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Mira shrugged her shoulders, not really having thought far enough ahead to see how Ernce would react if she refused his deal, but she supposed she was grateful that he didn’t immediately snap and start threatening her to keep quiet. “I do now” she smirked, looking around she’d run out along with a few others in her excitement upon hearing the possibility of battle, but there wasn’t a person, nevermind a bandit in sight. She supposed she could just run around and hope she’d come across one, but that seemed impractical and more effort than she was willing to put forth.

Her first action was to turn to Ernce to see if he knew anything, but he didn’t look like he’d be much use either. Like her, he come out before hearing anything specific, so the only real option was to continue running out and trying their luck, or taking a slight detour to the stables where someone more informed might be located.

Not really wanting to argue, she simply reached and placed her small hand around his, tugging on him with a bit more strength than she looked capable of, it shouldn’t have been a surprise seeing as how she was holding the upper part of hammer with relative ease. But it certainly wasn’t strength you could expect from a human girl that looked as frail as Mira.

Hearing Sayina announce that they were to head North, Mira immediately grimaced at the idea of being told to head North. Not because she had a problem with it, but because she had problems with taking orders from an elf. Her grip on Ernce’s hand unintentionally becoming a vice like clench, it took a few seconds for her to convince herself that the orders had come from Andre or Adari, and that the elf was only a messenger.

Watching as Sayina led the way she turned her attention back to Ernce with a mischievous grin on her lips. “Looks like we head north soldier boy~” she teased, testing that fine line between keeping quiet and revealing what Ernce seemed to want secret. She had no intentions of blackmailing him with it, but it was always fun watching someone besides herself tense up like that. Her mood had recovered greatly in the short span of time, but good things never last long and her mood was apparently no different today as another elf came trotting into her line of sight. The same one that had slammed the table earlier….. maybe, they all sort of looked the same to Mira.

“As if you creatures weren’t tall enough already, though I suppose nothing’s tall enough for monsters that like looking down at the world” she muttered loudly enough for Caslan to pick up. “Proficient in magic, pfft, not that useful if you can’t even walk on your own two feet, lazy.” She spat, the smile completely gone once more and replaced with a sour look. Her personal philosophy was to avoid pointy freaks at all costs, but something had sparked her anger once more to the point where she was willing to spit such hateful words.

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If it was even possible Erebus felt his grin stretch even farther at the order to basically go wild with his magic. They truly had the best boss ever~

The dark mage was just about to ask who would be in charge of the group to the north before that was decided by Adari. Erebus wasn't too familiar with Sayina but what the hell, he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders... not that Mira would keep it that way if she was given the chance to. He'd be keeping an eye on her during the fight just to make sure that the dwarf didn't actually try to kill one of their elvish allies.

"Oh but of course Aina, let's see if we can't try to survive this one like all the previous fights. I can do something much more than just simply melting flesh off of bones though, shoving a ball of magic into their stomach and letting it explode should be a much better relief. More power the less I have to be sick later... and who knows when I'll get another chance to cut loose like this." Erebus replied to the one eyed swordswoman, grin never leaving his face.

"I'm interested to see what you can do Chandra, we should compare notes and ideas after this is all over. For now though fun awaits, may I escort you to battle my lady~?" He asked in a sarcastic tone before chuckling. Putting the hood back over his head Erebus started walking after Sayina. He may have been a bit overexcited to finally have an excuse to get some release

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With Joey following quitely beside Caslan, the elf kept in pace with the group around the group's left edge so that no one would need to make space for the horse. His brooding thoughts were broken up by the words spoken by the dwarf which were, in his mind, clearly directed at him.

His mood, darkened by brooding did not handle the remark as well as he should have an Caslan could not help but sneer at Mira and said aloud, "Tsk, tsk, tsk! Proficiency in magic is a talent few are born with to use to advance the quality of life of their fellow people. It is a shame that some might lack the wit to even comprehend the usefulness of it."

Stepping slightly closer, but still a good lounge away from Mira, Caslan continued, "So, dwarf, what great deeds have you accomplished with that brutish hammer of yours? Smashed some tables perhaps? Maybe crush some tools your parents work so hard to make with your clumsiness? I know that I have at least seen to the survival of a tribe in Inthus for the past three years as I made sure they always pass through the nearest water source on their travels. My magic, kept them alive for as long as they needed me to. What has your hammer done?"

