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QOTD Thread: The End


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What kind of strange food combinations do you enjoy? Do you like dousing anchovies in whipped cream or brown sugar? Do you like mixing every flavor possible until you have what others might see as a complete mess? Feel free to interpret this question in a purely subjective manner (since something you might consider strange where you live might be a regular thing somewhere else but because you believe it is strange for people you live around it is still validly strange).

Probably borderline, but for some reason I don't see a lot of people enjoying ketchup on their fried rice (which is essentially a combination of chopped veggies and meats cooked with rice). I absolutely love it especially with some fried egg. Sadly beyond that I'm unremarkable in my habits, though I have a tendency to eat foods separately (like cheeses, breads, meats, and vegetables all in singular constituents instead of attempting to combine them) to enjoy each flavor individually and have more control over the flavors I'm mixing.

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I need to play Snatcher now.

I've taken to putting cheese on curry sometimes. And yakiniku sauce in fried rice. And nutmeg, garam masala, and cumin in chicken or turkey sandwiches. I tend to just throw together what I can find so I know I've made a lot of odd dishes, but nothing too strange comes to mind right now except the one time I tried to make a wasabi potato dish (don't try it).

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I actually don't experiment that much with combinations~

Like the most different I can possibly think of is that me and one of my brothers used to dip our fortune cookies into our ice cream when we were younger and were at a restaurant that had both~ I tried that again recently because we hadn't been there in a while and my brother remembered how we did that (I had forgotten x3) and I thought it still tasted pretty good~

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Oh, I normally eat ketchup with a lot of things. But I haven't had ketchup in a really really long time, it's so sad :/ But there was one time when I was on an orchestra trip, and the hotel we stayed at offered us breakfast wraps! It was like...a burrito with eggs and potatoes and bacon and yumminess, and I doused it all in ketchup. Delicious. I don't know why people were complaining about it afterwards, I thought it was lovely!

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New question!

So I got a Hearthstone beta key the other day and it's good fun. What it reminded me of, however, is my younger days when I used to dabble in all sorts of trading card games and played (terribly) at them all. With that said, today's question is:

What card games have you played or are you currently playing? Which is your favorite?

I've played Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, and the "children's card game." I have also played various games with a traditional deck of cards ranging from Go Fish to Texas Holdem Poker. In addition, I have played some other card games like Uno. I'm sure there's some cards from other games lying around but I don't think I played much more than that. I would have to say Magic the Gathering was my favorite though (until Hearthstone inevitably steals that spot, which I am currently playing as mentioned above).

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