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QOTD Thread: The End


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Skyrim, at 8.62GB.

Followed by Rewrite at 7.09GB.

I think I remember StarCraft 2 being larger with patches, but I don't currently have it installed because I prefer Brood War.

I have no idea what individual file might be the largest. I love to keep everything in organized though, and anything I don't use gets archived in a storage folder or deleted.

More than 450 GB worth of music. So far I've listened to 189.8 Gb. =]

Bloody hell. Is that mostly lossless?

Edit: Forgot, double posting is frowned upon.

Edited by Wist
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It's a crapton of Cd's and tapes that have been converted, and I always sync my iPod with someone else's computer to nick their Music, and then I transfer it later. If they're Ok with that. I usually leave around 50 new artists on their iTunes as well.

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Steam and related gubbinz. The biggest single file (not on this partition) is a .rar archive of my entire Might and Magic 7 playthrough, 26 GB.

Since we're compared musics,


should i be worried? :(

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As far as individual files go, I have some ISOs that take up more than 8GB each. Also, I often record raw videos that can take up hundreds of GBs each, but they aren't permanent.

As far as sets of files go, my anime folder takes up nearly 1.4 TB.

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Some Linux and game ISO* files.

*Actually it is only accurate to use the term ISO when the ISO 9660 or UDF formats are used. (And variants like Joliet)

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Depends, is it illegal music?


i even bought the fucking ffx soundtrack and imported the $40 konami in-house band terra's album legimately tyvm

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i even bought the fucking ffx soundtrack and imported the $40 konami in-house band terra's album legimately tyvm

then there's no reason to worry buddy, you're a good guy and all that

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My TV series and a few movies, which is composed of MP4s, MKVs, and the much smaller .srt files, add up to a total of 217GB

As for music, I got 21.6 GB

Most of my games are GBA or DS ROMs that don't take that much space and it's too unorganized for me to even know how much I have of it

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74.4 GB of RAW uncompressed 3DS video.

That's just my biggest *file*.

Awakening takes up a lot of space.

After I'm done editing it, I compress it with lossless x264vfw.

...it still takes up a lot of room on my external 3TB, though.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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My Steam folder used to be huge with all my Skyrim saves, my Left 4 Dead 2 maps and all my Team Fortress 2 shit.

A few uninstalled games later (including TF2), adding a few (many less than a GB no less) and trimming some of the fatty bits gives me 170 GB.

My HDD also has a ton of television shows I don't watch much.

Edited by Woodshooter
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because we're like sooo interested right

May you never experience the joy of being stalked.

(yes I am serious)


i even bought the fucking ffx soundtrack and imported the $40 konami in-house band terra's album legimately tyvm

Evolution. Is worth it.

Answer to the question: Random, unsorted videos that I need to organize.

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74.4 GB of RAW uncompressed 3DS video.

That's just my biggest *file*.

Awakening takes up a lot of space.

After I'm done editing it, I compress it with lossless x264vfw.

...it still takes up a lot of room on my external 3TB, though.

Hey, that sounds like me back when I used to use Fraps. I had 30 minute clips that were 50 GB of uncompressed AVI (each)

Anyways: How often do you get your hair cut? Just give an average interval if you get your hair cut at erratic times. Another way to answer this question is "how fast does your hair grow?"

I probably get my hair cut once every 2.5 to 3 months. However, I haven't gotten a haircut lately even though I'm past due because I'm trying something that will hopefully ensure I don't need to get a haircut for the remainder of winter. My hair grows pretty quickly and is thick to boot.

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