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QOTD Thread: The End


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.....I really want to say yes because of my anxiety and general fear and difficulty speaking around people has resulted in a lot of missed opportunities and friends, but as others have mentioned fear can be useful as a survival mechanism to avoid things like making stupid decisions and recklessly endangering yourself, so I wouldn't get rid of it as much as I REALLY want to at times just to be safe.

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Ohmygosh... This is an extremely difficult question...

On one hand, no fear means nothing will EVER bother me again... I won't have those... stupid anxiety issues ever again. It's almost a little too good to be true?

But fear is a part of human instinct. Without it I'm not... I lose my humanity. Will the rest of my sanity go with it? My caution? Will I lose my ability to care about my safety and well-being, or anyone else's for that matter? It seems so wonderful at first and yet... the possibilities of it going so wrong are...

I... I suppose I can't...

... No. No, I couldn't do it.

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Depends on how much common sense I get to keep, too.

It'd be nice to just, I dunno, not deal with arachnophobia every time I even look at a spider that's halfway-realistic-looking and bigger than the size of a dime but

On the other hand I understand it's a survival thing and I don't want to do stupid things either.

If I can still manage to keep out of situations using logic and common sense, I'd go for it.

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Fear is a survival tool. People with no fear don't know when to back off, and promptly get beaten up/shot/eaten/otherwise entered into the Darwin Awards.

Best answer to this day's QOTD. This is why I refuse to make myself fearless.

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New question!

This one is a little similar to the previous question but inspired by something different. Anyone who's read the Inheritance cycle will probably recognize this.

If you could choose to suffer no pain (as in any sort of pain whatsoever that can even transcend physical pain), would you?

Personally, I wouldn't, for similar reasons explained in the book the issue was brought up in.

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No. It's just like fear. It's a survival tool.

And not feeling little cuts all over? That would lead you to not knowing your limits, etc.

...and besides, emotional pain? Empathy will be lacking. You need it to grow. To understand others.

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...and besides, emotional pain? Empathy will be lacking. You need it to grow. To understand others.

that actually raises a question about the question...is this about living without ever experiencing pain, or becoming unable to experience pain? if it's the latter you still would remember what emotional pain was like and still have the emphathy, just as if a human was dozed over by a truck and had their brain imbued into a robot body, they would still remember the pain they used to be able to feel. science fiction example!!

i would never want to give up physical pain, but emotional pain?

...just fucking STOP already. christ.

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Like the last question, I'll say no on grounds of pain is a good warning for those who have just, say, just put their hand on a hot stove...

....BUT really I'd go in the middle. Keep the pain that alerts you to a problem, add the ability to remove pain when you're actively dealing with the issue.

Seeing as we can't go for the middle ground though, I'll vote no overall.

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