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QOTD Thread: The End


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I think cheating is wrong and I would never do it. But for some reason, my "give-a-fuck-o-meter" about being cheated on is kind of low.

(In other words, I wouldn't do it and I don't agree with it, but I can't imagine caring or getting extremely upset if my significant other cheated on me.)

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The typically incorrect usage of "You did good" instead of the typically correct usage of "You did well". I swear, it drives me up the wall every time I hear them used incorrectly..... DX

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Also, "irregardless"

Ewwwwww. wtf spellcheck, irregardless isnt a word, why is there no squiggly line under it ahhhhhhh

The usage of that word became excessive on my other forum. It was amusing to see how many people tried to correct the error or got frustrated.

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Many, many, many many many many people seem to replace the word "are" with "is" in spoken English extraordinarily regularly. I've noticed it in Americans (north-east and mid-west), Canadians, Britons, Australians, and New Zealanders ranging from 2 to 55 years old. After I first noticed it, I noticed it everywhere, and amongst so many people that sometimes I feel like I'm the only person I know who is steadfast about using "are" in speech when convention would call for it in writing.

The first two years it really bugged me, but I've slowly grown... accustomed to it, though it still strikes my ear as distinctly off (I wouldn't say wrong since it appears, to me, really quite widespread amongst native speakers, and might be symptomatic of a sometimes alleged tendency toward grammatical simplification in modern English). I assume most people don't notice this because it's so widespread and I didn't notice it for ages, but I've no idea how safe that conclusion is to make.

Edited by Wist
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Many, many, many many many many people seem to replace the word "are" with "is" in spoken English extraordinarily regularly. I've noticed it in Americans (north-east and mid-west), Canadians, Britons, Australians, and New Zealanders ranging from 2 to 55 years old. After I first noticed it, I noticed it everywhere, and amongst so many people that sometimes I feel like I'm the only person I know who is steadfast about using "are" in speech when convention would call for it in writing.

The first two years it really bugged me, but I've slowly grown... accustomed to it, though it still strikes my ear as distinctly off (I wouldn't say wrong since it appears, to me, really quite widespread amongst native speakers, and might be symptomatic of a sometimes alleged tendency toward grammatical simplification in modern English). I assume most people don't notice this because it's so widespread and I didn't notice it for ages, but I've no idea how safe that conclusion is to make.

Holy shit, hai Wist!!

You know, i only really do that ironically. Such as: "They is cray, brah!"

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The general misuse of the humble apostrophe. Unless the thing is proffesionally proofread, there's always a mistake in the document somewhere. It doesn't help that spellcheck likes to make stupid mistakes as well and can't be trusted. So even when it's actually right, people ignore it through scepticism.

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It's spelling and pronunciation, not grammar, but people saying 'Australia' counts. Didn't their parents ever tell them it's called 'Straya?

There's also one that's on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite think of it.

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The general misuse of the humble apostrophe.

one will notice that everything in this thread is either this or a pet peeve of some flavor

it's the objectively correct response

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