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QOTD Thread: The End


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Now for a rather open-ended question:

If you could change one past event, what would it be?

This can pertain to a historical event or something more personal, such as an event related to your life or the life of someone you know. A changed event will result in a positive or neutral result (if intended to be a "positive" result) or a negative or neutral result (if intended to be a negative result). < You can feel free to explore the possibilities of changing an event with all considered possibilities if you want.

I would personally somehow prevent Nazi Germany from coalescing, thus averting the Holocaust. Obviously there's more events I would LIKE to change, but yeah...

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I would personally somehow prevent Nazi Germany from coalescing, thus averting the Holocaust. Obviously there's more events I would LIKE to change, but yeah...

well, i'm an idiot who knows little to nothing about history, but here goes...weren't there worse holocausts out there than this german/jew holocaust most people refer to? i think i heard that the chinese holocaust was more brutal. on top of that, the holocaust you're referring to is the most well known, and often used as a model to show people that those types of horrors shouldn't be permitted to happen again. my theory is that if you stopped that german holocaust, people wouldn't learn from that event and it would negatively impact the future. maybe an even worse holocaust event further into the future, or a generally higher degree of mistreatment of one another in society.

...you can probably tell, but i wouldn't change my past if i had the ability. i'd be too afraid of having never met the people i really care about.

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Nope. I wouldn't change a thing. Shit stuff happens, but shit stuff always happens and it's not my place to retroactively avert it.

(nominating the counterpart: if you could peek at one potential future event what would it be)

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I'd never be able to pick just one thing to save if given the opportunity. I'd want to go back and fix everything. But... time really isn't something to be addled with. I - I don't want to say, "everything happens for a reason", because that just sounds so, so callous to me, but if you alter one thing, the changes spread to everything and everyone that one event touched. And sometimes, it may not be a good thing, even if it seems like it.

I mean, I actually don't know how to answer this question... so I'm sorry if my "response" - if you can call it that - is so...


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I'm afraid that changing too much might affect the present more than I want it to =<

I guess my largest regret is my procrastination, mostly with college stuffs~ But I'm a slow learner so I'm slowly learning from it... And I don't want to change so much of my past because I'm still young so all the troubles I've had at this point are still all things that I've learned from (though maybe even when I'm old I'll still learn from everything that happens~). It's just that I'm so slow, I feel like it's wasting a lot of my time... like I could have learned way quicker and it is kinda putting a lot of my money and effort I actually did put into things to waste~ If I were to change that, I would make myself a quicker learner~

I honestly can't think of anything I would want to change... not for me or for anybody else... And I feel like it shouldn't be up to somebody like me of all people what others' fates are x3

I think I'm thinking of this way more seriously than I am supposed to...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Nope. I wouldn't change a thing. Shit stuff happens, but shit stuff always happens and it's not my place to retroactively avert it.

I'll agree with this. I wouldn't be the person I was today if I changed anything, believe me I've done stupid thing after stupid thing but I learned from it all, meanwhile going to history that has happened, changing any of that would likely just have a counter result or would alter this world in some bizarre way that would be unforeseeable.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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