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QOTD Thread: The End


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I despise it, in general. Especially as it becomes more and more "Black Thursday Evening".

I like to stay home and stuff on Black Friday.

Unfortunately I might have to go to Gamestop and get something sorted out because their website is fucked up, and I gotta get Xenoblade...


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I think it's a very easy way to test whether you are a saint. A woman tonight fought some random people because some dude took her empty cart while she wasn't looking


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I think it's a very easy way to test whether you are a saint. A woman tonight fought some random people because some dude took her empty cart while she wasn't looking


so she's a saint, right?

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Not fond of ones in rl stores because it makes stores overcrowded and store clerks end up enduring more bullshit than they already do.

Stuff like amazon BF sales though

all the lower prices with none of the bullshit overcrowding (I'm sure something so big as amazon is not gonna get their servers crashed even on black friday) or people being assholes -- well okay, customer service probably will get some mean emails because people suck -- but definitely a step up.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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If there was a black friday here i'd love it. I'd be buying everything.

How is selling things cheaply vile? LoL

1. It's now bleeding into Thanksgiving, so the retail workers miss out on dinner (it's kind of a big thing here).

2. Parking is a pain in the neck to find.

3. The stores are extremely crowded.

That's a start.

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1. It's now bleeding into Thanksgiving, so the retail workers miss out on dinner (it's kind of a big thing here).

2. Parking is a pain in the neck to find.

3. The stores are extremely crowded.

That's a start.

Like, I appreciate getting holiday pay, but the vastest majority of workers getting scheduled are for six hours or so. It's enough time that I am left exhausted, but not enough that it makes any difference at all.

The worst part is there is no way of getting out of it. Everyone is scheduled for work on that day --and, barring a few lucky exemptions, I mean everyone on the payroll in that store has to be there-- and if for any reason you're not it's an automatic termination. I would understand being open and having Black Friday sales, but it would be nice to have the option to go or not. I realize that would mean they would have most people not show up, but that just goes to show that the workers don't value working at that time for the payment given, and the only reason they're not is so they don't get fired. If businesses actually had to entice workers like me on Black Friday then, hey, they might lose a few extra dollars. Can't have that.

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1. It's now bleeding into Thanksgiving, so the retail workers miss out on dinner (it's kind of a big thing here).

2. Parking is a pain in the neck to find.

3. The stores are extremely crowded.

That's a start.

Yeah, all of that. In addition, when I went to Black Friday, it was like...I seriously think all the Indian people within 20 miles of the Kohl's I was at had all shown up there. It was insane. And yes, very crowded, children screaming and crying all over the place. Parking was also pretty bad, but I think my dad got a little lucky. All in all, I think it's alright if you're going for saving on things like a new TV, or a fridge, or any of that big appliance stuff. Shoe deals were alright, and some clothes. But otherwise I really don't think it's all that worth it.

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1. It's now bleeding into Thanksgiving, so the retail workers miss out on dinner (it's kind of a big thing here).

2. Parking is a pain in the neck to find.

3. The stores are extremely crowded.

That's a start.

When you pay twice as much for most electronic things (my country sucks =/), you don't care about those things anymore... If I could buy things with black friday price I wouldn't even care, I'd spend the entire day at the store buying everything I could carry.

but nowadays you can just buy everything online anyway.

That said, I imagine it must be a terrible experience for retail workers and I do feel sorry for them.

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When you pay twice as much for most electronic things (my country sucks =/), you don't care about those things anymore... If I could buy things with black friday price I wouldn't even care, I'd spend the entire day at the store buying everything I could carry.

but nowadays you can just buy everything online anyway.

That said, I imagine it must be a terrible experience for retail workers and I do feel sorry for them.

I prefer paying things with our taxes than going through something like that.

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When you pay twice as much for most electronic things (my country sucks =/), you don't care about those things anymore... If I could buy things with black friday price I wouldn't even care, I'd spend the entire day at the store buying everything I could carry.

but nowadays you can just buy everything online anyway.

That said, I imagine it must be a terrible experience for retail workers and I do feel sorry for them.

Let's pretend that your country had that sort of thing. You go to the store early, and find a long line of people, some with camping equipment out. Through the traffic (my gosh, were you at the same stoplight for ten minutes?!) you eventually find a parking space. . .two hours later. . .and it's a mile and a half away. When you finally get to the store, you can't get a shopping cart (they're all gone), your walking speed is approximately a shuffle, and the stuff you wanted to get was gone. You see someone being an ass to an obviously exhausted retail worker, the person next to you smells like they didn't bathe for a week, and at least three babies are screaming.

That is Black Friday in a nutshell.

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(my gosh, were you at the same stoplight for ten minutes?!)

Yes, Many, many times. That's another thing i hate here, the trafic hahaha.

But i do understand your point

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