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QOTD Thread: The End


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boney's awesome :<

I'm his/her biggest fan

I'll follow her/him until he/she loves me




Edited by Esme
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I'm fine with SBaHJ but I don't see how its related seeing as its a webcomic "created" by a character in Homestuck made to be intentionally bad, I was referring to shirts with things relating to "le me go derp trollface COME AT ME BRO TROLOLOL XD" and any other nonsense associated with it.

Oh ok. Well that's fine then. I sorta thought SBAHJ stuff might be memes (I'm pretty sure the "I warned you about those stairs" thing is) but if that's ok then it's all ok.

EDIT-I actually don't have such a shirt, but I've been on the cusp of buying one ever since I read the "to find out, buy the shirt?" strip.

Edited by SeverIan
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relationships. i want to spit on all of them.


People making fools of themselves. I'm not sure when it's cringeworthy, and when it's merely hilarious, but that's what comes to mind.

Dammit, I do that all the time!

People talking about waifus seriously.

Yeah, actually anytime someone uses the word waifu non facetiously.

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that's why they care about their "waifus", and i think it's really wrong to think of people as freaks or something because they care about it.

A waifu is a security blanket.

An ideal that will never be reached. A waifu is a no-maintenance object. There is no sacrifice. There is no effort.

It's something to outgrow.

Your loneliness will never be truly gone.

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Sudden jarring noises are likely the biggest cause of me cringing. Fire alarms i do not recognize as being fire alarms produce a slight panic in me. If i see some one else panic i will start running yelling "The fuck is that". It happened before.

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Dammit, I do that all the time!

You're generally the hilarious kind, though.

People making unbelievably stupid decisions.

You and I would get along well.

Oh wait I think we already do.

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i only need one person, and they're gone forever <_<

so infinite despair...

Needed...? What happened, I was temporarily inflicted with love earlier, so I'm a bit curious

Infinite despair's no way to go

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This sounds familiar... did we ever talk about this before?

But that really depends on how long it's been, if it was recent then I feel you, if it was a long time ago... then it's clinging, and that's not good for your health

But, this was an odd turn of events, I didn't mean to pry

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