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QOTD Thread: The End


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Technically, strength enhancing exo-skeletons already exist, they just aren't ready for practical use.

What I think will be ready, probably voice recognition that works.

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I keep missing questions...Whoops.

a video game controller that's so good it's even better than gamecube's

Lolol. Personally, I don't think the GameCube controller was that great...but this is coming from someone who prefers handhelds to home consoles. xD

To answer the question....Uh, that technology seen in Sword Art Online? It'd be pretty cool. :o

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Hm. Not too much of a turnout. Maybe this one will be a question of greater interest.

What would you do if you came across a large amount of wealth? You can assume you can buy (almost) anything you want, but you can't just simply buy everything and if you try to you will run out - assume you are as wealthy as Bill Gates or something.

Personally, if I ever came across a large amount of wealth, I wouldn't really change my lifestyle but I'd probably be more willing to help people I know out financially. Save, accrue, and not blow all my money mindlessly on an opulent lifestyle.

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I'd probably end up handing a good amount of it out to family and friends who were less fortunate along with some charities then keep the rest for my own small comforts.

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0. Taxes and all that.

1. Invest a small portion of it - enough such that I should be able to live comfortably for a large portion of my life, assuming I'm not stupid.

2. The rest gets donated, because fuck my forgotten relatives.

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i would pay off my college debt, buy instruments like a new acoustic guitar, an oboe, a trumpet, and a keyboard, buy a microphone and camcorder, buy stuff for my hair, buy new clothes, buy musical software, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD buy a new computer. start living the musical life ^_^

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assume you are as wealthy as Bill Gates or something.

72.7 Billion Dollars? Well... hello, never getting a job. Yeah, if I came into that much money out of nowhere.... I'm not getting a job. Wouldn't have to. Just invest a solid bit in places to keep income flowing, and I'd happily be one of those "unproductive" people.

First thing I'd do? Buy a car. Specifically... A Tesla Model S. Yes, a freaking Electric. Why? **** Gas.

Not cool? Have you ever seen a Tesla? There's a reason why I linked that. Teslas are cool. So what about sound, I don't care. I care more about the sound system than engine noise anyway.

Then... I'd get my teeth fixed. They ****ed up.

Then... I'd buy my family a house.

And myself one... maybe. Sure with that much money, I wouldn't be reliant on my family at all, but I'd rather stay around, because family's family.

...and I'd get a new computer, because with that much money? OH HELL YES. Sure "Project Cataclysm" is still good for just about anything right now, but I can do better.

Other than that, I'd be a lotta helpful to random folks and friends and such. Might put myself back in school for the hell of it, if only to meet new people and such.

72.7 Billion dollars is an assload of money, man.

...A bigger note though... I'd be more prone to carrying my gun. I wouldn't change much else though. I'd just be rich. That rich guy who goes to the park on a bike and swings. Because he can.

...I might try contacting "Nino". Maybe if I couldn't win her heart I could "buy" it. (No, probably not. Then again... I dunno.)

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Probably donate a bunch because I don't really need all that money anyway

Set aside amount n to make sure I will never go in debt for the rest of my life + investments and shit

Spend the rest trying to become Tony Stark except really bad at it because I'm not as smart as him :<

Or buy lots of bunnies and raise an army

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The first thing I would do is retire my parents and pay off all family debts. That includes debts of relatives and extended family. Then I'd set aside enough money for me to finish my education and get a degree. And finally....I'd probably go on a crazy shopping spree (crazy for me, anyway), and buy all the clothes and gadgets I've ever wanted. And I'd buy a lot of fancy stuff for my family. Then I'd make donations to church missions and charities and put the rest of it in the bank.

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