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QOTD Thread: The End


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Lots of things. Unsanitary gas station bathrooms during road trips.


Losing limbs.

But... most of all...


On my sig...the one TE made.


It was a dream outright telling me:

ニニアン: その心の温もりを・・・

オリヴィエ: ・・・応える乙女を・・・

Ninian: "A maiden that would return your heart's warmth..."

Olivia: "...with the one in their own heart."

両方: そして一番恐れているのは・・・

Both at the same time, voices blending: "And what you fear most..."

They both close their hands covering it... almost looks like they would crush whatever it is that that was floating about their palms.

The white background turn to black. I couldn't see either of them, too. Man that scared the crap out of me.

両方: 一生、その方をみつけないこと。

Both: "...is never being able to find that other."

/hides behind nii-san.

You know, some would say our sibling relationship just appeared out of nowhere.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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New question!

How long do you sleep for on average (each night, obviously)? You can list on a day by day basis if you want since sleep patterns may vary in the sense one sleeps less on the weekdays and more on the weekends (or something like that).

Personally I sleep around 8-9 hours a night, excluding weekends, when I sleep 10 hours and Friday, when I sleep about 6 hours.

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let's see

week day:

1.i usually sleep at 1/2 AM on dusk then woke up at 6 AM, that's 4-5 hours

2.then on school, i always fallen asleep at lesson out of tiredness, if i count well, the total moment of me "fallen asleep during lesson" in one day is roughly an hour

so yeah, i slept 6 hours a day, reached the standard requirement sleep healthy ^_^

on week end, i always slept at 2.30-3.30 am.. sometimes 4am, (i once slept at 5AM out of insomnia once)... the time i woke up is either 6am or 10am... none can tell

Edited by Pukuriripo
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On weekdays I usually go to sleep anywhere between 2-3am and wake up at about 7.30am.

On weekends I usually go to sleep at the same time but wake up around 10am-12pm.

So about 4 to 5 hours on a weekday and about 8 hours on a weekend.

Edited by Raven
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i agree and don't make messes in the bathrooms, but it's not like these workers don't know what they're getting themselves into. i mean when it comes to unmonitored restrooms, things like that are just going to happen.

So just because they get paid you don't think they deserve respect as basic common courtesy extended towards people doing us a service, especially those we don't want to do (paid or not)


where are your manners

Anyway, I get let off easy this semester. MWF and Weekends I get 8 hours, since class doesn't start until 4pm and I have fridays off. TuTh is around 6, but because I tend to sleep a lot earlier (I'm pretty tired after getting home from school at 10) and I'm accustomed to sleeping at 4, sometimes it takes me a lot longer to fall asleep so it's more like lay there until 3am then sleep for 4 hours kind of thing. I'm getting better at it though. I'm also a far-lighter sleeper on TuTh because of it.

But most semesters I get class setups that, combined with homework due time, lets me sleep for about 3-5 hours max on at least some weekdays.

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Usually for eight to nine hours, but the problem is when I go to bed. Sometimes I do all nighters if I don't have to work, and sleep after class, but wake up at midnight and repeat the cycle. Other times, I go to bed after midnight, and wake up with the sun, or when I'm sick, I go to bed on time (10PM-7AM).

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Slept for 7 hours straight last night. It was beautiful. Otherwise, every night but Saturday night, I usually am in bed for 8 hours and sleep for like 5 hours because I wake up at least once an hour gahhhhhhh. Saturday night I sleep for about 10 hours, only waking up once or twice in there.

Edited by Rewjeo
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A pretty uniform eight to nine. Doesn't really depend on the day per se, but a day on the lower end tends to lead right into a day on the higher end.

EDIT: That eight to nine is "from between 10:30 and 11:00 to between 6:30 and 7:30" in just about every case.

Edited by Integrity
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A pretty uniform eight to nine. Doesn't really depend on the day per se, but a day on the lower end tends to lead right into a day on the higher end.

EDIT: That eight to nine is "from between 10:30 and 11:00 to between 6:30 and 7:30" in just about every case.

Brother, you are so uniform! I could almost wear you to work or school!

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