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Ernce sighed as he studied the village; it was completely empty save for his fellow mercenaries whereas he had expected there to be at least a few bandits in the village already. Just as he was about to suggest to Mira that they should go and look for the bandits somewhere else she grabbed his hand and tugged him forward, hard. He lost his balance and almost fell to the ground due to how caught off guard he was by her actions. "Hey Mira," Ernce said after he managed to right himself, "you can let go of my hand now." However it seemed that she was ignoring him because she just kept walking on ahead, dragging him with her, until she found Sayina.

Ernce winced as Mira nearly crushed his hand and nearly spilled his secret after Sayina told them and the other mercenaries that they were to head north to take on the bandits; although the vice-like grip did loosen once they were moving again. However good things couldn't last as she called out Caslan who was walking somewhat close to him. Ernce frowned. If she could control that hate of hers people wouldn't be so hostile towards her Ernce thought to himself. Besides, she looked far better with a smile on her face instead of her current sour look. To make matters worse Caslan actually retaliated and stepped closer to him.

Ernce didn't like the idea of being caught between the two of them if they decided that now was a good time to argue. Since Mira was still holding his hand he decided that for now he'd stop this before it could degrade any further even if it would look like he was taking Mira's side. Gripping Mira's hand, to ensure that she didn't slip away from him, Ernce picked up his pace so that they'd get ahead Caslan and hopefully away from the forming argument or brawl; Ernce didn't know what it would've turned out to have been. Once they were far enough ahead Ernce turned to Mira. "Could you please hold off on things like this until after the bandits are all killed? You'll need your energy for the battle, don't waste it on something negative like that. Like I said, I don't want someone dyin' on my first mission."

Once he had said that to Mira, Ernce turned back and shot Caslan an annoyed before looking northward and continuing like nothing had happened.

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It was a fortunate thing that Mira was pulled away by Ernce else it was likely that either Caslan or her wouldn’t be making it onto the field of battle at all. Her hostility flaring to the point where she would have gladly put out her own life to end the miserable pointy eared man’s life. There were just so many things that she wanted to crack his skull over. She had intended to remain calm no matter what the elf said, but the mentioning of her parents was one line that she wasn’t willing to accept being crossed by anyone, nevermind an elf.

She took a step forward to take out her burning hatred when her hand was tugged in the opposite direction. Ernce’s presence completely forgotten in her mind. She probably could have dug her heels into the ground and refused to budge, but to Mira it was like he’d popped out of nowhere, and the moment of surprise was enough for Ernce to have dragged her a few steps the other way before she realized what was going on.

The surprise having calmed her wits just a slight bit, she glared hatefully at Caslan with moistened eyes. “You’re right, I used to break things they made all the time…. until your kind came along” her voice dripping venom yet sounding a bit frail at the same time. Caslan’s words had completely scraped off her exterior hatred and clawed at something much more personal, raw emotions exposed.

She didn’t have anything to say to Ernce as she was pulled along. Not really caring all that much if he led her off a cliff. The sudden stop and words flowing over her head like a breeze. Her eyes slowly turned to glare at Ernce, mixed emotions flickering in her eyes. But after a few seconds her quivering lip forced a smile. “Haha, sorry, couldn’t resist hating on the arrogant prick” she laughed monotonously. “Let my temper take over again, silly me” she blurted out not wanting to give Ernce a chance to say anything else. “Have to help the others right? What are we waiting for, of we go! North was it? I think we’re supposed to head north? Isn’t that what you heard? No matter I’m sure we’ll be able to meet up with the others one way or another. Go go go!” she stated with empty cheer, walking past Ernce and leading him in the same general direction Sayina had been heading. Mira was careful to keep her head lowered. She didn’t really consider Ernce a friend, but she was grateful he’d stopped her. A shattered skull was nowhere near enough torture for Mira to be satisfied with now. She’d find a way to kill that elf one way or another. And when she did it’d be long and agonizing.

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Something about the tone in Mira's voice made Caslan feel a stab in his heart. In all the elf's sixty five years of living, the elf had not heard a voice that full of...he had no idea how to describe it. But it made the elven mage feel ashamed of himself, at allowing petty emotion to dictate his actions. Young and foolish was the proper term any of Caslan's elders would have labeled him for what he had just did.

He wanted to apologise immediately, but all he could think about was that hateful glare with moistened eyes and his courage would fail him. Lost for words, Caslan shook his head and quickly mounted Joey, to keep his eyes above dwarven height no matter where he looked as he galloped past Mira and Ernce to catch up to Sayina, taking great care to make sure his gaze never met Mira's. For he was also tearing slightly while his chest felt heavy from the new burden he felt placed on his shoulder because the words he had said.

