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QOTD Thread: The End


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Even people who are relatively smart regarding natural survival would be rather screwed in an urban environment where technology is relied upon to move resources out of the wild into our range of use. I imagine people dispersing from cities to seek woodlands and water sources would interfere with each other in their exasperation and my ultimate point is that, ironically, the people least reliant on technology, who are also the most impoverished and of low quality of life, would be the ones who survive best in such a scenario.

I'm all for satirizing civilization but that sounds terrible.

ironically thats not ironic at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ants!!! ALL OF US!!! ANTS!!!

Ants are kinda cute until there's like a billion and they're fire ants and also they're racist and hate you

Even people who are relatively smart regarding natural survival would be rather screwed in an urban environment where technology is relied upon to move resources out of the wild into our range of use. I imagine people dispersing from cities to seek woodlands and water sources would interfere with each other in their exasperation and my ultimate point is that, ironically, the people least reliant on technology, who are also the most impoverished and of low quality of life, would be the ones who survive best in such a scenario.

I'm all for satirizing civilization but that sounds terrible.

Yes and no. Realistically few living in areas we label "rural," at least in America and indeed most first world nations, are familiar with antiquated methods of resource gathering. A friend of mine is an excellent shot with a rifle, and comes from a family of marksmen. He couldn't catch a squirrel if you threw him starving into a forest without being educated on how to survive in the wilderness, however. There are a select few in the world who excel at surviving in the wild, but many of those poorest in our society, while notably less dependent on electronics than those of us more fortunate, are for the most part just as decidedly helpless when left without the advantages of modern technology.

The reality is that society is quite literally built upon the shoulders of the past, and today its survival is dependent upon the infrastructure that sustains it. People in an urban environment would be "screwed" in the same sense that most everyone else not living in a cabin using a bucket as a toilet would be. That said those who survive would not be moving into woodland areas because that would be wholly unnecessary, as there exist urbanized areas that are situated near important reservoirs already. There would be no reason for people to abandon cities in their entirety, as concrete building don't suddenly become ungainly once electricity ceases to work. Certainly as much of the population died off from lack of resources their positions would shift to be most convenient now that transit is limited to much slower methods, but they would prefer flat ground and durable buildings as much as we do now.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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New question! I'm sure it's a bit predictable, but....

How well do you think you could survive without technology? Kind of the same deal as the other question. I saw some answers pertaining to possibilities of personal survival, but it wouldn't hurt to add some detail.

Personally, if I could learn to start fire through primitive means I'd probably have a decent chance of coping. I still have...somewhat fair odds (being overweight can help in this case). I'd feel miserable as hell but I can deal.

Or I can die. Who knows?

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I'm a computer science major

you do the math

(I assume you mean modern technology because I'll tie a sharp rock to a stick and call it a spear and it's still technology, just technology invented a couple thousand years ago)

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Just swell. If the world returns to the age of strength, then I will be the one to conquer its ends. Once that pesky technology is gone, nothing can stand in my way as I use my strength to inspire terror in all four corners of the world. I will be the King of Fist, the Conqueror of the Century's End. My ambition will light the world ablaze!

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Siiiiigh I would be sadface and cold or maybe somehow even hot~ And I would miss being able to keep in contact with everybody and I'd be sadface with a smaller food supply

But I'd gather a bunch of food and, whether my own family would come with me or not, I'd be making my way over to Ohio ;u; And then I would be able to live more happily~ And I would endure!!!

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There are rare cases of people that are able to capably live in the wilderness for an extended period of time, but by and large no matter how experienced you are you're not going to be doing so for long. If some mountain man dude is finding it difficult getting by then I'm right fucked. I know the basics to avoid the greatest dangers, but I wouldn't last.

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Never had a taste for canned food, but it looks like that's what I'll be eating till the razzberries grow in the summer. How long could I go without meat though? I can't imagine. At least I won't be short on entertainment with all the Lego in my basement.

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Okay time for a slightly less extreme version of the previous question!

What specific technological things could you survive without? I think I may have asked a question about what sort of technology you use frequently or something but this is more of a reverse (that and my backlog didn't seem to find the question). Obviously, said specific technology has to be something you use at least occasionally.

Probably could live without the cell phone, TV, camera, and some other things. My livelihood is dependent on my car and various electronic devices such as light sources. A large portion of my time is also spent using my laptop and certain devices and while I might be able to cope with the loss, it would hurt pretty bad.

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Anything that isn't transportation and can be replicated with a computer

Computer's kinda my moneymaker, without it I'd have a very hard time finding a job in either of my best fields (I study computer science but can probably get a job as a 2d digital artist) and job = money = buy food/pay rent/etc so

But I can pretend my computer's a phone anywhere wifi exists, and if I want to watch something I just download it

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I think anything related to the agruculture base needs to stay, because there's no way we could feed our current population without it (and seeing as the whole population is going to fight tooth and nail over food in a shortage situation, I can hardly treat that bit as irrelevant on a personal basis). Maybe keep the medical tech base around as well.

Otherwise, everything can go, starting with my mobile phone...

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I kinda feel like in my case the question should be the other way around x3

Anything that helped me get fud and anything that kept me warm in the winter and cool in the summer and maybe even the things that help inform of an incoming severe thunderstorm or tornado or hail... and even the technology that helped my own home get made... those are probably things I couldn't go without~ Everything else I could maybe go without.

Oh oh oh and tissue~!

Ooh 4000th reply~!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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