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QOTD Thread: The End


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...But Advance Wars Days of Ruin (or Dark Conflict as we Europeans knew it) ended with the most evil level ever. Damn Stolos (Caulder) and his poison bomb lobbing Owl Nest!

Thank goodness for walkthroughs. Besides, I liked the Nest a lot more than say...anything Black Hole threw at us in other games.

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Dungeon and Dragons

note that I play neutral groups.

a funny scerario was:

So due to circumstances the party's Lawful anal paladin knocked out the mage and placed them into a villages prison. And to free him we had to destroy a nearby orc threat. Now there also a Gypsy Camp. Now, my thief character hates useless layabouts. And so spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to destroy the gypsy camp and the orc camp for minimum casualties to the parties side.

The idea struck me, we can get the Orc camp to attack the Gypsy camp and kill whoever is left alive. So my party killed a few orc patrols and raised them as skeletons and on the bodies claimed it was the gypsies and sicked them on the Orc camp. So the Orc's attacked the gypsies. While the party and real life players broke out chips and watched the slaughter. The characters mopped up in the end and both camps were then looted. The arrested characters were released and everyone that was alive was happy.

Also we would have left the village to die if it were not for the mage's being thrown in the prison and the paladin upholding the rules and general goodness

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New question. I'm sure people are going to have fun with this one.

What is the worst movie you have ever seen? I'd prefer movie titles you have seen the entirety of but I can understand if the movie is that bad.

I was going to say "The Last Airbender" but then I remembered "Eragon." Yes, it's possible to go lower than a Shyamalan movie.

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I don't remember the title, but it was a movie i saw in one of my classes in elementary school. It was about one average family, but then the 2 children died in a car acident, the parents got depressed but got over it, but then one year latter the father died in a car accident as well. Devasted the mother killed herself, and then god sent her to hell because it wasn't her time to die(wtf). Then the rest of the family tries to rescue her from a very psychodelic hell. I hated it so much when my elementary school put us, 13 years olds, to watch "deep" movies and didn't expect us to die of boredom

Have anyone here watched that movie as well? I'm curious about the title.

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I don't remember the title, but it was a movie i saw in one of my classes in elementary school. It was about one average family, but then the 2 children died in a car acident, the parents got depressed but got over it, but then one year latter the father died in a car accident as well. Devasted the mother killed herself, and then god sent her to hell because it wasn't her time to die(wtf). Then the rest of the family tries to rescue her from a very psychodelic hell. I hated it so much when my elementary school put us, 13 years olds, to watch "deep" movies and didn't expect us to die of boredom

Have anyone here watched that movie as well? I'm curious about the title.

Was that "What Dreams May Come"? It has Robin Williams, so it can't be the worst movie ever, but I don't know, watched it ages ago, but I remember only snapshots, certainly not enough to have any kind of opinion on it... but now I want to give it a go and see how I think of it.

This isn't the most original choice, but my vote goes to Troll 2. Which I recommend everyone watch, by the way. It's about vegetarian goblins that turn people into plants so that they can eat them. It was filmed in English with American... people, one can't call them actors, I'm not sure any of them had acting experiences (I know one main character was played by a dentist). But it was directed by an Italian guy with an Italian crew, none of whom had very good English. There's also a ghostly grandfather who can freeze time and throw molotov cocktails. Actually, this movie's pretty great, now that I stop to think about it. I hope it's still available on Netflix!

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scientific inaccuracies.

That's probably one of the worst things to judge a movie off of... x3 (especially a children's movie)

I don't know much in that area so that movie was perfectly fine for me~!

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oh i forgot about THe League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Even Sean Connery and a fun comic book series as the base couldn't save it.

I mean fudge.


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Was that "What Dreams May Come"? It has Robin Williams, so it can't be the worst movie ever, but I don't know, watched it ages ago, but I remember only snapshots, certainly not enough to have any kind of opinion on it... but now I want to give it a go and see how I think of it.

Yeah! That's the movie.

My problem isn't with the acting, that I barely remember, but with the plot, that was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. Also, I saw it when I was 13. Maybe I wouldn't find it as bad now...

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Even Twilight was better than the Eragon movie... ;~;

This, because sadly Twilight actually at least seemed to stick to the source material.

Eragon is terrible, but I think there's worse. I'd have to say Ice Age 3, for trying to claw my eyes out at the scientific inaccuracies.

Meanwhile in Pocahontas, history gets it in the ass.

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