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QOTD Thread: The End


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Anything that involves falling is a no. So that would include bungee jumping and skydiving, to name two of the most popular activities involving falling.

My general rule is that if there's no need to do something and there is a chance something could go wrong in a life-threatening way, then I'll give it a skip. Kind of why I didn't get over my fear of roller coasters until I was 16.

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Anything that isn't in self-defense and violates the consent, autonomy, and rights of another.

I avoid anything that could impair my judgement because I'm a naturally violent person and I have to consciously keep myself in check from punching the shit out of things the second I get pissed. I'd rather not hurt anyone or cause property damage outside of self-defense situations. So I will probably never have any types of substances that pertain to that area.

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I would probably have smoked weed at some point in my life if it wasn't for the epilepsy. Now, genuinely paranoid about losing full control of my acitons, and I daresay legitimately so.

Meanwhile, moderate intoxication is totally fine by me because

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Bro dat question so vague.

Uh... not get in the way of others' decisions and shit unless its a matter of self-defence; uh I'd never willingly betray someone's trust. Prolly never smoke either cuz I'm not interested.

Dunno there are other things I'm not thinking of atm.

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I thought manslaughter was, by definition, unintentional?

EDIT: Well, I was sort of wrong but sort of not. Huh.

At any rate,

Cheat on my significant other.

Edited by Integrity
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