Living with the human tribes, Caslan knew that the right course of action was to apologise and allow the offended individual strike a blow to the cheek. Or in extreme cases, a sword trust to the ribs. At least that was how the tribe he stayed with handle it. Caslan had never seen any of his elders get angry before, or at least show it.

Elves always think in the long term, avoid conflicts and endure everything, leave changing the world to the way one sees fit to humans, Caslan's elders had told him when he was young. Humans adapted their surroundings, elves adapted themselves, that was the way of things. But should he let that hatred fester in the dwarf or start making attempts to heal it? Maybe that was also why the elven young were sent out, to learn from humans the secret behind their success, their ability to change their environment.

Torn between eventually confronting Mira again, hopefully with better tact or ignoring her entirely, the young elf would have to choose one or the other. In his mind, one of the options will lead to dissolving the issue, but which is the best and safest in the long term? Caslan would have to make the decision himself and live with the consequences not like a human, but like an adult, the first step to adulthood doesn't come naturally, it must be taken boldly.

So, this is what it means to be mature, eh? Caslan thought bitterly.

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It had taken Zeff mere minutes to ready himself for the coming battle, and as such, he should have been one of the first ones outside. However he was now falling behind and found himself in the back, alone. He had initially wanted a chance to speak with the dwarven girl just to satiate a little bit of his curiosity. He got tons of human and elven customers at the store back home, so much so that he'd even learned a little bit of elven--just to communicate with the customers better. But it was rare to see a dwarf come into his shop. Before he had the chance to approach her however, the man she was speaking with led her away. Lovers perhaps? They seem quite young, but I haven't had the chance to look close enough so I suppose they might be closer to my age. No matter, they say flowers are exceptionally beautiful just as they first bloom, I wonder if that's true for love as well? he chuckled to himself. I wonder what the flowers around here look like?

His mother had a passionate appreciation for the beauty of flowers. So much so, that she would collect them even as their death grew near. "They look so beautiful," she would say, "I simply can't bear to see them wilt and die." So, just before the flowers' time was up, she would employ the services of a magician to freeze the flower, sending it to a slightly premature death. The end result however, was a flower that could be appreciated for years to come without ever wilting. She would place these flowers in tiny jars and place them around the house for guests to admire. After a couple of years, friends, family, and neighbors alike started calling his home "the garden of glass". He longed to return home and admire the beauty of his mother's garden. When I come home ma, I'll bring you flowers the likes of which you've never seen before!

He was eager to return home but there was something he needed to do before that could happen. Still, it was fun to reminisce and think. Something he did often when business was going slow. Thinking about his mother had put his mind at ease however. The tension that was lingering in his mind had all but vanished, he felt free and slightly elated. He noticed he was walking a tad faster as well, but only a tad. He didn't want to burn out before he reached his destination. He looked up at the sky, well ma, let's see if I've got what it takes. Focusing on the road ahead, he was starting to feel eager to prove his worth not only to himself, but his new comrades as well. He thought back to the scene at the inn with the second in command. She said I had guts. I'm going to need a lot more than that if I want to succeed, but it's an acceptable first step.

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Raelyn had watched the altercation yet again. Far too often had she seen the remnants of a mercenary band straggle in, bloodied and bitter, complaining about some deserter or another. With drink, they'd spun stories of grand adventures, deeds that would make knights look like mere commoners, and quests that would make even the poorest rich beyond their wildest dreams. One by one, these yarns would be picked apart from some inner quarrel, and what would be a united front would turn into a squabbling group. In the heat of battle, trust would be broken. People would turn on one another, and lives would be needlessly lost. She saw the beginnings of this in front of her. . .and she did not like it.

Lance boy is either oblivious or complacent; I care not for either quality. Dwarf girl is trouble, and she either needs to shape up or get out. That elf is taking is surprisingly well.

She quickly caught up to Mira and Ernce, and gave a quick apologetic glance at the latter before focusing a glare at the former.

"I don't know what the hell your problem with elves stems from, nor do I care. You're in a mercenary company, and you're hired to work with them. The last thing I want is for you to forget that you're a part of a group, and for that hammer of yours to accidentally find an ally's skull. If we both get out of this alive, I'll see whether it's worth my time to continue this conversation," she growled, before walking off.

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Malachi drifted into line behind Raelyn. "Bloody unprofessional, eh?" he muttered. "I can't say I expect her to make it past the first few days here. Pity, though. I like dwarfs, for the most part."

