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There is food tomorrow at family friend's place

In which I will just laptop while the actually responsible adults talk about responsible mature stuff while I make an attempt to start my homework early

but the food is probably good

Anyway my favourite national holiday as far as MURKUH is concerned is Christmas because that one gets the longest break

I have no cultural connections to holidays America celebrates so which one gets me a much needed reprieve from my heavy-as-fuck courseload is the one I like most

Mind, I like my classes but the work is overwhelming sometimes and let's face it, I'm lazy as fuck

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Dark_Huntress, it's nice that she was discharged in time for a holiday like this; I hope she's on the mend.

Yeah...me too. She had a stroke. x.x

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We don't celebrate thanksgiving here, even though I love the thanksgiving, so nothing.

My favourite national holiday would have to be Norouz, but mostly because it's the only one I've experienced at length. It IS pretty great, though. I would say things like Christmas but it's not celebrated in this country so I don't have personal experience with it (much like the thanksgiving) so even though I like it...yeah.

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Perhaps that's why Shirley's so sad all the time, because nothing happens during holidays =<

Me and my family are going over to one of my aunt's houses and eating with the family~! Also my father's family!!!

And I always love Christmas~

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I love any holiday that isn't on a saturday/sunday/ on my vacations. Or the ones that mean presents.

Presents and days without school/college/work are the best thing ever.

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my family is going over to a friends' house and we're eating there

also christmas season makes me so happy and is totally my NUMBER ONE


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I'm not sure. I might go in a bit further into the city with my family, but I may stay with my friend who's living with us right now. I like Thanksgiving but I don't want to leave her here. She might just go with us I guess.

Um, either 4th of July or Christmas.

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My dad's friend's family is going to come over to eat and celebrate thanksgiving. I'd be ok with it, if there weren't 20 of them. Honestly, I'd prefer it if I spent time with a friend, like I did when I was younger, but clearly that won't happen.

Favourite holiday? Hmm... Christmas for gifts, and I guess Easter

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Today: COOKING! My pie is due out of the oven soon, and then I have to do a salad.

Favorite holiday: Does Super Bowl Sunday count? That's the best time to go shopping~! :P:

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I had to work. I was expecting a nice, easy day, but we got bombarded with a bunch of early black Friday assholes... Seriously, people. It's Thanksgiving. Stay home with your family. I was going to go to my cousin's place for dinner with my parents, but I didn't make it home in time. I don't know where my cousin lives, so it looks like I'm on my own.

I would have to say my favorite holiday is Independence Day because it also happens to be my birthday.

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I love Christmas! My most favorite holiday by far :) As for Thanksgiving, I actually have this church thing to go to. It's like a Thanksgiving potluck kind of thing and a service following. My mom wants to do some black friday shopping after, but I'm really not so sure that's a good idea. AND THEN on Friday itself, my family is going out to eat with 2 other families at a restaurant, and there's a guy my age who's going and I'll have to entertain him. But he's really into computer science and all that kind of stuff whereas I....ahahaha...yeah we're not the same kind of people. And last time we ate together I exhausted all possible conversation topics to get him talking, and now I don't know what to talk to him about.

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New question!

What are your thoughts on Black Friday? Do you partake in it, joke about it, think it's unhealthy, etc?

Personally, as much as I like getting laughs with Black Friday jokes, I much prefer stuff like Cyber Monday because there's almost no chance of getting trampled (although your internet connection may get metaphorically trampled, lololol).

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