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With her eyes cast downward she didn’t notice Caslan ride past, but Raelyn’s approach wasn’t something that could be ignored, and as the young blonde woman too sought to lecture her about her behavior, for the first time since arriving in the group she returned a full on smile at the mentioning of elves. “It won’t accidentally find an ally’s skull” she giggled with bone-chilling mirth. Internally finding the threat to be more humorous that threatful. “Not accidentally” she whispered, watching Raelyn move off in a huff.

She might have stopped to think about it a few moments ago, but Raelyn’s words had come a little too late. Mira couldn’t bring herself to dislike the woman as what she said made sense, it wasn’t like she was stupidly telling her she had to get along with anyone, just to work with them from a more impersonal standpoint. Not being fed any rubbish about friendship and unseen benefits was a refreshing change, but there was all there was to it, it didn’t move her heart of mind, and while Mira preferred Raelyn to come out of this alive, the conversation could die for all she cared.

Mira couldn’t care less about mercenary company or professionalism either. Forget she was part of the group? Well that was a funny thing to say as she didn’t even consider herself a part of this group. You could stack the entire royal treasury infront of her now and she wouldn’t hesitate to opt to take the life of an elf instead. No petty gold, or employers silly expectations. The contract she signed had been between her and Adari and perhaps indirectly Andre. The elves had nothing to do with it, and furthermore the contract hadn’t mentioned anything about not taking the life of a fellow mercenary. Such things were implied and expected without specific agreements.

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"Do whatever ya need t'get yer rocks off... if yer gonna decide to make one o'em explode, try to angle 'er so the guts get on the dwarf instead a me, aye?" Aina replied, taking note of how the man's grin grew wider as his proposed methods of dispatching their foes grew more gruesome. Well, it was no issue of hers to deal with, he didn't take to attacking them, and if it was a mark on the other side, he could feel free to destroy them in any way he so chose, so long as they weren't needed alive.

"Well, we should get movin'. Sure you ain't gonna like it if we show up late and y'don't get t'kill nobody." Aina concluded to Erebus, before moving towards the North.

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If it was even possible Erebus felt his grin stretch even farther at the order to basically go wild with his magic. They truly had the best boss ever~

The dark mage was just about to ask who would be in charge of the group to the north before that was decided by Adari. Erebus wasn't too familiar with Sayina but what the hell, he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders... not that Mira would keep it that way if she was given the chance to. He'd be keeping an eye on her during the fight just to make sure that the dwarf didn't actually try to kill one of their elvish allies.

"Oh but of course Aina, let's see if we can't try to survive this one like all the previous fights. I can do something much more than just simply melting flesh off of bones though, shoving a ball of magic into their stomach and letting it explode should be a much better relief. More power the less I have to be sick later... and who knows when I'll get another chance to cut loose like this." Erebus replied to the one eyed swordswoman, grin never leaving his face.

"I'm interested to see what you can do Chandra, we should compare notes and ideas after this is all over. For now though fun awaits, may I escort you to battle my lady~?" He asked in a sarcastic tone before chuckling. Putting the hood back over his head Erebus started walking after Sayina. He may have been a bit overexcited to finally have an excuse to get some release

"Well, i wouldn't exactly call anything I do flashy, but it gets the job done," Chandra replied. Having been used to keeping a low profile in Celisa for so long, the dark mage got used to downplaying her abilities. She probably had a few tricks, but her fellow mage seemed to have a more bloody repertoire. Though she was glad that Erebus' spirit had improved, she was perhaps a little concerned of how enthusiastic he was in cutting people down. The way he grinned as he described the gruesome acts he wanted to perform was just...disturbing. She secretly wondered whether the dark magic inside of him was affecting his mental state in addition to his physical health. If so, perhaps the battle would him sound more...sane. She could only hope.

In the meantime, Chandra followed Erebus and the others to the north. She was happy that the others were starting to get along, even if the relations between Mira and the elves were still frigid at best. Chandra couldn't say she was excited for the action ahead; she far preferred opponents that weren't human. But that was a story for another day...

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"I wouldn't exactly say it's getting my rocks off. More the fact that this could be my only chance to remove my magical buildup for quite a while, and if I don't take this opprotunity I may be too ill to travel in the future." Explaining his reasoning behind the excitement of battle to the one eye'd swordswoman. "I mean, there's no inner conflict in me about killing or anything, it's not an enjoyment or something that's hated, just a means to an end."

Giving a sigh Erebus further elaborated "Most people experience some kind of corruption when they harness the power of Elder magic too much, not me though. Unless that is... I'm unable to remove the excess energy that's stored up inside of me right now. After it's all drained I should be noticeably... less... bloodthirsty and eager for violence."

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